
The Lycan Kings human mate

Marie is the lowest werewolf in her pack despite being born into one of the highest Nobel families in her pack. why? because she lived and her mother died. Wanting nothing more than to escape her life she prays for the day she finds her mate. The day comes and Marie's life is turned upside down but not in the way she had hoped. Her life as she knew it became a distant memory and Marie must forge a new path for herself. When life once again takes a dark turn and Marie is pulled back to her original pack, and to her first mate will she fight to survive or will she let the darkness take her.

Butterfly_book · Urban
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Chapter 38

Jacob pulled Marie into chest and kissing the top of her head. 

"you are not broken Marie" offered words of reassurance despite his own inner turmoil. He could not help but think that if she was indeed broken it was he who had broken her. Jacob helped Marie to her feet and guided her to her bedroom.

"why don't you get some rest my mate. I will be down stairs" Jacob kissed her forehead and gently covered her with a blanket before making his way down stairs. 

Marie took a deep breath and the scent that filled her senses from the blanket brought tears to her eyes. Blake. 

"Lilah, I don't understand what is happening to me"

"nothing is happening to you. We have our true mate back. He has broken the vampire masking. We can be us again" Lilah offered an explanation but it did nothing to quell the stirring in the pit of Marie's stomach

"I feel the bond with Jacob as strongly as i did that night Lilah, but the love i had....have...for Blake is still there. I can feel it. Its pulling at the corners of my heart. I just don't understand if i was never really his mate, why did i feel it. Why did he feel it. Why did you claim him to be our mate that night. I have so many questions and no answers" Marie now exasperated threw the blanket to the floor. The scent of Blake pulling her in any different directions. 

"Marie, We will get answers i promise"

Marie did not want to talk anymore, she put her mental wall up to stop the communication between her and Lilah. She was happy she had her wolf back and felt a pang of guilt by putting up the wall but she needed to be by herself in her own thoughts and not have Lilah's confusing her. 

Marie grabbed her phone of the night stand and started typing a message. 

"Steve, I need to talk to you. Please can we meet? x "

Within seconds her phone beeped and indicated that Steve had replied. 

"When and Where?" Was all the message read. 

"Please meet me at the park next to the university. I will sit by the lake. Can you get here by this evening?"

"Yes, I will need to drive but i shall leave now. I should be there about 6. is this okay?"

"I will see you then. Thank you Steve" Marie typed her reply quickly and placed her phone back down on the bedside table. Now all she had to do was get out of the house and meet Steve. This would be easier said than done as Marie knew Jacob would not be happy about this. 

Marie decided to take a quick shower, changed into some blue high waisted jeans and a white shirt and some white converse trainers. She braided her red curly hair into two french braids and head down stairs. 

As Marie reached the bottom of the stairs she could hear Jacob and Michael's voices coming from the lounge. She reached the door and looked inside. The site from yesterday was no longer evident. The blood was all gone. The broken furniture removed and it smelt of bleach. Jacob turned to look at the door as he felt his mates Prescence.  He looked her up and down and could smell that she had just showered. He took in her outfit and a concern flashed through his mind. 

"Are you going somewhere Marie?" he questioned. 

Marie disliked the tone in which Jacob had used. Michael too had raised his head when he heard Jacob speak. 

"Yes, I am going to meet Steve."  Marie firmly replied. 

"What?" Jacob questioned. he was sure he had heard wrong. 

"I am going to meet Steve" Marie repeated. This time her voice wavered as she noticed a change in Jacob's eyes. 

"What do you fucking mean. you are going to meet Steve.  I don think so Marie" Jacob grew angry and his fists were clenched at his side. 

"I...I.." Marie stuttered as she noticed Jacob's body tense, his fist clench and his wolf come forward in his eyes "I have things that i wish to talk to him about Jacob"

"I said NO MARIE" Jacob roared in anger. 

Michael moved from the spot he had been watching from and took up position next to Marie. 

"Alpha, has a lot happened. I think if Marie wishes to discuss these things she should be allowed" 

"I DO NOT CARE WHAT YOU THINK MICHAEL. NOW LEAVE US" Jacob used his powerful alpha command on Michael. Michael tried with all his might to but he could not deny a direct order from his alpha. 

Pain flashed cross his eyes as he met Marie's. "I am sorry" he whispered as he turned and took his leave. 

Marie watched him walk out the house and close the door behind him. Fear was building in her chest. She turned her gaze back to Jacob. His eyes were flashing black with that of his wolves. His entire body was tensed. 

"Jacob, please calm down. I just simply want to talk him. There are items of mine at their pack house i would like back" Marie knew she could not tell Jacob the true reason as to why she was going to see Steve. 

"DO NOT LIE TO ME MARIE. you are hoping HE will be there" Jacob Spat. 

Tears pulled at the corners of Marie's eyes. The fear beginning to over take. "No, No Jacob that is not it. I am yours remember" 

"LIAR" Jacob roared as he marched over to Marie. he was now standing so close that Marie could hardly withstand the power erupting from his body. She could feel Lilah cowering in her mind. Every part of her body was screaming at her to submit. 

"Jacob please, I need to do this before we return home" She slowly began to reach out her hand to meet his face. Jacob let out a warning growl. 

"Don't touch me Marie. You are lying to me" Jacob's anger was growing by the minute. Marie dropped her hand. the fear now reaching her throat. 

"I..I am not lying Jacob but it is okay. I wont go. I will stay here with you" Marie slowly lifted her gaze to meet his.

Jacob did respond. He marched past Marie and out of the house. Marie heard the roar of a car start and then speed of down the road. Marie dropped to her knees. The tears now falling freely down her cheeks.