
The Lycan Kings human mate

Marie is the lowest werewolf in her pack despite being born into one of the highest Nobel families in her pack. why? because she lived and her mother died. Wanting nothing more than to escape her life she prays for the day she finds her mate. The day comes and Marie's life is turned upside down but not in the way she had hoped. Her life as she knew it became a distant memory and Marie must forge a new path for herself. When life once again takes a dark turn and Marie is pulled back to her original pack, and to her first mate will she fight to survive or will she let the darkness take her.

Butterfly_book · Urban
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51 Chs

Chapter 13.

As the moonlight continued to cast its gentle glow into the room, through the broken window Marie stirred on the bed, her eyelids fluttering open. The events of the evening were a haze in her mind, a jumble of sensations and emotions. She blinked a few times, her vision slowly adjusting to the soft illumination.

Her gaze landed on Blake, who had been by her side all this while. Their eyes met, and a mixture of relief and warmth flooded her senses. "Blake," she murmured, her voice still groggy from her unconscious state.

"Hey," he replied softly, a small smile gracing his lips. "You're awake."

Marie tried to sit up but her arms felt weak as she tried to push herself up. Blake shifted his position on the bed and lowered her back down she was resting on his chest. his warmth spreading through Marie's body like fire and she found herself snuggling down into him. Memories of the evening's events began to resurface—Jacob's unexpected appearance, her collapse. Marie suddenly jolted forward and started pulling at her top. she grasped the hem and pulled it up revealing nothing more than just a silvery coloured scar. The black marks which once plagued her body as a reminder of the night she wanted to so desperately to forget had gone. She jumped from the bed and walked over to the full length mirror that had some how managed to survive the earlier events and gazed at her reflection. She ran her fingers over her body tracing the lines that were no longer there. She twisted and turned in the mirror to check every inch of her body. Blake watched on but did not say a word.

"I can't believe it," Marie said softly still staring at her self in the mirror, "They have gone"

She turned to Blake with tears falling down her cheeks. Blake was quickly by her side and he cupped her face with both of his enormous hands. his touch both comforting and grounding. Marie pushed her cheek into his hand and looked up to meet his gaze.

"Blake, they have gone" Marie could not help but to repeat this over and over again scared that if she stopped they would come right back.

" I know baby" Blake pulled Marie into his chest and kissed the top of her head. The mate bond pulling them closer together with each passing minute.

As the excitement of the disappearing marks settled, Marie's emotions began to shift, and a wave of panic surged through her. The realization that she was now connected to Blake by the mate bond, a bond that was typically associated with supernatural beings, left her feeling overwhelmed and uncertain. She pushed herself away from the warm comforting embrace.

She stared at Blake, her heart racing, her thoughts racing even faster. "Blake, what does this mean? I'm just a human, and you're... you're a Lycan wolf. How can I be your mate?"

Blake's expression softened with understanding as he reached out, his fingers gently brushing against her hand. "Marie, the mate bond doesn't distinguish between humans and supernatural beings. Wolves and humans have been mated together for centuries"

Marie's panic didn't subside. "But what if I'm not enough? What if being human isn't what you want in a mate? What about the pack you apart of don't accept me, I cannot go through being hated by another pack again" Marie began pacing the floor her emotions running to high to notice that she was walking over the broken glass from the window.

"My pack will accept you, you have nothing to worry about" Blake tried to reassure Marie.

"You do not know that, your pack are loyal to the alpha what if he does not approve of a human being in the Lycan pack" Blake let out a throaty laugh.

"Oh I am sure the alpha will approve" Marie threw a look at Blake. "Why are you laughing, you do not know what your alpha will do"

Marie started to breathe faster as her heart rate continued to increase along with her pacing.

"he will make you reject me when he realises how useless I am. I cannot do this Blake. I cannot survive another rejection" Marie's thoughts spiraled higher and higher.

Blake grabbed Marie's hands and stopped her pacing. He raised her chin so her gaze met his.

" I will never reject you and I know the alpha will not make me reject you because I am in the Alpha, well King actually" Marie's eyes grew wide with horror at Blake's words.

"you are THE Lycan king" The words came out so quietly even Blake struggled to hear them.

" I need to, I need to go" Marie wriggled out of Blakes touch and moved away from him. She picked up her pace and she made her way to the door.

"Marie! Please don't leave me" Blakes words hit her straight in the heart and made her stop in her tracks. She turned to look at Blake and was met with his face full of pain and sadness.

"I just need to be alone Blake. These last few hours have turned my world upside down and I barely had it the right way up to begin with" She saw the pain her words caused flash across Blakes face.

" I understand, I am sorry, but please this is your home. You should stay. I will leave" Blake picked his phone up from the bed " I have somebody coming to fix your window in the morning" with that Blake turned and walked out of the bedroom.

Marie's heart ached with every step that he took away from her. The same feeling she experienced earlier stirred in her mind.

"What have you done, Why have you pushed him away from us" Marie jumped and screamed at the voice that rang in her mind.

"Lilah?" Marie questioned "I dont understand - You were gone, I am was human. How are you here"

"Mate Mate Mate Mate" suddenly rang out in her mind, then the most intoxicating smell she had ever smelt surrounded her. It smelt like the sea breeze mixed with bonfires. She turned around to see Blake standing in the door way. Concern written all over his face. He rushed over to her and started to examine her " What is wrong? you screamed. Are you hurt? is it the marks?"

Marie could not take it any longer. She stopped his hands from patting her body and when their eyes met she leant forward and kissed him. Blake did not hesitate and kissed her back. Marie's lips parted to allow him to explore her mouth further with his tongue. As he did so a small groan left her lips. The kiss deepened and soon Blake had picked Marie up and carried her over to the bed without breaking the kiss. She could feel his body weight on top of her as his hands started to explore her breasts, teasing her nipples though her bra. She felt her core tighten and panties become wet. "Blake" She moaned his name against his ear. Blake growled and his lips started to explore her jaw line and down her collar bone. Marie arched her hips and was greeted by Blakes cock bulging against his trousers.

Marie undid the belt and then released the button and zip. Blake pulled back and looked into deeply into her eyes

"Are you sure about this?" Marie breathless from the heat and pleasure his touch was bringing her slid her hand down into his boxers and started to stroke his rock hard cock.

"Please don't stop" with those words and the feeling of his cock in her hand Blake let out a low growl.

His hands expertly whipped her top over her head and unclasped her bra. He pushed her back down onto the bed and lowered his mouth to her breasts taking 1 nipple into his mouth sucking and teasing with his tongue whilst he rolled the other with his fingers. Marie was dripping wet and her core was aching for Blake. Blake could smell how much she wanted him and this only spurred him on. He slowly slid his hand down over her hip and down her thigh. Marie's grasp on his cock tightened as her strokes became faster. Blake started to pull at her trousers and Marie instinctly lifted her hips to allow her trousers to pulled down. Once her trousers were off Blakes hand started rubbing her swollen clit over the top of her pants which were now dripping with wetness. He moved them aside with ease and slowly slid one finger into her pussy. Marie moaned and writhed against his hand begging for me. Blake could feel how tight she was and he knew once he had his cock inside her he would not be able to last long. He kissed her and parted her lips with his tongue at the same time of sliding in a second finger. Marie writhed even harder as he worked her pussy sliding his fingers in and out milking her for everything her body was willing to give. He pulled his fingers out wiped his tongue over them tasting her for the first time. He cock hardened further as her wetness washed over her taste buds,.

"I want you" Marie whispered as she stared into his eyes. Blake lifted himself up and positioned himself over her with his cock at her entrance.

"I want you too" With that he slid his cock deep inside. Euphoria washing over the both of them as their bodies moved perfectly in time with each other. Blakes thrusts got harder and deeper but he was determined to not cum before Marie. He continued worked her pussy and suck her breasts bringing her closer and closer to the edge. Marie started to moan louder and her nails dug deep into the skin of Blakes back. Her hips arched and her legs wrapped tighter around him as she fell over the edge. Blake followed and emptied himself deep inside her.

Blake rolled over onto his back but moved Marie onto his chest. Both of their chests rising and falling hard. Blake stroked Marie's hair and she ran her fingers up and down his well defined abs.

Soon Marie's breathing levelled out and Blake knew she had fallen asleep. He leant down to grab the blanket that was folded on the end of the bed and covered them over. Soon he found himself drifting off peacefully too.

Hi all, I have worked hard on getting some content uploaded over the last couple of days to make up for the extended period of time i was unable to update. If you could please leave a comment,review or add to library that would be great just so i know somebody out there is reading this.

Thank you again for reading xx

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