
The Lycan Evolver

feelnlucky · Fantasy
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37 Chs


Tristan and Crim stepped out of the portal and were greeted by fresh wild air. The stepped down from the platform and noticed the military outpost really was more like a guard tower a shack and walls to protect the teleporter, a few guards gave them slight glances before shrugging and going about there business.

"I figured it might be rough here, but the really don't care here" Tristan said to Crim.

"Yeah my guess is we are free to do anything but break the teleporter here, That seems to be their mission so I bet that's all they care about" Crim said. by the rough look of things his statement must have been correct, Tristan and Crim started moving towards the gate, with the sorry state of the little outpost the had no hopes of any sort of help.

A rather unkempt looking guard grumbled as they asked him to open the gate and let them through " You two are wasting my time, you are far too green, you'll either come crying back here in about an hour and I'll have to open this gate again, or you'll just die out there, either way you are wasting my time and energy" the guard grumbled as Tristan and Crim left.

"Kill me if I ever become as pathetic as the lot that's stuck here" Tristan said to Crim shaking his head.

"Same here, these people seem to have just given up completely out here, I wonder why it really shouldn't be that bad here" Crim replied. As both boys started to get out of sight of the outpost they both transformed into their wolf forms. Both of them were finding themselves increasingly comfortable as a wolf. Tristans wolf form seemed to be maturing it was now almost twice as large as Crims and while Tristans stats were the same he knew that his wolf form was getting stronger.

Their plan still held with trying to find Ents first and even trap them if needed, before they did that they needed to find a suitable place to camp. They moved together at almost a full sprint with Tristan leading the way. His senses were so good he could now smell and sense things that were miles away and avoid things that were dangerous or pointless to fight at the moment. Most things he was smelling were foreign to him but his instincts seemed to fill in the blanks on what was dangerous and what wasn't, and so far it had been almost completely correct he only had a close call with an alligator like creature hiding in a river, but he was able to dodge and evade it easily while Crim just ignored it and phased through it.

"This is why I still can beat you" Tristan laughed at Crim " you allow yourself to be lazy"

"It's really not my fault that with a thought almost nothing can touch me" Crim replied with an eye roll knowing that Tristan was right. Even though at the moment Crim would be considered more powerfull Tristan appeared to be the perfect counter to Crim and while Crim could afford to be lazy Tristan couldn't so he was constantly honing his reflexes and skills.

After traveling for several hours they found a suitable location to set up their small camp, it was in small cave that would be enough for them to sleep and stay warm, which was all they needed in their wolf forms. They decided to settle down until nightfall being that both of them were far stronger at night.

*Quest Issued*

You are in a wild area: find and hunt 5 apex predators and claim 5 unique evolution traits... beware of a greater predator.

"Um that's a bit odd" Tristan thought to himself "the quest didn't issue any rewards or penalties...also was that a warning at the end? Just what exactly is this quest and I'm beginning to question what this system really is" Tristan was excited about getting more evolution traits, the claws from the panther were incredibly useful to him but he was worried about the mention of a greater predator. Apex predators were supposed to be the top of the food chain so if there was something above that it had to basically not even be a part of the food chain.

Tristan also considered telling Crim about the system and about being some sort of Lycan... however he was unsure how Crim would take it all. He pushed the thought to the back of his mind as he pondered more about the "Greater Predator" he knew that the way the system worded the warning had to be important, it didn't tell him to stay away from it or fight it just beware. Somehow the system had ways of knowing what was around him and almost seeing somewhat into the future with the quests it issued, it made Tristan question how strong the system was and if he could somehow unlock its potential further.

He took the first watch while Crim fell asleep, they needed to be ready for the night that was ahead of them.

Finally back at it, sorry for no chapters last week, the plan is for somewhere about 20 chapters this week to make up for it.

feelnluckycreators' thoughts