
The Lycan's Sin

Author: B_Mitchylle
Fantasy Romance
Completed · 2.7M Views
  • 483 Chs
  • 4.8
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  • NO.200+

What is The Lycan's Sin

Read ‘The Lycan's Sin’ Online for Free, written by the author B_Mitchylle, This book is a Fantasy Romance Novel, covering R18 Fiction, MYSTERY Light Novel, REVENGE Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: [MATURE CONTENT]“Are you mating with someone?”Stunned, she took a step back, widening the space between them. “ Excuse m...


[MATURE CONTENT] “Are you mating with someone?” Stunned, she took a step back, widening the space between them. “ Excuse me?” “Ah…” A sigh left his lips. “ Perhaps, I need to rephrase my question. Are you f*cking someone?” She sucked in a quick breath, not knowing what to say. Anger reared itself in her head, mixing with unexpected desire. Sadly, desire was winning. He lifted an eyebrow, and in the next instant, he was already standing in front of her body. Her instincts kicked in. She took a couple steps back until her back hit the wall. The smell of chocolates and almonds rolled between them. Entranced, she thought she smelled the sweetness of the wine but it disappeared as quickly as it came. “I don’t think that is any of your business, Mr. Graydon.” she made a sound of annoyance. “Is it not?” His breath fractured, his eyes darkened with desire. “No.” Her lips quivered at her obvious denial. She mustered all the courage she could, hoping he wouldn’t smell her arousal. She knew it was for naught. His fingers lightly brushed her cheeks, then they trailed down her neck, lingering on her collarbone, the contact sent shivers down her spine. It awakened the primal need she had been wanting to hide since they met. She wanted him. No. She needed him, inside her. Her face flushed at the thought of him taking her, preferably right against these walls. “You want me,” he stated. ““As much as I want you.” Shocked by her own raw and potent yearning, she turned her head away. “I don’t…” “Shhh…” he silenced her with a finger. Then he inched closer, so close his long lashes brushed against her cheek. Her heart pounded like a drum against her chest, fast and hot in anticipation. “Now tell me little one… do I need to get rid of someone before I make you beg me to let you come?” ...... Is love worth the chaos it brings? ..... Tags: #lycans #witch #strongfemalelead #strongmalelead #norape #smut #mates #slowburn .... Check out Complete Information inside! ..... Written by: B.Mitchylle Email: bmitchylle@gmail.com Insta: @b.mitchylle Discord: MitchyMitch#3750 EDITED by: S.T. Ahikx Insta: @S.T. Ahikx I DO NOT OWN THE COVER!

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Table of Contents
Latest Update
Volume 0 :Auxiliary Volume
Volume 1 :Volume 2
Volume 2 :Volume 3-
Volume 3 :Volume 4
Volume 4 :The King and Queen of Lycans


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this is one of the ecxiting books you should check and read. ah this author is superb! a story that has suspense, mystery and absolutely romance. i know that this book will give you a lot of steamy chapters ahead so buckle up! what are you waiting for??? add it now to your library and read! hehe... 💯💫


I dont really review any of the books i read. But i think helping new authors is worth it. To anyone reading this i recommend to read this novel! you will be asking for more!! you can thank me later c;


So I was just browsing when i fall on this masterpiece. I didn’t expect to be this engrossed... I just wanted to see which book was on the wsa. So fiding this treasure was unexpected. I soooo happy because the story is appealing. All characters are unique and interesting, i automatically try to understand their mindset and thinking and thats what makes me like your bokks even more. The development is not slow but not too fast either. We adapt as the story goes and its so intriguing. Every chapter makes me want to spend my coins to know whats gonna happened. So thank you author, thanks for your hard work i really like it!!. Im rooting for ya💪 FIGHTING


Reveal spoiler


okay so I really was not having any expectations when I picked it up. it was honestly a random pick. but boy I'm a loving this . It has everything that I could ask for in a good book. Good character development ✅ amazing plot ✅ suspense and thriller ✅✅ kudos to the author. you have done an amazing work here. keep writing.


OMG!! This book has me so enraptured. If you a love a good mystery, great story writing, great chemistry between the main characters and well developed main characters, you have to add this book to your library ASAP!! You won’t be sorry. Add it today!!


Okayyy i jus started and finished 100 chapters in a day.... I'm hooked !!! the author beautifully describes the whole scene and the emotions of the characters ....i looove Ava and Mathew ( and the spicy 🔥 romance 🙈) ....can't wait to c how the story unfolds further!!!


I normally give a review once i finished reding the entired story or whn its complited. Butbthere is always an exception. I highly recomend this book to y‘all. Its worth it, just give it a glimpse and i assured y’all wont regret it… Happy reading ❤️


okay, this book is amazing. i obviously didn't expect to live it this much but here i am. i dont even read much but this book just grabbed my attentiin from the get go. i totally adore Matthew and Ava.


Definitely one of the best modern fantasy novels with a twist I've read and it is totally worth the coins and time you spend. Ava and Matthew💙💙 one of my favourite couples that I've become obsessed with. The maturity of the characters is too notch. This is a obsessive read, y'all should definitely give it a try💙💙


I Just Read It Synopsis And I Fell In Love With It 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘 I Will Definitely Read This One 💙💙[img=recommend][img=recommend]


another one from fav author, but your read got no money for reading thee locked chapters...😒😪


I enjoyed reading it .it wasn't long and boring or repeated. kept me hooked. would like more stories like this.


Hi!👋 So, I don't really do book reviews here on webnovel, and I didn't find any books that is really good, that it can take my whole time and attention to read. But, this ✨masterpiece ?✨ This Novel? is recommended to me and I gave it a try and read it, and it didn't disappoint my taste. I really love it, the characters, the story, the details, all of it, IS PERFECT✨ It is my escape everytime I am bored, I LOVE IT! Good job to the author too, for writing this masterpiece ✨👏💞. I'll read Eve's Gambit next!😘


I LOVE THIS NOVEL. Crime and romance hooked me in right away, but I cannot express how much I love this novel. Grammar is good, and the writing quality is extremely skillful in my opinion. GIVE IT A TRY!!!


Novel is pretty good. Explicit and the female lead is strong. The male lead is also good. I just wish there is more happy moments. But I get it, the suspense is there and it will leave you hanging all the time.


the book is ok. female lead and male lead is realistic. i like it. Theres also some mystery and a little bit of suspense .so far so good. thanks


This is such a good book! It draws me in and has me craving more. The writing is fabulous, the pacing is great and the worldbuilding and the mystery addictive. I love it! ❤️


Based on the 22 chapters read so far, great story, interesting and well written. Ava can get annoying but just enough to not make you stop. Oh and the chapters are long enough that the FP does not feel wasted . 😀. Give it a try.


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