
The Lycan's Little Witch

Emily Davis is the daughter of a witch and the stepdaughter of a werewolf. She lives in her stepfather’s pack while learning to control her witch powers. However, when her mate rejects her, she goes to her godmother’s house under the pretense of brushing up on her witch education. A year later, she attends a ceremony for her best friend and brother in spells Theo at his university. However, the guest of honor decides to wreak havoc with one simple word. "Amore." Now, Emily must balance her feelings, the impending threat of grave robbers, her responsibilities, and a necromancer who is more than they appear to be.

HarmonyS · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Chapter 12


I sat at the conference table in a separate wing of the ballroom. All the representatives were present. Yolanda, the fairy queen, Derek, the vampire lord, Gloria, the nymph priestess, Hagen, the current head of the Hunters Association, Sean, the werewolf alpha of the royal pack, and me, Zyair, third son of the lycan king and queen who watch over all werewolves. Sort of stupid if you ask me.

My eyes glances around the room. Dammit, she's not here. Everyone in this room was ready to start, except....yeah...The only one missing was Cheryl, the High Magus of witches and wizards.

"What's the matter, wolf boy?" Derek sneered.

Stupid bloodsucker. I don't know why but werewolves and vampires have never gotten along. The same is said for lycans and yet, vampires have become the mates and amores of our kind. One of the many mysteries of the world, I guess.

Before I could respond, the door opened to reveal the Cheryl. For a 500 year old bag, she looks good. Her Emerald dress and pose demanded respect. Sean stood from his seat and pulled out hers. It was then that I noticed a heavenly scent. It consisted of marshmallows and strawberries. Maybe a perfume?

She nodded a thank and sat down. Sean returned to his seat.

"Apologies," Cheryl smiled, sheepishly. "A lady must never be rushed. Especially at her son's ceremony."

She twirled a strand of hair around her finger. Everyone gave her congratulations then we began the meeting.

It consisted of the main topic. Grave robbers. Everyone gave their two cents, but Cheryl was the only one with the answer. A necromancer. The forbid dark art of any magical being.

Truth was, anyone can perform necromancy, but it's more associated with witches and wizards because of their ability to see the dead.

Lately, hoards of decayed rogues and vampires have been breaking into the territories. They've been collecting bones and ashes as well as the murdered bodies of the innocent creatures they've killed.

I can feel wolf growling inside me. It wanted to avenge the innocent beasts that were caught in the crosshairs of some madman.

Yolanda thinks his goal is to kill Cheryl. If he were to do that, then his powers would be unstoppable. However, there was a problem with that.

Cheryl was no longer the High Magus. She was just filling in until her son, the Magus heir, was inaugurated. So, we had an advantage.

"Although this is a top priority, I think it is best if we forget about this issue for tonight," Cheryl suggested. "It is a night of celebration. A new generation of Hunters is about to be brought to light. Let us just relax for this one night before we return to our duties as royals."

"I agree," Derek nodded.

The smug bastard.

The others agreed as well, and they were right. Tonight was meant to be a happy occasion. After everyone left, I approached Cheryl. It was then I noticed the smell. It wasn't perfume. Marshmallows and strawberries...this smell was my amore.

And it was coming from Cheryl. However, something wasn't right. I asked Cheryl if about the scent, and she stared into my eyes. Hers widening.

"Hazel eyes," she mumbled. But I heard her. "Like chocolate."

She knew what I was talking about. She took a step back.

I grabbed her arm. "You know who my Amore is, don't you?" My voice became deep and beast like. My lycan had taken control.

Cheryl ripped her arm away from. "You need to calm down," she gritted. "You're about to enter a room filled with lower ranking wolves."

I took a deep breath trying to reign in my lycan. I told him to be patient and not to scare our amore. Thankfully, it calmed him down.

"Good," Cheryl sighed, holding a hand to her heart.

"Take me to them," I demanded.

Cheryl glared at me. "You'd better hurt her!"

The nerve of this witch. How dare she say that?

"I would never," I growled.

"Good, she's been burned once before, I don't want her to go through that again," she stated.

"What do you mean?" I asked. Did someone hurt my amore? Who? Who would dare hurt her?

"That's her story to tell," Cheryl said, motioning for me to follow her.

I was still reeling from what Cheryl said. Who hurt my amore? Did she have a boyfriend who broke her heart? If she did, I'd find the price and rip him to shreds.

I didn't realize that my dominant aura was leaking out. That caused the crowd to part like the red sea. Cheryl stopped in the middle of the parted crowd and began searching through it. Obviously looking for my girl.

I took in a deep breath and smelled her. The sweet aroma of strawberries and marshmallows overwhelmed Mr. She was close, and I could tell and smell.

I glanced through the crowd until my eyes met a pair of beautiful green eyes. They were....I had no words to describe them. They were intoxicating.

Her eyes were locked on mine too, and I knew right there and then that she was mine. I made my over to her, and noticed a woman standing beside her. She had just moved in front of my amore, but quickly stumbled away due to my dominant aura.

My amore tried to reach out for the woman, I assumed she was her mother. A task I'll have to get to later.

Before she could get too far away, I grabbed her wrist. Holding it in my hand. Her skin was soft and he'd body was frail. I could feel it in the way her arm trembled.

"Amore," I breathed.

She gazed at me awestruck by what I just said. I saw her eyes dart behind me, and I knew who she was looking at. Cheryl's son, Theodore. I'd recognize his scent anywhere.

"You only look at me," I growled. She jolted and regained her eye contact with me.

I released her wrist and grabbed her hand instead.

"Beautiful," I said, kissing my hand.

The blush on her face was the last straw. My wolf took complete control and marked her right there. In front of the entire world. She scream was nothing hut pleasure as well as the moan that followed shortly after.

After I finished licking her wound, I felt her go limp in my arms.

Shit! Was I too much for her? Damn.

I placed a hand under her legs and began carrying her bridal style out the ballroom. From the corner of my eye, I saw the worried looks of her parents. Way to make a first impression with the in laws.

I looked forward to see Theodore standing in my way. He glared at me, hard too. I'll admit the kid's got guts.

"Where are you taking her?" He demanded.

"None of your business, pup," I gritted.

Cheryl stepped in and took her son away. She started mumbling about how it was alright and that Emily was in good hands.

Emily....the name rolled off my touch and I felt electricity shoot right through my body.

I made my way to the car, and told the driver to take me to my penthouse. I held my amore in my arms. Watching her sleep.

I pushed a strand of hair away from her face and admired her sleeping form.

"I've found you," I whispered, kissing her forehead. "And you're mine, forever."