
The Lustful Young Master is Sinister!

Warning: -Sexual content- Dual Cultivation -Not a Simp Mc -Op Mc, powerful system -I don't give a fuck you are dying, Type MC -Narcissist, Egoist Mc but not that mentally weak to react immediately #Book supports game element: - 500 Powerstone = 1 lottery for MC - 50 Golden ticket = 1 lottery for Mc - Holiday theme special plotlines. Cover: Thanks Miso_Hen ——— Ah! Here we go again, another edgy villain novel that haunts the protagonist, aka, the chosen son of heaven. Tsk! Such a cliche! Constantly used plotline with repeated storyline. Hunt the protagonist with a Jade like beautiful sister and steal his sister after 50 chapters milking his luck. Hunt the protagonist with this cheat, hunt the protagonist with that cheat. --- Beta: Ahhh! Damn it... When will the good day come? Author: Well, don't ask me, I just got here. Beta: Fuck it! I want a good story. Author: Junior, trust this senior, this is a good one Beta: Arggh! Shut up! I hate it. Author: courting death! Go and ask Yama how good this is. Beta: Y-You, how dare you? Author: I will give you 10 breaths of time, cripple your cultivation, and scram!! Beta: Good! Very Good! Author: *Raises his eyebrows and turns beta into useless dust particles* ----- Chad: senior, I have been enlightened, I wish to know more about what you have in this ancient script. Author: ah! An intelligent and wise junior, you have raised a very good question. Here are things this forbidden ancient script contains. •Sinful activity: this book contains the profound sinful activity of balancing the Yin and Yang, by, shoving the mighty Yang rod in the Yin Hole. •System - MC relationship: fuck... Ahem* Ahem* sorry for tongue slip. Forget the classic old system, here take this hot waifu tsundere system. ( not that edgy ) •Steal everything: junior! Are you tired of Mc only stealing the jade beauties that were created for the protagonist? Well, let's process further and add the Protagonist's mother, aunt, and sister, into Mc's harem. Chad: oh! The senior really blessed me with such a divine forbidden Scripture, here take my money and give me the chapters. Author: oh! Ho Ho! I haven't finished yet. Here are a few more. •Cold, ruthless, protagonist: sorry, but, he will even kill the child as long as he gets something in return. Throw; morality and humanity out the window. ( not a classical ‘Villan’ who only hunts the protagonist. The story doesn't just revolve around hunting the chosen one, ) •Just because you are a heroine doesn't mean, you can step on my head, know your place. Mc will even kill the heroine if they bother him. Chad: Say no less senior, from today onward, I will join your sect and follow you till I die. * Kneels and accept author as his master * Author: Very well, here is the key to join my sect. https://discord.com/invite/QaCzkvHsuN https://discord.com/invite/tknrUfPfrb https://dsc.gg/culturesect Chad: Thanks senior, I will join the sect immediately. Author: I see great potential in you junior, trust me, you will go way forward. Chad: You honor me with your words senior, please, let me read the forbidden Scripture that is banned by the heavens. Author: say no more! ——— Tags: OP MC, SYSTEM, HAREM, ACTION, ADVENTURE, THREESOME, Not so dumb Mc, Ancient treasure, Edgy writing, I don't give a Shit -Mc, not my problem- Mc, powerful battles, dual cultivation, diverse race harem, Evil Mc.

Cultured_Daoist69 · Eastern
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262 Chs

Step-mother 3

Hearing his words, she looked at him with a confused gaze while she slowly opened her mouth, " N-No! I don't like to suck it... "

Hearing this, Bai Lung smirked and looked at her," Can you please repeat it, I couldn't hear it, " Saying that, he pulled her hair backward, causing her face to arch forward to his cock.

" N-No! " She screed while she grabbed Bai Lung's arm to reduce the pain.

" What? I don't know what the fuck are you saying? All I hear is you saying kill my son, so, you want this very good then, " Bai Lung said while he got up but, he continued to pull her hair.

" Aarghh! YES! I WANT TO SUCK YOUR STUFF! I would love to suck it... Aarghh- " she groaned.

" Good Girl! " Saying that, Bai Lung let go of her hair.

"From what I knew, you were a dancer, right? Dance in front of me, you better have that ass, or else... " Saying that, Bai Lung sat back on the bed while he picked up a purple cloth that was on the bed.


It wasn't a surprise that it was a cloth that she wrapped around her chest, so, it was like a bra Thus, Bai Lung smells it.

After smelling it, he wrapped it around his cock and began to stroke it.

" What are you waiting bitch? I said dance, " Bai Lung snorted.

Hearing his request, she clenched her fiat and began to move her hands and legs.

" Tch! I am not feeling it... Take off your clothes and dance, I want to see your boobs bouncing, I wanna see that thicc ass vibrating and wiggling in the air, " Bai Lung ordered while he continued to masturbate.

With trembling hands, she removed the black cloth that covered her boobs to her crotch, showing her naked body.

She had a humongous breast, with a sexy pink nipples that looked juicy.

See those juicy nipples Bai Lung couldn't contain himself, he wanted to suck them and pinch them.

" Come here you fucking whore... " Bai Lung ordered with his cold voice, which felt colder than Antarctica.

Her body cowers hearing his coldness, as he was doing was using her son's name and she couldn't do anything aside from accepting his absurd request.

Seeing her milk like white skin with a sexy curves in the right place, Bai Lung couldn't contain himself.

Looking at her slightly wet crotch, he wanted to shove his dick right away and shoot his load inside.

There is simply no stopping for Bai Lung now.

Either Bai Lung will fuck every woman he finds beautiful or he will die in the hands of someone else.

Once she arrived at a little short distance where Bai Lung could easily gran her, Bai Lung stretched his arms and pulled her closer.

Pulling her closer he places her at his lap while his cock was rubbing her naked wet crotch.

As for his face, he was putting it in her huge breast while inhaling her breast particle.

Uuuffffff! ( deep breath )

" For someone of lower birth, you do seem to have a good smell... Such a sluty scent, you were born to pleasure man, " Saying that, his hands rushed forward and grabbed her nipples.

" Please don't say such vulgar things...I am not....aaaarghhh!!!! "

Firstly he pinched those nipples hard causing her to stop blabbering, after that, he began to move his hand a good her body touching her every part.

" Shut up! " saying that coldly, he began to touch her every single part from toe to head. " listen well bitch, every part I just touched in your body belongs to me from now on... Including your soul, "

Saying that he rubbed his penis up her clit while his finger grabbed her busty butt and squeezed them.

" Did I make myself clear or should I repeat myself, " Bai Lung spoke while he squeezes her butt hard until her white butt cheeks turned pale red.

" Y-Yes! " She uttered.

" What yes? Say it clearly..." Bai Lung roared.

" Th-This slut belongs to you... My body and soul belong to you, " She uttered while her eyes shut in.

" Good girl! I can see your son living a good life, can you see it too? However, if you say it more loudly, he might live a better life don't you think? " Bai Lung licked her neck while uttering that.

" Yesss💛... This Slut named Bai Ti Ning belongs to you, Young Master, Bai Lung... My body serves the sole purpose of serving you,"

She submitted to her fate.

" Wise words! You seem to be an intelligent woman, maintain that behavior and I won't treat you badly, after all, I am not a bad guy, am I? " Bai Lung uttered.

Hearing this, her body shook while she slightly spoke, " N-No! Young master is the most merciful person in the world, you are a saint among saints, "


As soon as she said that, she was greeted by a hard slap, " Since, I am so merciful you want to take advantage of me? I said suck my cock so, do it... " he said while he grabbed her chin and ribbed her lips with his thumb.

" Can you please be gentle and not so rough... I am surrendering to you, you can violate me as you wish but... Please be gentle, I am not used to pain sob* sob* " she said with a small pleading voice while tears began to tears flow from her eyes.

Seeing this, he grabbed her hair, " If you want to be treated gently, make me happy... Don't make me repeat myself, it's my third time telling you but, as long as I am happy, you are happy, " saying that, he let go of her.

Perhaps he may have been rough, but, he simply doesn't care.

Let's be real, if she had just accepted his request, he wouldn't have hurt her more.

" Just do I as wish and no one will be hurt greatly otherwise... You will only be suffering, nonetheless, your son gave me more pain than this, " Saying that, he looked into her eyes and smiled.

" Happiness is a mutual thing, we both can be happy as long as we are on good terms, isn't it? " saying that, Bai Lung pointed at his dick signaling her to suck it.