

WARNING! ( MATURE CONTENT) A prophecy is revealed by the moon goddess that Ellie, the werewolf princess of the pure heart clan is mate is to Nathan, a forbidden vampire from the circle of elders and their union was to stop a werewolf and vampire war that would take place in the future. It is forbidden for a vampire and a werewolf to be seen together, what will happen when they fall in love with each other? Will they be able to fight for their love and succeed in preventing the war from happening?

JennyBlaze · Fantasy
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149 Chs

Chapter 15 ( Thrilling moment)

Chapter 15 (Thrilling moment)

The chilling breeze in Ramiel's bathroom seemed to have faded at that minute he said those naughty words. Aria tried to figure out if the word 'wet' he was referring to was the one pertaining to water or the other type of wet which her mind didn't want to process at that moment.

"My prince?" Aria called out.

"Yes, do we have a problem?" He asked calmly but still sounded rudely.

"Not exactly... I just wanted to know if you wanted me to..." 

"Yes!" He cut in. " Get into the water"

Aria paused for a minute. She had always wanted a moment with the prince but never knew it would come this fast or rather this way.