
The Luna’s Revenge

Fantasy Romance
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What is The Luna’s Revenge

Read ‘The Luna’s Revenge’ Online for Free, written by the author Empress_Destiny, This book is a Fantasy Romance Novel, covering R18 Fiction, DARK Light Novel, REVENGE Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: His minty breath fanned my neck before his mouth moved to my neglected nipple as my breath grew ragged from his touch.I ...


His minty breath fanned my neck before his mouth moved to my neglected nipple as my breath grew ragged from his touch. I wanted to stop him but I also needed him to have his way with me. He was mine to please and I dared not to let go. Wrapping one slender hand around his erection, his eyes darkened with lust as he gasped with pleasure. "Get down on your knees," he commanded, pressing me down with his hand as I knelt before him in worship. "Show me how much of a naughty girl you can be," he whispered. Anxiety flushed through me as I yearned to taste him, to take every inch of his dick into my mouth. Gripping the base of his cock, I lowered my head and he slid it into my mouth, a gasp literally escaping him again. "Fuck!" "You're so warm." Dipping my head further till it reached the back of my throat, I nearly choked from how big it was. **** When Adinah's trust is betrayed, her life takes a sudden turn for the worse. Reborn into a past she thought she had left behind, she sets out to exact revenge, but as her secrets come to light, she finds herself caught up in a vicious game of deceit, love, and unimaginable turns. Can she find true love again in the arms of her second chance mate and change her fate in the midst of the complicated web of lies, or will the shadows of her past drag her again into an abyss of destruction?

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Bor3D · Fantasy
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