

It was coming to the end of the Summer holidays and High school was about to begin, Tom was out working out trying to get in the best shape in to impress all the girls with his dashing looks, with his mousey brown hair and his deep blue eyes, when he enrolled into this academy he didn't know it was a magical High school.

He only enrolled to find out what happened to his Father due to him disappearing 12 years ago. This academy awakens magical elements that lay inside of you then help you to control that power and use it to help others. Due to Tom not knowing it was a mage academy he was shocked when were talking about awakening and using powers at the entrance ceremony.

As he walked into his homeroom class his teacher shouted at him asking why he was late, he replied to the teacher "pipe down jeeze its my first day I got lost" The teacher miss Li Xiang raised her voice even more saying "looks like we got a cheeky one this year, now sit down" then the whole classroom became absolutely quiet so quiet that u could hear your own heart beat beating.

Miss Li Xiang began to call people up to the front of the class to awaken their powers, one by one everyone was awakening one element each, Miss Li Xiang called tom up to awaken his power but it wouldn't awaken so he tired harder to awaken it and he eventually awakened his true power u awakened the Earth element then as he was about to walk back he awakens 2 more elements but doesn't tell anyone that he has 3 elements as its normal to have 1 but when you become a top-tier mage you can have 3 elements and when you're mid-tier u can awaken 2 elements the other 2 elements he awoken was Fire and Light.

As he sat down and told everyone that he awoken the Earth element they all laughed as it was the weakest element there is as he thought to himself "I wonder how they'll react that I awakened 3 elements" and laughed evilly in his head. He sat down with a big smile on his face thinking he is one step closer to finding his father or what happened to him.

Tom arrives back home and his mother and sister congratulates him on awakening his first ever element and threw a mini party. The next day he find a bracelet that's become stuck to him, a Plain gold shiny bracelet be begins to freak out as he unable to remove it and becomes more panicked when he finds out that jewellery isn't allowed at the academy so he tried his best to hide it with his school uniform, but when he arrived at school he was unable to get his work done or practice as he was too focused on his bracelet thinking what it could be is it a sign of the demon king arriving or is it something else…