
The Luckiest Mage Should Have a Harem

Warren Luck is just like any other high school kid, except he has been stuck paying back his Father's immense debt. Due to this, Warren has had an obsession on betting, gambling, and leaving things up to luck itself. And when he could win big, things go south and Warren is killed for his actions, his luck finally running dry. Now in the afterlife, it seems that all of it was for not. But then, a god appears before him. It is the God of Luck Karma, who is thoroughly impressed with Warren's attitude. Warren being who he is, has asked for a second chance at life and challenges Karma to a simple match of pure luck and skill. In an "epic" battle, Warren wins and is reincarnated into a world of magic and fantasy, a single goal in mind. To gain what only the luckiest of men could unearth... A successful Harem while becoming powerful.

savvypenguin · Fantasy
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26 Chs

When One's World Shatters

Warren grinned, "<Fold>"

Time seem to stop, the power being released shaking the entire area. The Spell was like an earthquake, waves of pure energy flowing out like fire.

Citrus was taken completely off guard, the nausea that had covered her body in a split second sending her to her knees.

It would be over if she got hit by that, and if she did not act quick enough to counter she might even die. Citrus grinned ear to ear, this being exactly what she wanted.

This was the first time in four years she had the thought that she might lose. It was weird actually, usually Warren was the mad man who wanted to push himself and relish a fight. Usually the slim sight of defeat would slip past his eyes, and through luck and will alone he would pull through.

Time and time again he had made that wicked smile, as if death was just another obstacle in his way.

Like.... he was having fun.

On the other hand, Citrus was jealous. She had envied him since he had formed a Base, the pit in her stomach growing wider as she witnessed his party like antics to get through a tough spot.

She wanted to feel that same rush, like tight roping between certain death and a whimsical victory.


No one at King Academy could challenge her, amongst the first and second years it was all the same. She would use the same two spells over and over again. <Blink> to move faster than they could react, and <World Split> to crush them instantly.

People would gawk at her like a princess, the simple act of power enough to send anyone running away. The name she was given showing just that...

The Lone Princess.

Not because she had no friends, not because no one adored her, but because no one could handle her. She was in a league of her own, watching as others struggle and pursue, while she waited at the top unparalleled.

Sometimes Citrus wished she had no power, that she could be reborn to a body not loved by Fey. A chance to climb the mountain she had been placed atop since birth.

"Pure talent," A phrase used as an excuse to let her go unmatched. A single phrase making her shrivel up and pray maybe someone would try to fight her.

But alas, the day had yet to come for four long years, Citrus simply wasting her time shopping and exploring the city. Even the guys she had once had interest in flocking away as she drew near, the stares she got from upper class men daunting, their gaze as if to say, "I will never challenge her, what if I lose. That would make me look pitiful since I'm a third year."

Citrus had almost given up, and soon planned to drop out, as there was no point in attending King Academy. She knew everything they would teach there anyways, as in her younger years she attended Junior Academy to "get ahead" of the curb.

Soon she came to realization that the curb was her in herself.

However, even if she was the Lone Princess, on the same level as third years, had no true rivals, and could be in the Royal Guard with little effort; Warren had appeared before her when she needed it.

Not once in her entire life had Warren refused to be with her. Not once did he use an excuse to get out of playing tag and utterly losing. It was as if there was no hesitation, he would simply say "Yes" and accompany her.

There was even a time he broke his arm while their parents were at High Castle, and they would have to wait for their Mother to return so she could heal him. However, Warren wrapped it and made a split all by himself and said one thing,

"Okay let's finish our game of tag."

Citrus was to young and naive to truly understand the gesture and the time he gave her. She never even seemed to care he had broken his arm, but somehow he had won that game.

Citrus blinked as the golden aura of Warren's Fey spread across the forest around her. She looked up at him, his handsome face covered in small cuts and dirt. For that moment, and the moment alone, Citrus felt a ping in her heart.

Her cheeks went red, and just as they did, it went away. Her face went dark, and before Warren's Spell could fully develop, she yelled with all her might,

"<World Shatter>!"

Piece by piece, reality fell away, and Citrus was now alone in her parallel world. The world were she could travel faster than anyone in reality.

She breathed in while pushing herself to her feet. It was by shear luck she was able to get her Spell out in time. Though, she was the fastest caster in the Academy.

Through the vertigo, she made her way behind Warren, the boy smiling like a complete idiot.

She leaned forward and pressed her index finger against his spine. She fell down again, the Spell still making her dizzy. After readjusting herself she touched Warren's arms and both his legs.

She admired her handy work, "Sorry brother, it's my win."

As if Citrus willed it, reality slowly formed once again, bit by bit the puzzle of the regular world fitted together.

Time resumed, and as it did, a loud snap rang out through the forest. Warren bulldozed forward as if a bomb was detonated right behind him, as he flew, he noticed his injuries.

All of his limbs were cleanly broken, and the Spell he had casted failing to even go off. He sucked in the pain and landed on the dirt.

Citrus limped over, sweat pulling her white uniform to her skin. She threw her hand in the air and did a small dance. She had broken their tie, 501-500.

Warren sighed in defeat, even if he wanted to he could not use the Spell he wanted to, it was as if the flow of Fey in his body had dried up.

"Oh yeah," he said aloud. He remembered that if a Spell is interrupted more Fey is used up. Since he had been stopped by Citrus, his <Fold> spell had gone haywire and vanished.

"Well Lucy, we lost."

The black cat peeked its head up from inside a small bush a few feet away, "Yeah I noticed, so um, you okay?"

Warren shook his head, "This is probably the worst pain I have ever felt."

Lucy laughed nervously, "Oh, well-" she stopped, noticing that Warren was out cold, the boy calmly sleeping.

"At least you tried Master." Lucy said in a saddened tone.

"Yep, he sure did." It was Citrus who spoke this time, leaning on a tree just shy of Warren's landing spot. She watched him closely, a new feeling filling her heart.

Lucy watched her eyes, and just from a glanced the cat could tell. Citrus was indeed in love with Warren.

'But, they are siblings?' Lucy said through an awe struck face.

Citrus smiled again while looking up toward the sun, the flaming ball high in the sky. She knew that the feeling she had just conjured would never be fulfilled. It was the sad truth she had to swallow.

It could never be, not because they were blood related, but because of the secret the family had kept from him.

Warren was indeed a baby they had found crying in a forest fire, the God Karma calling to them to save him. Even they did not understand who or what had willed them to, but without a second thought they had made him their own.

Though it was small, the blue in Citrus' irises were darker than her adopted brother. She exhaled heavily, she knew her idiot brother would never realize it, and in a sense it was not important to tell him anyways.

"What were those explosions?!" Alister and their Mother had come rushing toward Citrus, their face's shocked as they saw the broken trees and small craters of impact.

Citrus laughed, "I kind of went overboard..."

Alister looked at Warren's misshapen body, "Ha, he looks like a toad, hahahaha."

Warren's mother smacked Alister hard, bending down to heal him, "Shut it already."

Before they knew it, Warren's limbs had fallen back into place and his face more at peace.

Alister held back laughter and Citrus karate chopped him. For a moment, all three looked down at Warren, a warm grin on their faces.

They knew he would make a fine Mage.