
The Luckiest Mage Should Have a Harem

Warren Luck is just like any other high school kid, except he has been stuck paying back his Father's immense debt. Due to this, Warren has had an obsession on betting, gambling, and leaving things up to luck itself. And when he could win big, things go south and Warren is killed for his actions, his luck finally running dry. Now in the afterlife, it seems that all of it was for not. But then, a god appears before him. It is the God of Luck Karma, who is thoroughly impressed with Warren's attitude. Warren being who he is, has asked for a second chance at life and challenges Karma to a simple match of pure luck and skill. In an "epic" battle, Warren wins and is reincarnated into a world of magic and fantasy, a single goal in mind. To gain what only the luckiest of men could unearth... A successful Harem while becoming powerful.

savvypenguin · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Welcome to High Castle

The Beetle bounced off the few rough patches of the trail, dirt flinging up as the group pulled into a line of wooden carts.

Warren shielded his eyes from the bright rays of the afternoon sun, his gaze cast on the many different styles of wagons.

One had an elegant almost magical feel. He knew someone of importance was situated in the almost eggshell shape of a vehicle. He also noticed it was being pulled by white horses, their muscles bulging and having a royal air around them.

Warren glanced behind him, a shady group of travelers riding on the same type of Beetle he had, except, it was coated in dark black paint. Even the people on board looked like they had seen hell itself.

Warren sighed and leaned back in his seat. He had not noticed that ever since he broke the barrier to save Reya, the elements could finally reach them.

Autumn was soon to start, but for some reason the scorching ball could care less about the matter. Ron had taken his shirt off, and now Warren noticed his Family Insignia.

It was two curved lines that swirled around to create the depiction of two swords being criss-crossed. Ron rose an eyebrow, despite the fact he could not see.

"You gonna keep staring?"

He said as the wagon hit another bump.

Warren put his hands up, "Ah no I was just looking at your Family Insignia, it just seems familiar somehow."

Ron nodded, "That's because its the same symbol that my family uses as their blacksmith logo."

Warren thumbed his chin, his mind wondering back to were his uncle had been working at. He gasped, realizing that it was indeed the symbol of the blacksmith shop in Ara Village.

But of course, Warren cocked his head, "Guess I did see it somewhere."

If he said he knew Cruz, things could get a little too personal. Well, they had just withstood thirty mercenaries and came out with zero casualties. It was pretty much personal now.

Ron looked at Warren, "Yeah, but on that note, that coat of yours has the same symbol."

Warren glared at the leather coat he had taken off, a small stitched replica of the logo on the right sleeve. He nervously laughed, "Oh, see I knew I saw it somewhere."

Their was a long awkward pause, and soon the entire cart was taken by silence.

The Beetle had made its way down the hill side and was now traveling across an open plain. The path flanked by a grove of trees, there leaves slowly turning brown. There was at least thirty carts in total, all of them in a single file line heading toward the gigantic wooden gates of High Castle. Just from where they were, the gate almost reached the edge of their vision.

Of course the structure had been open, but as Warren had come to realize, if he looked toward the arched doorway a certain way, a glimmer of Fey was visible.

There was a barrier, and it did not stop at the gate. The towering stone walls also had the glimmer, making Warren feel a bit uneasy.

So much protection for what could be a replay of what happened all those years ago. The revolution of the Grizwal Kingdom and the war torn battleground of some cities.

Warren was just happy he had missed the internal conflict of Azura and had not been apart of the entire endeavor. From the stories and the few books he had read about it, it was something that no one wanted to talk about.

The war being the first time in history a Rank Z Mage acted in favor of a kingdom within Azura, leading to the entire decimation of the previous power.

Now, Azura was one whole country, and the one and only Grizwal Kingdom that took control decided to discard the name. The country was simply called Azura, to match the name of the continent. Warren knew from history lessons on Earth it was a tactic to unite those under rule and create patriotism.

But, not long after the Kingdom of Azura finally found peace, they started a war with a foreign land.

Kyriake, the land of the Fairies.

Warren shivered as he dropped the thoughts of politics and war, instead, he found himself searching for conversation.

Reya had put her hood back on, the same featureless red hood hiding her face. She even moved to the end of the cart, ignoring everyone but Lucy.

The cat curled up next to her napping soundly. Warren really was not a fan of his contracted beast getting buddy buddy with someone they barley knew but, in the grand scheme of things he could do little. Lucy was her own soul.

On the other hand, Cargo and his family had warm smiles worn and also blissfully sat in silence. Darius was still sleeping, his skin starting to show a semblance of color for the first time since he was healed. He even began to breathe normally and was now snoring.

Warren was alone again, the feeling comforting yet pathetic. It was as if everything that had happened was now behind them.

But for Warren, he could not stop thinking about it. The question he had wondered since his nightmare. Had he killed Kill Joy?

He swallowed down a lump in his throat, a dry itch making him notice how thirsty he was. At the moment, the less he thought about it the better. In barbaric times like these, killing was not frowned upon, and in his situation no one would bat an eye.

Warren was not of this world though, so his morals still needed time to completely shift.

If that was even possible.

Warren opened the compartment under his cushioned seat, his assortment of things coming into sight. He reached and and rummaged for his water skin, and as he did, he felt the small cling of coinage.

He hesitated, looking around the area, the silence of the afternoon not paying him any mind. Before he kept looking for his water skin, Warren grabbed a single gold coin from the sack.

He closed the cabinet and took a long swig of water. It had been a while since he had done so. A refreshing cold stream running down his throat, the thoughts of Kill Joy being drowned away.

They had been replaced with the gold coin Warren held in his palm. He glared down at it, deciding to take another look around before closing his eyes.

Now was a good a time as ever to try and finish creating a spell. He touched his Codex Crystal, the yellow crystal shining as it was activated.

Warren read over his status.


Name: Warren Alister Gambit


-Fey: 8,500/9,100

-Mage tier: Enlightened B

-Magic: Risk and Reward

-Blessing: Karma The God of Fortune and Good Luck/ Lucy The God of Misfortune and Bad Luck


(A) <Divine judgement>

(B)<Double down>


(S)<Karma's Heal>

(SS)<Ultimate Judgement>



He laughed internally, forgetting he still did not have the full capacity of Fey, he never thought about how long it took to recover to full.

Warren shook himself straight and looked in on himself, focusing on his soul. Within, an area of darkness loomed in quiet. In the midst of the pure darkness, a glowing ball of golden light hovered aimlessly.

Looking around, Karma was nowhere to be seen. 'Did he just appear whenever?' Warren asked himself as there was no other trace of Fey but his own. He shrugged it off and focused back on the golden ball.

It was fuzzy, the edges of the sphere blurring as he got closer. Now, he envisioned himself and just like that, Warren was floating in the pitch black.

He was naked, and compared to the golden light he was just a mere ant. He was taught to do this from his Father. Once he was there, he floated closer and reached a hand out.

He scooped up a small ball of golden light, the warm feeling filling up his body. Now that he had separated Fey, he then opened his eyes, the golden coin shimmering with energy.

Warren then removed the golden coin, a exact replica of it still on his palm. He had poured a precise amount of Fey into the coin, and the he scanned the surface to replicate the coin. The first queen of Azura stared back at him, and he flipped it over to examine it. At the back it had the depiction of a small pond.

The pond was supposedly the first discovery of Fey, or more so where it originated. Warren called bullshit on that part however. How would a pond of water start an entire new race of humans?

Warren pocketed the gold coin and focused on the replica. He fished it into his fingers, feeling the grooves of it, the warmth making him relax more.

He would have to impose a law, probably the hardest part about creating a Spell successfully.

To himself he spoke, "When I flip this Coin, I will become invincible as a REWARD if I land on heads, but the RISK is that I will not be able to use Fey for five minutes after."

Warren smiled, "I declare this law finite."












Warren angrily exhaled, knowing full and well he was not going to make a Spell so easily. It was weird, creating a Spell was like asking the Fey within your body for permission, but even after you had to complete the action perfectly.

If Warren did get accepted and flipped the coin to test it out and it perhaps was too much Fey to pull off, the Spell would be rejected. Also the imagination of invincibility was daunting.

Warren frowned, reading back the text from "Magic For Dummies".


"For one to create a SPELL, three requirements must be met.




Once those are achieved, one must mold and sculpt there Fey into any form they wish to create. This could contain many variables, such as objects, shapes, animals, and even people. The only thing stopping the sculpting of Fey is imagination.

Then, one must impose a LAW OF FEY and ask the world to grant such a law to exist. If accepted, the Spell must be complete within near perfect precision."


Warren let the Fey Coin disappear in to thin air. It was pointless. If he wanted to actually take making that spell seriously, he would need to first create the coin as he did, then the shield around his body that would grant him so called invincibility, and finally he would need to strip himself of that barrier for five minutes.

He put his hand up in frustration and scrambled his hair. He could also do it the way Citrus had before, by just going for it without hesitation, using his instincts alone to guide the Fey out of his body.

But again Citrus was a complete freak of nature, making Spells like they were mere words in a sentence.

"Looks like we made it." Arty called from the coach seat.

Everyone looked up except Warren, his eyes instead shifting toward Reya. She had her hood covering her face still, despite them rolling to a stop. He frowned, unsure of why she even bothered having it on, they had seen her plenty of times before.

"Ello Arty, fancy seeing you here." It was a tan skinned man with a full beard. He also wore a bland set of silver armor, a red painted image of six castle flags on his shoulder pads. Now that they were closer, the huge entrance had thrown a shadow upon them, the walls thicker than Warren had first thought.

In total their were at least twenty knights pacing around. Some were still talking to people who had passed inside before them.

Arty nodded, "Yeah we had some trouble with bandits, crew in the back sorted it out nicely."

The beared man pointed toward the wagon, "I can see your barrier is gone, now that doesn't happen often."

Arty threw a glance toward Warren, the Mage smiling wearily and shrugging.

Arty leaned in, "Can we skip investigation on this one, I have places to be Armin."

The knight sighed, "Look Arty, you have helped me out a ton but I can't not report you to investigation mate."

Arty grimaced, "It would be a shame if the Royal Guard heard about your dilemma with your wife."

Armin winced, the words cutting through him like a knife, "Fine, but I need you guys to still do the temporary settlement process."

Arty motioned with his chin, "Well then, welcome to High Castle my friends."

Two more knights made their way on each side of the cart. One of the men on Warren's side put his hand up,

"Papers son, if not follow me to our Settlement Office."

Warren nodded and rummaged through his belongings. He also noticed the others were also being talked to, Reya still keeping her hood on.

Warren was slightly annoyed now. He took out his papers and handed them to the knight.

"Alright let's see, Ara village, um you are sixteen. Oh your birthday passed a few days ago, congratulations." The knight slowly read over the text.

For a moment, he stopped, staring at the name that was written at the bottom. Suddenly, Warren felt an immense pressure, as if what he was doing was illegal.

The papers were slowly given back, "Well then Warren Alister, you are hereby allowed to be in High Castle for the duration of two weeks."

He motioned for Warren to come down, the Mage following with haste. His feet hit the stone, and when he did a reverberation of Fey flowed up his legs and throughout his body.

It was like goosebumps had completely covered his skin and for a moment, he could feel millions of souls connected at a single instance. Warren held his breath, the feeling overwhelming.

The knight chuckled, "That's Alpha, the system that let's us track anyone who stands on High Castle's ground. You just became apart of the Capital."

He patted Warren on the shoulder, "How do you feel?"

Warren finally let his lungs fill with air, the strange feeling subsiding and the souls he had sensed gone.

He nervously smirked, "Amazing."

The knight took off his helmet, "My name is Ovy, I will be your instructor."

He reached his hand out, and Warren took it with a firm shake. The lingering trail of goosebumps dissolved as the lumberjack looking man before him grinned.

Then he heard it, the voice in his head,

'Meet me at Begg's Inn, its where I will be staying.'

Warren swirled to see Reya had already been escorted across the barrier. She kept her head down, two knights on either side.

Ovy leaned in, "Do you know her?"

Warren blushed, "Ah yeah I guess we are friends..."

Ovy snickered, "So you know Professor Rose's daughter, lucky bastard, I heard you can get a nice familiar just by knowing him."

Warren rose an eyebrow, "Familiar?"

As if on cue, a black cat came from behind Warren, Lucy yawning and stretching her front legs.

Ovy reached for his sword, taking a few steps back, "What in the blazes?"

Warren quickly stepped in front of his feline friend, "Woah this is Lucy my contracted Beast."

Ovy froze, "Oh, sorry...I just got chills for some reason. So you do have a familiar."

Warren shared a confused glance with Lucy, "Sorry do you mean contracted beast?"

Ovy looked both of them up and down, "Ohhhh, I guess this is your first time here. Um, people call them familiars now, Contracted Beast died out a few years ago."

Warren soaked up the information, "Oh, well Lucy looks like you are my Familiar now."

Lucy rolled her eyes, 'Don't let that go to your head.' She said in his mind.

Ovy cleared his throat, "Well anyways you can get your things after, I'll have someone put a stamp on you and then you will be on your way."

Warren nodded, following Ovy past the barrier, a chill running down his back as he did. Lucy followed closely, admiring the first few building that came into view. They looked like heavy set medieval structures, fancy roofs and stone brick walls as far as the eye could see.

The duo were led to a small square log office type building, a few windows showing people walk about.

"So Warren, what brings you to High Castle?"

Warren looked up toward the mountain, hundreds of feet up a castle loomed above him, the inner wall blocking most of it.

"For the Mage Trials."

Ovy's features went dark, "That would make you number eight hundred."

Warren watched as Ovy opened the door, gesturing for them to go inside. As they did, he whispered three words.

"Good Luck kid."

Warren turned back to see the same smiling Ovy he had before, "Well anyways just go in and there and there will be a door to your right. Inside should be a female knight named Sara, she will help you."

He winked and began to walk away, "Also your stuff will be given to you when you get out."

Lucy watched as the doors closed behind them, "So glad I'm not you right now Master."

Warren rolled his eyes as he sauntered down the hallway, "Oh shut it, he was just messing with me."

Lucy put a paw to her mouth, "What if he wasn't though?"

He stopped in front of the door, "I'm starting to regret not leaving your ass at home cat."

Lucy hopped over and pushed the wooden door open, "You know you love me."

"Oh hello there, my name is Sara."

The small quant room had a single table, a girl in common clothes sat soundly. She had a slender figure and long purple haired tied in a ponytail. She also had an assortment of papers stacked on the table, a single lantern sitting on the floor beside her.

Sara seemed in her thirties, and just by the way she sat she seemed proper and strong.

Warren walked in, "Uh my name is Warren, Warren Alister. I was told you can help me with getting a stamp."

Sara smiled, "Looks like someone knows what manners are." She stood up, revealing she had a small red lizard on her lap. The scaly beast cocked its head, its yellow slits locking on to Lucy.

Lucy looked back in awe, the two connecting their minds.

'Hello, my name is Lucy.'

'The name is Mango, you are powerful aren't you?'

Lucy seem to grin and puff up her chest, 'Hehe, I use to be a Goddess you know.'

Mango jumped onto the the floor and scuttled over, 'Woah, I never heard of that before.'

The two conversed as their Masters continued. Sara smiled, "Most people barge in here with an attitude and no semblance of patience and make everything worse."

Warren still felt awkward, "Oh, I see."

She put her hand out, a chair just across from her, "Well take a seat while I prepare the Magic Seal."

Warren did as she said, plopping down with a thud. As he watched Sara move with grace, he heard shouting in the room next to them.

Sara made her way over to a shelf and shook her head, "Sucks working here man, I still have a year till I actually get into the Royal Guard."

She pulled a bowl from the many trinkets, "So anyways what brings you to High Castle; money, fame, trade, work,"

She winked at him,


Warren's face turned a slight red, "Oh um, for the um, Mage Trials."

He wanted to face palm, his girl skills were next to none. Even on Earth he could barley keep himself calm.

Sara chuckled and wiped a fake tear away, "I'm teasing you, you just remind me of my little brother and I love seeing him blush."

She sighed and put a hand on the table as she sat down. Warren laughed too, thinking back to his older sister doing the same to him.

"Okay so for the Mage Trials I will mark you with a Temporary Seal that will allow you to travel through the school grounds. Also, if you have committed a crime in any city, it will turn blue once applied."

She smiled, "But I know a handsome boy like you hasn't done anything bad."

Warren's heart sunk, the thought of Kill Joy resurfacing. He nodded, "Of course."

Sara opened her palm, "Come on now, don't be shy."

Warren cocked his head and reached his hand out, unsure of what was to come. She rolled her eyes and grabbed his wrist, pulling him closer.

"I will now write the seal so sit back and enjoy the show." Her warm smiled finally reached him, and as she stuck a finger in the bowl of red powder, he could not help but look at her closer.

She had a sizable chest, a small scar just across her neck, and calluses on her hand. She was a hard worker, and her hazel eyes shined with experience.

He was actually embarrassed just to look at her, seeing as she had no braw on closer inspection. Warren decided to cast his gaze elsewhere.

For a moment, there was just silence, but as she pressed her index finger against his palm, a wave of Fey fell over him.

She glanced up to see his shocked face,

"It's Crystal Powder, the same material as your Codex Crystal so you might feel a little kick."

Warren flinched as she drew a circle, "Yeah I can definitely feel it."

Lucy made her way over to Warren, the cat purring to get her Master's attention. He gazed down to see Mango resting on her head, the lizard also looking up for approval.

Warren rolled his eyes again and winked at Lucy, 'Don't get friendly with every beast you meet...familiar.'

He said within his mind.

Lucy hissed and soon the two began to giggle. They made it, somehow the destination seemed so impossible, like a river they would never cross.

But, they were here, in the place were Mages came to gather. A place to learn and become powerful, to reach the peak of this world.

Warren suddenly felt giddy like a child, he was overjoyed for some reason. Someday, he would reach his Mother, and stop this everlasting war she was fighting so they could live a good life.

Perhaps if he challenged this "Father" he could get her out of there, seeing as even Karma had no way to free her.

His free hand bawled into a fist, his mind focusing on getting to the peak. Warren could not fail the Mage Trials, it was the next step to prove his luck and become stronger. There was no turning back now.

Lucy suddenly got a look of determination, 'We got this Master.' She confirmed in his head.

"All done."

The duo turned to see Sara admiring her work, "Just be warned that if people see this they may try to take advantage of you."

Warren retracted his hand, the red powder seeping into his skin, soon, a black tattoo like symbol rose up. It was a normal circle with a large M in the middle, three dots under each groove. He stopped to stare as he could feel an aura grow around it.

Sara got up and patted Warren on the head, "You will be just fine, just watch out for my brother Leo, he gets a little out of hand."

For some reason, the name left a note in his head, as if what she said was an important tip. From his guess, this Leo must be a Second Year.

"Thank you Sara, I'm glad you were one of the first people I met."

Sara slightly turned pink, "Haha, no problem, just my brother loves crushing pretty boys like you so I'm just looking out for ya."

Warren grinned, hearing he was a "pretty boy" boosting his confidence. Mango leaped off Lucy's head and made his way over to his Master, the two Mages giving each other a look of gratitude.

They found themselves staring longer than normal, their eyes locking for entire seconds.

The door swung open with force, "Hey sis can you-"

Leo Armice stood in the doorway, his handsome face filled with mischief, "Oh I thought you were done, my apologies."

He bowed toward Warren, "I happen too know your recent benefactor, so once again I do apol-"

Warren put his hands up, "Oh don't worry about it I was just leaving." He waved at Sara, "Thank you again, maybe I will see you around."

Leo side stepped, watching as the new face sauntered out of the room, an accomplished look on his face. Leo smiled, "Welcome to High Castle." He said as Warren passed.

After a short while, the door closed.

Sara jumped for joy, holding her hand up and admiring it, "He was sooooo cute, I even got a head pat in!"

Leo winced, "Shhh, you are embarrassing me, what if he heard?"

Sara rolled her eyes, "Oh quiet you, do even understand how rare it is to see someone so handsome, he must be royalty."

Leo made his way over and leaned on the table, "Royalty my ass, he even cut me off when I was apologizing."

Sara grabbed the bowl and exhaled heavily, "Only if he was a little older, I might of pounced on him then and there."

Leo shuddered, "Please keep your fantasies in your head dear sister, they make me question our blood."

The room fell silent, "Anyways, can you do me a huge favor?"