
The Luckiest Mage Should Have a Harem

Warren Luck is just like any other high school kid, except he has been stuck paying back his Father's immense debt. Due to this, Warren has had an obsession on betting, gambling, and leaving things up to luck itself. And when he could win big, things go south and Warren is killed for his actions, his luck finally running dry. Now in the afterlife, it seems that all of it was for not. But then, a god appears before him. It is the God of Luck Karma, who is thoroughly impressed with Warren's attitude. Warren being who he is, has asked for a second chance at life and challenges Karma to a simple match of pure luck and skill. In an "epic" battle, Warren wins and is reincarnated into a world of magic and fantasy, a single goal in mind. To gain what only the luckiest of men could unearth... A successful Harem while becoming powerful.

savvypenguin · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
26 Chs


The night was eerily quiet as the dregs of fear swarmed the streets. The moon shone bright, the jewel casting its rays upon the vacant stone yard.

Warren was there, his heart racing and sweat dripping down his neck. He was afraid, afraid of the night itself.

The few patches of grass withered as the cold wind crawled across his skin.

"Who are you?" Warren asked as he looked onward, a shadowy figure perched atop the rubble of an overturned cottage.

There came no answer, just the gesture of cold green eyes. Warren suddenly couldn't breathe, and he quickly found himself scrambling for air.

Why, why couldn't he breathe?

Then, he glanced down, only to see a familiar black katana of a mercenary. Kill Joy smiled,

"How does your first kill taste?"

Warren's mouth twitched, "What?"

Kill Joy pushed harder, his blade slicing farther into Warren's body,

"You killed me, how could you forget?"

Warren turned to see the bloodied and battered face he had come to engrave in his mind.

It was the man he had killed.







"Master, wake up!"

Warren shot upward, a dizzy fret of panic settling over him. As he rose, his forehead caught the edge of the wagon seat.

He winced and grabbed the lump forming on his head, "Fuuuuuuuck."

Reya snickered as she sat next to him on the floor, Lucy joining in on enjoying his pain.

Warren sighed heavily and glared toward the two who playfully looked away. The anger he felt subsided as he saw Reya, the beautiful young girl making sparks tingle in Warren's chest.

It was weird, seeing her without her hood on, even if he had before, her purple eyes still casted an ominous glow.

"You gonna stare or are you gonna see what you are missing?"

Warren's eyes narrowed and he spun around his hand ready to use <Fold>.

Cargo quickly put his hands up, the bald man backing away in a fright.

Warren growled, "You son of a bitch!"

Reya shot her hand out and closed Warren's palm, "Wait!"

Warren set his eyes on the bald man, his figure unwavering as he stayed ready to attack.

Lucy was beside him without a second to spare, her black paw resting on his thigh,

'It's fine Master.' She said within their head, a plethora of warm memories filling Warren's mind. The feline was doing her best to suppress his rage.

Soon, he lowered his arm and glanced around, Ron sitting soundly further down, Darius across from him.

On further inspection, he saw that the Beetle had stopped atop a flat grassland that stretched on for miles.

Cargo cleared his throat, "I am sorry Warren, I-"

Warren shook his head and cut him off, "I'm sorry, I just got a little excited, no biggie."

Cargo blinked, "What, that's it. You aren't gonna try to kill me."

Warren scratched his chin and nodded, "I don't feel like killing at the moment…"

Warren had flashes of his dream, the images of Kill Joy's face coming back to him. Had he really killed him? He did not know since he blacked out before the situation could be assessed.

"Where is Kill Joy?" Warren said, turning to Reya.

Everyone went silent.

"What about the mercenaries? How is Cargo fine? And…"

Warren glanced down at his side where he had been cut. There was, nothing?

Ron spoke up, "Everything is fine Warren, Kill Joy was taken by his subordinates, and we were happily let go after we threatened them."

The Mage sat in silence, a replay of the battle staining his mind, "Great, but what about my injury?"

Ron motioned with his head toward the other end of the cart, Ann, the frail wife of Cargo laughing as she talked to Arty. The two sat at the front.

"My wife has healing capabilities, she did what she could to heal any fatigue or injuries you had." Cargo said as he outstretched his arm.

His hand wavered in front of Warren's face.

He sighed and took the gesture, standing to his feet. As he did, the rest of the valley before him came into view.

It was…


A long almost fifty foot stone wall rose from the greenery, the wall stretching past his vision to either side. Behind the massive wall, piles of stone and wood set buildings surrounded a mountain that almost touched the sky. Around the mountain, multiple castles rested on the mountain face, flags of beautiful symbols flailing as wind rushed past. He could make out the millions of city-goers as they shuffled about the cobblestone streets.

They were right above the entrance, a long winding path leading down to two giant wooden barred gates.

Warren almost teared up, the view anyone would die to see. It was like any fantasy lover's dream, and just from the distance he was at, the entirety of the kingdom could not be seen without turning one's head.

"Woah." Warren managed to say through pure awe.

Reya chimed in, "Yeah, it's incredible."

Warren licked his lips, The thought of parlors, bars, and wishful gamblers filled his mind.

He promised to himself, right then and there, he would gamble to his heart's content.

Lucy felt his lustful thoughts and sighed, knowing that her Master would never change.

Warren clapped his hands together, "So what's the hold up, let's go."

Cargo lowered his head, "Um, we stopped because, well."

Warren peered into Cargo's soul, his keen eyes picking up the situation.

"You want me to heal your son correct?"

Cargo nodded, "If you could before we enter, it would make things a lot easier. Reya told me how that Spell of yours works, and if so the pain Daruis will feel will be incredible."

Warren knew what he meant. If they had entered and he decided to heal him in there, the screams of the poor boy would bring suspicion. He was also sure they wanted him to be able to see High Castle from this view. It was clear as day he was a country bumpkin who had never seen anything like it.

He whispered under his breath, "Please Warren."

Warren swallowed hard and hit his chest, "Okay, whenever you are ready."

Soon, the entire group had found a spot around Darius, the boy seemingly unaware of what was about to happen. He did not even look up, as if he had little life to spare already.

Ann sat next to him, "Hey my baby boy, how are you?"


Warren took a seat on the other side, his arm resting on Darius' shoulder, "Hey there kid."

The boy glanced up, his black hair bouncing as he did. He glanced at Warren's arm resting on him.

"You feel warm."

Warren smiled, "Well thank you."

Ron smirked and Cargo let his relief go. Ann also saw the tinge of life in her son's eyes as he looked up at Warren. The couple knew their son would be okay.

Warren kept his smile and leaned over, "Listen Darius, me and your Mother are gonna heal you okay? You might feel a little pain but after it will all be okay."

Darius slowly nodded, his dead gaze falling on Reya, he outstretched his scrawny arm, "Can I hold the pretty lady's hand?"

Reya blushed and took his small fingers in hers, Darius almost smiling as she did. The warmth of the group gathered.

Ann covered her son's ears, "So when I begin my Spell, you activate yours."

Warren nodded, "Reya will also monitor his mental state, if he gets close to too much shock she will tell us."

Reya also nodded as she activated hee Spell, "<Mind Link>"


Mind Link(?)- after touching multiple people, this Spell can link their thoughts together.


Ann put her fingers on Daruis' temples, a faint light blue glow flowing out like a stream. She closed her eyes and spoke, "<Somber Heal>"

Warren watched carefully, the Magic he was introduced to not long ago. It was Ann's Magic, -Null Effect-.

It allowed her to dismiss any negative or positive effects of anyone's Magic. She had healed him by removing the effect of prolonged healing, meaning in the one and a half day Warren was out cold, he had healed to zero scars. He had gotten lucky that in the end, he was practically uninjured, but deep down he could not stop thinking about it.

When he had used <Fold> on Kill Joy, he had used too much Fey, and practically hit him with everything he had. It never had occurred to him if it might have been too much.

He was in the moment, and proctecting Lucy and the people around him was second priority, right after gambling his life once again.

Warren closed his eyes also, the image of Kill Joy slumped over disspating, instead, it had been replaced by Reya's smile.

Warren began to blush and shook the thought away. He had only known her for three days, he was sure that he wasn't falling for her already.

He grimaced, promising he would not be that type of MC a long time ago. If he did then how could he gather a harem.

"Warren, I'm ready." Ann said as she leaned forward and put her forehead against Darius'.

Warren shook his thoughts away and focused,

"<Karma's Heal>"

As the Spell made its way across Warren's body and into the boy's, a sick wave of dryness fell over him. Warren winced, as if his Fey interlocking with Daruis had also caused him pain.

Would he be alright?

Then the sickening scream of agony and pain rang out across the sky, the pitch of the boy screaming making everyone sit in pure grief.

They could do nothing but watch and listen.

For five long seconds, Darius screamed and shook in confusion and pain, his frail body groveling as sweat started to soak his clothes.

After it was all over, and he passed out, his head found relief on his mother's lap.

Warren had not noticed it, but Reya had looked like she had just been through hell itself, her eyes barley staying open.

She looked up at him, her mouth forming a weak smile, "He will be fine."

Cargo leaped forward and grabbed Warren with all his might, a hug everyone expected catching him off guard. The air had left long ago and after an entire minute, Cargo had finally decided to let go.

Warren gasped for air and chuckled, "Learn to hold back baldy."

Cargo sniffled and nodded, "Yeah."

But, Ann shifted off the seat and found herself bowing on the ground, her head pressing against the wood. Cargo had also done the same, showing their gratitude toward Ron, Warren, and Reya.

Ron quickly put his hands up, "Do not bow my friends, your mistakes are in the past."

Cargo full heartedly balled his eyes out, Ann staying silent as tears dripped from her nose.

"I am worthless as a man, I have done things that could have taken your lives. I am ashamed… I am sorry."

Arty began to make the Beetle move again, and as it did, the plump man called back, "We all went through it together, also I'm sure that arrow was enough Karma for now."

The entire Beetle filled with somber laughter, the events that had spanned over three days making them form a bond neither knew would come to fruition.

Now however, they would forever remember their simple journey to the Capital of Azura, a place where riches,bonds, and power come to grow.

Ron found himself staring toward a single castle that had gold details painted to depict a lion. Inside that castle was his target. Even if he was blind he could feel the immense Magical pressure from within.

The King of Azura, the former leader of Grizwal's revolution.

He also knew where END was, the Mage capable of destroying entire cities like nothing. The first time Ron had witnessed a Rank SSS in action.

Shivers ran down his spine as he remembered the past, the carnage still engraved into his milky white eyes. He would find that Mage, and do anything to kill him before he could act again.

But first, he needed a team. And where could one find the most powerful Mages?

Warren also found himself looming over a castle set with ten pillars, the overall shape looking almost like a crown.

King Academy, the greatest school that harbors the most amazing talent and power. He knew his sister would be there, and he knew that eventually he would too.

"Mark my words Citrus, I will surpass you, and everyone in this world."

Warren's hands balled into fist,

"I will see my Mother."

Harem soon my friends. I mean it's in the title.

The only reason that its taken so long is because I wanted the main character to stand out, jesus stupid MC's give me brain damage when it comes to women.

But anyways soon, soon.

Also there will actually be story to it so yeah.


savvypenguincreators' thoughts