
Chapter One: Luciano

"Tsk tsk.....this life is so boring. I really hate it" Luciano complained to his fairy god mother who was combing his hair. She halted upon hearing his complaint.

"It isn't dear. It's boring for you because you keep isolating yourself from humans" She explained to him as she continued combing his wine colored hair. Luciano sighed and he rested on his chin.

"I keep staying away from them because I'm different from them. At times, I can't help it but hate myself. I hate my parents, who left me in this world alone. I hate it that I came out to be their child. Furthermore, I hate my existence" He ranted in pain and with irritation. Fairy god mother jolted. She couldn't believe that he would say something like that. Indeed, his life is such a mess, but he shouldn't lay the accusation on his parents. They suffered a lot for him, even if they made an enormous mistake. Fairy god mother dropped the comb on the table and sat in front of him.

"You shouldn't blame your parents. Only if you knew how much they suffered for you, you wouldn't be spouting such statement" She said with a serious tone and Luciano creased his eyebrow.

"What am I? And what did they suffer because of me? I don't know who I am and what exactly is my purpose of me coming to this earth. Rumors are everywhere that I am a vampire even when I don't feed on blood" He complained and God mother heaved a sigh.

"You are a demon and not a Vampire" She said straightforwardly without beating around the bush.

"Yew…what was that? I would prefer being a vampire than a demon. What's all this? I can't call it a joke, is it?" He laughed sarcastically with a frown deepened on his forehead. Fairy god mother was still in the same facial expression. She remained unfazed despite seeing the reaction of the littling. Luciano hawkishly cleared his throat and snapped back into his senses.

"So where were we?" He asked shyly while itching the back of his neck.

"We are still where we are. I'm serious. I've been looking for a way to tell you about your story and your parent story when you are older, but it seems you are not ready." She said as she rested her back on the chair, still not removing her eyes away from him.

Luciano blinked his eyes continuously and then opened his mouth to say something. Demon?

"You just said I'm a demon, which is pretty stupid and annoying. If I'm a demon, then what's my dad?" He asked,

"Your father is the Devil…. LUCIFER!" She said, and Luciano was dumbfounded. He couldn't believe his ears. He normally hears it from humans that the Devil is an enemy of God, and he manipulates human and lure them in doin' evil things. Whenever he hears about the story, he too couldn't help it but hate Lucifer for making Adam and Eve commit such sin. Now to think of it, he appears to be the offspring of the Devil and the person he hated. No big deal, he has always hated his father and mother since childhood, so it wouldn't make any difference.

"Just tell me you are joking. If my father is the Devil, what is my mom then?" He asked again and the fairy god mother sighed.

"Your mother is a messenger. Something like an angel." She said, but still unsure.

"I don't really know much about her because I spent more time with your dad in the underground Kingdom." She finalized and Luciano kept on blinking like a lost dog.

"Can you tell me what exactly are they and how come I end up being their child?" He asked

"I will tell you someday, but I need you to prepare your heart because it's kinda scary" She shook her body in fear pretending to have goosebumps.

"I'm ready. Please tell me" He begged

"You are not.....you are still like a child given birth to yesterday" She pouted her lip.

"I promise not to be scared…. please..who wouldn't behave like that when someone suddenly says you are a demon" Luciano tried to explain.

"How bout I tell you tomorrow? You need to go to work" She said, reminding him that he was getting late for work.

"Okay…but promise me that tomorrow is the deal" He said

"Okay…fine. I promise" She crossed her heart to assure him. Luciano smiled in satisfaction, and then he put on his mask to make it difficult for people to recognize. He grabbed his car keys and left for work. Fairy god mother went to the kitchen to clean up.


Luciano the CEO of" Ain soft gaming company" arrived in his company a little late. His employees greeted him with respect, and he waved at them heading to his office. He had this phobia name humanphobe. He always felt goosebumps crawl on his skin whenever he had a contact with them. Likewise, he preferred being alone, and he never allows a human in his office. His personal assistant did all the job. On getting to his office, his removed his tie and sat on his office seat. He rolled the chair round and round with thoughts running through his mind. He couldn't wait to hear his story, perhaps his misery might end, and he would begin to live a normal life but yet, he wasn't sure.

"Knock" A sound interrupted him, and he groaned. He turned to see who was at the door, and he noticed that he was his PA. He gestured his hand for her through the glass door for her to come in.

"Good morning sir, here are some documents for you to sign" She said as she walked closer to him and a deep frown appeared on his face. Even if she couldn't see the reaction on his face because of the mask he was wearing, but the chilling she felt when she went closer to him made her halt in whatever she was doing.

"I'm sorry" She said as she dropped the file on the table, creating a long distance between them. Luciano quickly signed the documents and threw it on her. She wasn't surprised by his action because he always treated her like that. She bent down to pick the file, and she went out of his office.

Luciano rested his head on his seat as he closed his eyes gradually to think again.


Kim Annie

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