
The Lover's Nightmare

"The Lover's Nightmare" will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very last page with blending steamy romance in a tale of love, fear, and the unknown.

Otsanya · Teen
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17 Chs

The Dream

Richie woke up early on a Friday morning and took his bath. He wore a white t-shirt with a black trouser and sneakers. He headed straight to Sarah's house to see her.

"Knock knock knock"

"Who's there?" Said Sarah, with a calm voice. "It's the love of your love" said Richie, with excitement.

Sarah opened the door for Richie and hugged each other right there at the door.

Sarah invited Richie in and they both went to Sarah's room.

"I would like to discuss something important with you," said Richie. "Sure, is there any problem?" said Sarah.

Richie cleared his throat and spoke up.

" Sal actually the encounter we had in that haunted house since that day has been bordering me a lot these days and i would like to tell Eddie, Stanley, Bill and Ben about it"

He also narrated to her how he was attacked by the man when he was with Bill.

"Why didn't you let me know that it attacked you again?" Sarah Said.

"Because I was still frightened as at that time," he said.

"We really need to do something about this black coated man," she said.

They both agreed on telling Eddie, Stanley, Bill and Ben about their experience at the haunted house.


Richie and Sarah called Eddie, Stanley,Bill and Ben to a place nearby and narrated to them about their experience at the old Santos house and also told them about the second attack when he was with Bill

" I was so scared for Richie at the time," Bill said.

"Who is this black coated man," Eddie said. "And what exactly does he want from you?".

"I've heard about the black coated man before,I didn't know he was still around here," said Stanley, looking around uneasily.

"It has always been around," said Ben. "It's just that nobody ever sees him unless they're looking for him."

"Well, we definitely weren't looking for him," said Richie. "But I guess we found him anyway."

His friends nodded sympathetically, but Richie could tell they were all still a little shaken up by the encounter. After all, even though it has passed, it was still very


As Richie settled back into his normal routine, the memories of the Santos house and the man that had attacked him lingered like a shadow at the back of his mind. He tried to focus on school, his friends, and his budding relationship with Sarah, but every now and then, a flash of that faceless creature would intrude upon his thoughts, sending a chill down his spine.

One night, Richie slept off while thinking about what he saw at the Santos house. In the dream of that night he saw himself heading to the Santos house. The house was dark and the door was widely opened. Richie stepped into the house and immediately the man appeared, he tried to run but mistakenly stepped on an underground tunnel and he fell into a small house with only windows and no doors. He saw bookshelves filled with alot of spell books, he got hold of one of the books and immediately the man appeared again and grabbed him by the neck. Richie was losing his breath, he used the spell book to hit the man and lightning came out of the book and blasted the man and it flew the man to the wall.

Richie was surprised by the power of the book. He said to the man "what do you want?". But the man kept mute and immediately Richie woke up shivering with fear.

That morning Richie called Sarah,Ben,Bill, Eddie and Stanley for a meeting and he told them about the Nightmare and they all decided to make research about the history of the Santos house.

They spent the next few weeks digging through old newspapers, interviewing elderly residents, and piecing together the dark history of Santos house in Derry. They discovered that the Santos house had been plagued by cycles of violence and terror, with mysterious forces preying on everyone who set their foot in the house.

As they delved deeper, they began to see a pattern. The same stories of the black coated man, and the same sense of dread that had attacked Richie and Sarah. They realized that the black coated man in the Santos house has something to do with the house's dark history.

One night, while poring over their findings in Bill's garage, they came across a Journal. An old journal, written by a man who claimed to have fought the same black coated man that they were now facing. A man called "Justin".

The group of friends decided to find a way to get to the man to get more information about the Santos house.

Eddie said " I think we should go to the Santos house to get more information too"

" So that we will get attacked again right?" Said Richie.

"No, we have to go prepared. I feel like we will get more information there, there has to be something" Said Eddie.

Bill said, "Eddie is right, maybe that underground house and book that you saw in the dream actually exists".

"We have to be very prepared because that black coated man seems very dangerous, we have to stick together," said Ben.

Stanley, always the skeptic, sighed. "I don't know how you can prepare for something like that. But Ben's right. We have to stick together."

Sarah said "I'm scared, i..i..i can't"

Richie to Sarah "You don't have to come Sal, I need you to be safe,I don't want any harm to befall you"

" I can't leave you guys alone" Sarah said.

Richie responded " Don't worry babe, we will be fine. I promise"

"Alright babe,I love you so much" said Sarah" with a calm voice.

"I love you more," Richie said with a gentle voice.

They both hugged and they all went back to their houses for the day. That night, Richie lay in bed, staring at the ceiling. His thoughts were about Sarah and their beautiful relationship, he was smiling so much. Then all of a sudden the events at the Santos house started replaying in his mind like a nightmare on loop. He started frowning and shivering with fear. He couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to the story, that the black coated man that they had encountered was just the tip of the iceberg.

The next day Richie, Eddie, Stanley, Bill and Ben went prepared to the Santos house hoping to find some sort of clue about the man in black coat. Luckily for them, the house was empty. They searched round the house but couldn't find anything and they stumbled upon an underground tunnel leading to a small house, same with the one Richie saw in his dream.