
The Lover's Nightmare

"The Lover's Nightmare" will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very last page with blending steamy romance in a tale of love, fear, and the unknown.

Otsanya · Teen
Not enough ratings
17 Chs


The moonlight filtering through the canopy of the trees created eerie patterns on the forest floor. Richie and Sarah stood breathless, the adrenaline still coursing through their veins after their narrow escape from the black coated man. They leaned against a tree, trying to catch their breath and formulate a plan.

"We can't keep running like this," Sarah panted, her voice shaky but determined. "We need to get the right keys and get out of here."

Richie nodded, his face grim but resolved. "You're right. We have to go back to the house. The drifter might still be searching for us out here. Our best chance is to get the keys and get to the car."

Sarah swallowed hard, fear etched in her features. "What if he's already back there? What if he's waiting for us?"

Richie took her hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "We'll be careful. We'll go in quietly, get the keys, and get out as fast as we can. We've already outsmarted him once. We can do it again."

They moved cautiously through the woods, every snap of a twig or rustle of leaves setting their nerves on edge. The old house loomed ahead, it's dark silhouette stark against the night sky. Richie and Sarah paused at the edge of the clearing, scanning the area for any sign of the man.

"I don't see him," Richie whispered, his eyes darting around. "We have to move quickly."

They crept towards the house, their steps light and deliberate. The front door was still slightly ajar from their earlier escape. Richie pushed it open slowly, wincing at the creak it made. They slipped inside the house.

The interior was silent, the oppressive darkness swallowing their faint whispers and soft footsteps. Richie led the way, his heart pounding in his chest. They moved through the living room, their eyes adjusting to the dim light. Richie paused at the foot of the stairs, listening for any sign of the black coated man.

"He could be anywhere," Sarah whispered, her voice barely audible. "We need to be careful."

Richie nodded, his grip tightening on the branch he still carried. They moved towards the kitchen, where Richie had initially left his jacket with the keys. Richie spotted his jacket draped over a chair and hurried towards it, rifling through the pockets with trembling hands.

"Got them," he said, holding up the correct set of keys with a triumphant smile.

Just as they were about to turn and leave, a noise from the hallway made them freeze. The black coated man's silhouette appeared in the doorway, his eyes gleaming with malice.

"You really thought you could get away that easily?" the man sneered, stepping into the room.

Richie stepped in front of Sarah, brandishing the branch like a weapon. "Stay back," he warned, his voice steady despite the fear coursing through him.

The man laughed, a low, menacing sound. "You're not going anywhere".

Richie and Sarah exchanged a quick glance, a silent understanding passing between them. They had to outsmart the man if they wanted to get out alive. Richie tightened his grip on the branch, ready to defend them.

"You're outnumbered," Richie said, trying to sound more confident than he felt. "Just let us go, and we won't report you."

The man's smile widened, his eyes cold and calculating. "You think you can threaten me? You're just kids."

Sarah stepped forward, her voice trembling but defiant. "We're not just kids. We're not afraid of you."

The man lunged at them, and Richie swung the branch, aiming for his head. The man dodged, but Richie managed to land a glancing blow on his arm. The man snarled, his eyes flashing with anger. He grabbed the branch, ripping it from Richie's hands and tossing it aside.

Thinking quickly, Richie grabbed a nearby chair and shoved it towards the man, causing him to stumble back. Sarah seized the opportunity and threw a jar from the counter, hitting the man in the head. He staggered, momentarily dazed.

"Run!" Richie shouted, grabbing Sarah's hand and pulling her towards the door.

They sprinted through the house, the man's angry shouts echoing behind them. They burst through the front door and ran towards the car, the keys jingling in Richie's hand. The night air was cold and biting, their breaths forming clouds in the light of the moon.

Richie fumbled with the keys, his hands shaking with adrenaline. He finally managed to unlock the car, and they jumped inside, slamming the doors shut. Richie jammed the key into the ignition and turned it, the engine roaring to life.

"Go, go, go!" Sarah urged, glancing back at the house.

Richie didn't need any more encouragement. He floored the gas pedal, the car lurching forward and speeding down the driveway. They drove through the gate and onto the main road, the house quickly receding into the distance.

As they drove away, the tension in the car began to ebb, replaced by a profound sense of relief. They had escaped. The nightmare was over. Richie glanced at Sarah, her face pale but her eyes filled with determination.

"Are you okay?" he asked, his voice gentle.

Sarah nodded, a small, shaky smile forming on her lips. "Yeah, I think so. Are you?"

Richie nodded, though his hands still trembled on the steering wheel. "Yeah. We made it out. We're safe now."

They drove in silence for a few minutes, the reality of what they had just experienced slowly sinking in. The adrenaline rush was fading, leaving behind exhaustion and a lingering sense of dread.

"We need to go to the police," Sarah said, breaking the silence. "We have to report him. He can't get away with this."

Richie nodded, his eyes fixed on the road ahead. "You're right. We have to make sure he doesn't hurt anyone else."

They packed the car aside near a roadside and they slept off.


The next morning,The black coated man had left Richie's house. Richie and Sarah headed back to Derry.

As they approached Derry, the familiar sights of the town bringing a sense of comfort and normalcy, they reflected on the night's events. It had started as a simple, romantic escapade, a chance to escape the pressures of their lives and enjoy each other's company. But it had turned into a fight for survival, a night filled with fear and danger.

Richie thought about how they had worked together to outsmart the black coated man, their quick thinking and bravery ensuring their escape. He was proud of Sarah, her strength and determination in the face of such terror. He glanced at her, seeing the same pride and relief mirrored in her eyes.

"We did it," Richie said softly, reaching over to squeeze Sarah's hand. "We got through it together."

Sarah smiled, a genuine smile this time, though it was tinged with exhaustion. "Yeah, we did. I couldn't have done it without you."

They pulled into the parking lot of the Derry police station, the building's lights casting a reassuring glow. Richie turned off the engine and took a deep breath, trying to steady his nerves.

"Are you ready?" he asked, looking at Sarah.

She nodded, her expression resolute. "Yes. Let's do this."

They entered the police station, the cool, sterile environment a stark contrast to the chaos and fear they had just escaped. A receptionist looked up as they approached, her expression curious and slightly concerned.

"Can I help you?" she asked, her voice calm and professional.

Richie stepped forward, his voice steady. "We need to report an incident. There's a dangerous man at an abandoned house outside of town. He attacked us."

The receptionist's eyes widened slightly, and she quickly called for an officer. They were led to a small, quiet room where they could give their statements. A seasoned officer, with a kind but serious demeanor, took their report.

They recounted the two events in which they were attacked by the black coated man, Richie also told the officer about the time he was attacked when he was with Bill. The officer listened intently, occasionally asking for clarification. Richie and Sarah described the black coated man in as much detail as they could, hoping their information would help the police apprehend him.

"Thank you for coming to us," the officer said once they had finished. "We'll send a team to investigate the house immediately. In the meantime, I recommend you both get some rest and take care of yourselves. You've been through a lot tonight."

Richie and Sarah nodded, grateful for the officer's understanding and support. They left the police station feeling a mix of relief and lingering anxiety. The black coated was still out there, but they had done their part to ensure he would be caught.

As they drove home, the first light of dawn began to break over the horizon, casting a soft, golden glow over the town. Richie and Sarah were exhausted, their bodies aching from the night's ordeal, but they felt a sense of closure.

Richie parked the car in front of his house, and they sat in silence for a moment, the weight of the night finally settling over them.

"We made it," Sarah said quietly, her voice filled with a mix of relief and exhaustion. "We're safe."

Richie nodded, turning to look at her. "Yeah, we did.