
The Lovely Magician & The Grumpy One

Unable to support or help her three friends who turned into thieves, Aria could only be depressed alone at home thinking about that. But one night, her friends enter the wrong house, and only Aria can save them. Little did she know that by going there, she’d meet someone & her destiny would begin to change drastically.

ThreeBites · Fantasy
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45 Chs

To The Town

Because Mr. Isak insisted on not telling the 2 suspicious young nobles of Aria's whereabouts, Hiki and Rei were finally forced to leave again empty-handed. "Ugh, that damn old man! You'll see, I'll send people to destroy this building later!" Hiki grumbled while kicking the wind.

"Delay that plan until next month. I still have a lot of stuff that hasn't arrived yet." Rei replied.

"Still? But I thought you're planning on coming back next week." Hiki asked, but his friend looked too lazy to answer it. "Well, so, what's next? Do you want to go back to the mansion and try to torture those two thieves again?"

But Rei just tilted his lips resignedly. "Seeing how they don't want to talk at all even though I already crushed their hands, they might still not speak anything even if we kill them."

"Hh, what a typical commoner." Hiki agreed. "But by the way, what do you want with that girl anyway? Don't tell me you're going to ask her to teach you magic?" He asked even though he started laughing to himself again. "If so, I want to see it!"

But because Rei didn't answer, he continued his chatter. "Ah, or are you planning to lock her up too?" He guessed again.

"I'm fine with it, but my parents are also back next week, you know. If they find out we locked some random girl, just so you know, I'll blame you first. They might actually send me to die in the war if they start to think I'm also a pervert." He added.

"Is that a problem? Even if that happens, I think Elena will save you."

"...Ugh, shut up." Hiki grunted af if he got reminded of something bad.

Following Hiki's smile that disappeared, this time it was Rei who started chuckling softly. "You owe me for that, you know. She almost came here too if I didn't tell her about the auction in Lapia kingdom."

"Hmph! That's just because you don't want to come here with her either." Hiki replied and Rei could only shrug his shoulders without denying it. "So where are we going to find that girl?"

"Where else, of course to town." Rei said. "There's a few things I need to buy anyway, so we can also ask around if anyone knows the girl."

Casually, Hiki followed Rei again. "You really keep buying something..." He replied wryly. The problem is that even though he himself, like other nobles, also always spends their money, Rei strangely always buys useless things.

"Although I think you have a point." Hiki said again. "A girl as cute as her should be recognized by a lot of people." He added, which Rei then replied with a disgusted look. "What? She WAS cute. Unlike you, I have good eyes for women. If only she dressed better, I guess--"

"Sure, sure, I don't care."

Though of course, even though they had questioned many merchants here and there, no one could recognize the woman who was said to wear a moon hair clip and could even use magic--as well as being rather pretty.

Moreover, because this city is a place that is often passed by travelers or newcomers, finding her is actually closer to being impossible.

The problem is that although there aren't many ordinary people who can use magic, there are still many people from outside the city who can. From ordinary tourists, circus troupes, even mercenaries. So if you just call her a 'magician', finding one specific person is still hard to do.

But when it was around midday, Rei was forced to accompany Hiki to go to the bakery again because he just kept getting hungry. And at that time, the shop owner's child who had been seen drawing in the corner suddenly ran towards his mother who was the shop owner.

"Mother, look. I drew a dragon. It's similar to the one back then, isn't it?" He said while showing off a long snake streak that was blue in color.

The woman looked slightly embarrassed while glancing at Rei and Hiki, but then she turned back towards her son. "You're right, it looks really good." She replied.

"What's good about it?" Hiki chirped, which was then glared at by the mother and even by Rei too.

But fortunately the child didn't really hear it. "But when can I see the show again? Can I see it tomorrow, please?"

"Sure, if they do another magic show we'll go there then." Her mother answered quickly while wrapping the bread that Hiki ordered. "Here, sir. The price is--"

"Magic show?" Rei cut in suddenly. "Is it like a circus?"

A bit surprised because she suddenly got asked, the mother was confused for a moment. "Err, ah, well, rather than a circus, it's actually just a street show." She finally answered.

Hearing that, Rei immediately looked disinterested. Because it feels like someone who can use micro-magic like that definitely wouldn't waste their skills on some useless street shows. "Just to be sure, but did they have any girls wearing a moon hair clip?"

"And pretty too." Added Hiki.

"Um... I don't know, I didn't really pay attention to it..." The mother answered vaguely.

Seeing that, Rei just ended up shrugging his shoulders and sighed softly like he has been doing all day. "I'll wait outside." He said to Hiki before finally turning around.

But right before Rei stepped out the door, the boy spoke again. "I saw the sister who was wearing a moon hair clip though."

"What?! Really? Where?" Asked Rei who immediately ran closer again. Even though it only made the child get afraid and ran away behind his mother's feet.

Feeling sorry, the woman decided to squat down and spoke slowly too to him. "Are you sure you saw her? Was she one of the people doing the magic show back then?"

"Yes! That's the sister who made the water dragon." He answered spiritedly. "I remember her because she gave me candy too."

"She's pretty, right?" Hiki interrupted again.

But as if he didn't really understand the question, the boy was silent for a moment. "...Is it the same as if she has a sweet smile?"