
The Lovely Magician & The Grumpy One

Unable to support or help her three friends who turned into thieves, Aria could only be depressed alone at home thinking about that. But one night, her friends enter the wrong house, and only Aria can save them. Little did she know that by going there, she’d meet someone & her destiny would begin to change drastically.

ThreeBites · Fantasy
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45 Chs

The Date

"Ah, crabs!" Mr. Bishop cursed when they finally lost Aria. "Did you see them?" He asked Feny, although unfortunately she also shook her head.

Because Aria herself had already agreed to Loir's invitation, they couldn't do much to argue when they said they were leaving together. So as a last resort, he and Feny planned to follow them secretly from behind.

But after several turns in the market, their mission finally failed. "If that rich boy finds out, he won't take the money from us again, right?" He asked Feny again, even though his daughter could only fold her lips.

"This is because you were too focused on the money earlier!" Feny scolded him.

"What can I do?! We're walking around carrying a box of gold!" He said with a whisper-scream.

"I guess that's true…" Feny replied, couldn't deny it. "Okay, dad, I think you should just go to the ship first. Who knows, they might be going that way. I'll be around here in a bit."

"Okay." Said the father, and the two of them began to scatter. Completely unaware that Loir had brought Aria into the animal shop that had been behind them seconds ago.

That's why after making sure that both of them disappeared, Loir heaved a sigh of relief. "Phew, they finally left." He muttered.

Only then he widened his smile again to approach Aria. "What do you think? Is there anything you like?"

"...Not really." Aria replied, who didn't even want to move one bit, because she was afraid to approach the animals that were all over the shop. Starting from snakes, rats, to spiders, and even scorpions! Not a pet shop, it was actually a wild animal shop!

'Well, I did pull her here randomly because this was the closest shop…' Loir thought a bit guilty too.

"Then let's go to another shop--"

"Why the rush?!" Interrupted the shop owner. "I have lots of cute animals here too! This mouse for example. Or the owl and the iguana." He persuaded them.

With a bitter laugh, Aria was about to follow Loir out. But something flashed through her head and she turned back towards the old man. "Um, can that owl send letters too?"

"Of course! As long as you send him at night." The old man replied proudly.

"You need a mail bird?" Asked Loir.

"Yes, I wanted to tell my friends at home that I've arrived at the capital safely so they won't be too worried." Answered Aria. "How much does the bird cost?"

"Cheap. Only 1 gold coin and 30 silver coins."

"Gold--" Aria repeated, somewhat surprised.

"Why? Don't you have a lot of money now?" Asked Loir too.

Not at all! Because she already gave everything to Mr. Bishop and Feny earlier. If anything, she only has several silver coins in her pocket now. "Could you lower the price a bit?" She asked.

"This owl is different, you know. Unlike other birds, he can fly to the end of the world in a short time!" Said the old man. "But well, since you look like my granddaughter, how about I give you 1 gold coin?"

"Mm, how about I give uncle 30 silver coins and some medicine? Doesn't your waist hurt?"

"Of course not!" Replied the old man quickly. Though he looked confused afterwards. "But how do you know my waist hurts…?"

"Isn't your hand sprained too? I will heal it too!"

Starting to get tempted, the old man went silent for a moment. "Do you have a tonic too? You know, for…"

"...I can make it now I guess."

And that's how Aria got her pet owl which she named Pen. Even though the bird probably doesn't know yet that he has a new owner and a new name because he's still sleeping.

"You're quite good at bidding." Loir commented later.

"Well, I'm only good at healing people, so…" Aria replied bitterly. Because since long ago, whenever she lacked money to buy something, the only thing she could do to offer is her medicine and healing magic.

"Not only beautiful and good at healing magic, you're also kind." Loir said again. "I bet there is no man who doesn't want to have you as their wife."

"..." A little awkward hearing that compliment, Aria quickly changed the topic. "B-But Mr. Loir is a lieutenant, right? You must be a very good soldier to be a lieutenant at such a young age."

"Well, it was my father who bribed the captain to raise my rank, to be more precise. But I guess I'm not that bad either." He replied lightly. It seemed like Aria was the one who accidentally brought up a sensitive matter!

Although Loir actually found it funny to see Aria returning to silence with an awkward face. "But anyway, where do you plan to live after this?" He asked again. "Given Rei's personality, he must just allow you to stay at his house for only one night."

Aria thought for a moment. But instead of being confused, she finally chose to be honest. "Actually Mr. Rei said he would rent out his other house to us for a while."

"Hm… That's a bit surprising. It's a shame though, because I was planning on offering it first." He replied with a laugh. "Then what do you plan to do after tidying things up?"

"Don't tell me you're going to work with that old man and that little girl? I don't recommend it though. Judging by their ugly ship, their business must be tough."

Aria forced herself to laugh, but inside she could feel that Loir was directing the topic to the one that Rei had forbidden her to answer the most. About the reason she came to the capital.

"Oh! Or do you want to open a medicine and healing service shop?" Guessed Loir again. "Of course it is, right? Haha, why did I even ask!"

But despite his laughter, Loir still stuck his head in front of Aria demanding an answer. "Right?"

"...M-Maybe. I haven't actually thought about it." Aria replied as best she could while having a heart attack by herself.

But as if he didn't believe it, this time Loir shifted his position to stand in front of Aria and started looking her straight in the eye. He wasn't even laughing anymore. "Just to be sure, but you're not planning on getting into that Luxen academy, are you?"

"..." Spontaneously fell silent, Aria's heart really sank that second.

"That place isn't what everyone thinks it is, you know." He said again. "The people there are not sane in mind. Even if you're good with magic, it won't guarantee they will take you seriously and might even take advantage of you."

"What do you mean by--"

"Aria?" Called someone suddenly, which turned out to be Rei.

He seemed to be busy carrying several piles of boxes, but he still walked closer so he could glare angrily at Aria. "Why aren't you with Mr. Bishop and the kid?" He asked sharply.

"Um, well, mm…" And of course Aria didn't know how to reply.

"I asked her out." Answered Loir first.

"...I see." Rei replied shortly. Although he didn't forget to glare back at him.

But even though normally Loir would talk more, this time he just let out a sigh and gave up first. "Well, it's time for me to return to the post. So I guess we should end our date." Loir said while returning Aria's birdcage.

Although when Aria stretched out her hand to take it, he suddenly pulled her hand instead and kissed it first. Only then did he really return the cage. "I hope we can go out again next time."

And he finally left, leaving Aria in a difficult position with Rei.

"You guys look close already." Rei sneered. "He even bought you, what is that? A bird?"

"I-I bought it myself."

Somewhat curious, Rei opened the cloth that was covering the cage. "Barlan owl? Isn't it expensive? How could you buy it?" He asked then. "Didn't they take all the reward money from you?"

"The owner lowered the price earlier, so my own money is still enough."

Rei was silent for a moment while looking at her as if he was putting together a sentence to scold her again. But to be honest, he could already guess that Aria was at least forced to accompany Loir, for some reason.

So he just sighed. "Please just say you didn't say anything weird to him." He said. But because Aria was silent again, Rei immediately grumbled. "You! For god's sake!"

"I-I didn't say anything!" Aria answered at last. "Just… I don't know how, but he suddenly asked first if I was planning to enter the academy."

"...And? What did you reply?"

"Nothing. But then he started saying things that the academy wasn't a good place or something."

"Ah…" Rei chirped lightly, somehow didn't look surprised anymore. "I forgot he's one of them."

"What does that mean?"

"Nothing much. But I heard he had some problems with people at Luxen." He explained. "But it's not important, so don't worry about it."