
The Lovely Magician & The Grumpy One

Unable to support or help her three friends who turned into thieves, Aria could only be depressed alone at home thinking about that. But one night, her friends enter the wrong house, and only Aria can save them. Little did she know that by going there, she’d meet someone & her destiny would begin to change drastically.

ThreeBites · Fantasy
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45 Chs

Firstly, Information

Frustrated, since last night Aria could only ruffle her own hair in stress. She couldn't even remember how she had convinced Lily, Kuvi, and Mina to go help out at Mrs. Rumia's shop earlier today instead of continuing with the reading lessons Aria promised yesterday.

Or how she could lie about Leyna and the others' whereabouts to the shop owners who were passing by and asked her. Also how she asked Mr. Henri permission not to work today. Also--!

Even though she was panicking half to death, it turned out Aria still had time to take care of all her schedules today so she only needed to be busy thinking about Arran who was still lying sick in the warehouse--aloso Mika and Leyna who were probably still locked up in that house.

"But it's kinda strange…" Aria muttered. The problem is if someone catches a thief or something like that, of course they will usually hand it over to the village head or to the mayor as well. Especially nobles, who like to directly punish them in public or something.

But never mind all that, the gossip is not even heard anywhere.

Dizzy thinking about it alone, Aria finally decided to go back to check on Arran's condition in the warehouse. Judging from his wound last night, it looked like he had been cut by a knife laced with poison or something. Rather than being attacked by a magician, he looked more like he was attacked by a bear hunter.

With limited medicinal herbs and such cloudy weather, it would take hours for Aria to make the effects of the poison wear off. Remembering that, Aria burst into tears again.

"Why are you crying again? You're such a crybaby." Arran said in a very limp voice. Even though he was better than last night, his face still looked very pale because he had also lost a lot of blood.

"I don't know what to do…" Aria answered in a choked voice.

Not having the energy to console Aria, Arran fell silent again. But after a while, he returned to his voice. "But is it true there wasn't any report to the village head or anything?" He asked and Aria shook her head. "Don't tell me that crazy man locked them up and tortured them?" He grumbled again.

While wiping her tears, Aria tried to speak again. "But you said it was the Malven's mansion right? Is there anyone in their family who can do magic?"

"...As if I know." Replied Arran. "We just went there because they said all the other family members were gone except for their second child. But other than that…"

Seeing Arran starting to sweat profusely again, Aria then wiped his face first before asking again. "But… Why did you say he was crazy?"

Immediately silent, Arran began to return to his bitter expression as he recalled last night's events. "…I mean, at first he was just using normal magic, but he suddenly shot a mountain-sized fireball at us. If Mika didn't hold it, our bones might not even be left." He said wryly.

"Then right after that he also started throwing poisoned knives… Mika helped me escape first, but he and Leyna were caught first before they could catch up with me."

Seeing Arran speak bitterly, Aria became speechless too. Especially in the part of the fireball which is said to be as big as a mountain. It doesn't sound so realistic, so Aria once thought his memory might be over-imagining it.

Thinking of that, Aria became a bit afraid to carry out the wild idea she had previously thought of. "You better get some rest." Aria said finally while placing a new compress on Arran's forehead.

But when Aria was about to leave, Arran then held her hand. "Just to make sure... But you're not planning anything crazy too, are you?"

"I just… Planned to find some information."

"Just information?"

"Firstly, information." Replied Aria before she immediately ran off.

"What, wait! Ugh…"