
The Lovely Magician & The Grumpy One

Unable to support or help her three friends who turned into thieves, Aria could only be depressed alone at home thinking about that. But one night, her friends enter the wrong house, and only Aria can save them. Little did she know that by going there, she’d meet someone & her destiny would begin to change drastically.

ThreeBites · Fantasy
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45 Chs

Backstory & Confession

Even though he doesn't come from a noble family, Mika used to come from an affluent family. His father and mother were nomad merchants who were always moving here and there and often lived on ships. But after seeing that their son could use magic but had no friends to play with, they decided to live in a small town.

Initially, Mika was just curious when she accidentally saw Aria using her magic to steal apples from her own mother's shopping basket—which got caught right away, of course. But Mika's mother, who also realized this, then asked Aria's mother to talk, until finally Mika was introduced to her and Aria's friends as well. Where finally Mika also met Arran and Leyna.

And one of the children's favorite activities there is holding a children's theater performance. A place where parents can watch and show off their children.

But different from other children who just go on stage because they are told to, Arran and Leyna are among the most talented. Arran is the most confident to play anything, and Leyna is very talented as a storyteller. While Aria, who was shy, could only throw some small fireworks with her magic.

With a city that has such a culture, Mika and his family finally live their new days. Normal, and fun.

But who knows what destiny has planned… Something dangerous was actually following his family. And one night, someone suddenly killed Mika's parents and burned down his whole house and even their trading ship.

No one knows how and why this tragedy happened, including Mika, who just fell asleep that night without hearing any sound. For all he knew, Aria's mother woke him up the next morning and hugged him crying.

After the tragedy, the other adults discussed it until it was decided that Arran's family would adopt Mika. Even though it was difficult, Arran and the others were always kind to him so Mika healed rather quickly.

But after a lapse of several more years, this time a plague appeared in their city, which brought a high fever disease that only affects the adults. Not only Mika, this time Arran, Aria, Leyna, and many other children ended up being orphans in that terrible year.

The kingdom managed to contain the plague after a few months. But in the end, the children who were left behind had to start earning money even though they were still very young. Not only to support oneself, but also to revive the stalled economy of the entire city.

After several years, their city finally began to recover. But everyone's life is still as hard as ever.

For now, Mika and the others actually have their own jobs. Aria at the herbal medicine shop, bakery for Arran, fruit shop for Leyna, and parcel delivery service for Mika. Then every 1 or 2 weeks, they will also hold a magic show in the city square.

But about two months ago, when Mika was delivering a package to one of the noble houses, maybe there was a demon passing by who whispered into his ear. So from then on, he began to steal an item or two from the houses of the nobles every time he came.

Not long after, he ended up also inviting Leyna and Arran. But without even talking about it, the three of them knew that Aria definitely wouldn't want to and wouldn't be able to go along with such a dirty job.

It's just that… Aria who was always kind-hearted quickly undermined their feelings of guilt. Even though she also doesn't have enough money, unlike them, Aria always pays attention to their health and is the quickest to help if one of them get sick. Even when Aria had money, she also never forgot to share her food with them.

And so with all the guilt stacked up, the three of them finally planned to tell her everything today. Or they were supposed to…

"So, Aria, you know--"

"By the way, Aria, how did you think of today's show?" Mika interrupted. Leyna has been trying to start a conversation since earlier, but Mika just couldn't stop getting in the way!

"Um, pretty fun." Aria answered. "Especially when our dragons were fighting! It was so exciting that I almost forgot that I had to control it." She added with a laugh.

"Haha…" But while participating in forcing laughter, Leyna kicked Mika's leg from behind. "And Aria, about what I said--"

"Ah, right!" But Mika still didn't want to obey. "Did you know, a kid also said to me earlier that he wants to come watch again if we can make a lion. Do you think you can make a lion?" Mika said again.

"Maybe… But I have to practice first." Aria answered while laughing again. Even though she was already aware of Leyna and Arran's actions, who had been glaring at Mika all the time.

"Um, Leyna…" Aria started to say. Because as Leyna suspected, Aria did know that the three of them seemed to be hiding something--and kinda want to talk about it right now. But she couldn't bring herself to ask them first, so she just kept silent all this time. "N-Nothing."

And again, Aria's such attitude was very effective in making them feel guilty.

"For god sake! I'll do it!" Arran finally said while pulling Mika away. "So Aria, actually--"

"Are you serious?" Mika replied while pulling Arran back. "If you tell her, our shows will be over!"

"Who cares about that cheap theater?!" Arran replied while pushing Mika's face.

"I do!" He cried while trying to scratch Arran's face too. Because rather than worrying that Aria would reveal their secret job, Mika didn't want their theatrical performance to end much more.

BUGH! "Shut up you two!" And finally Leyna kicked them both until they both fell on the ground, leaving Aria speechless because she didn't understand why the two boys had been fighting all about.

"W-What happened?" Asked Aria. "Are we… Not going to have another show?" She said in a sad voice.

Seeing Aria like that, Leyna took a deep breath to strengthen her resolve again. "...Okay. Aria, my sweet friend. Listen to me carefully." She said while holding both of Aria's hands. "We need to tell you something, and you're not going to like it. But please listen to the end and don't run away, okay?"

"...Okay." Even though she was a little scared, it seemed sooner or later it would be like this. So she just complied.

"So, that, you know… Recently…" Leyna began cautiously. "Actually the three of us have another job!" She continued with all her might, making sure it all ended today.


"Yes, job. But… The job is a bit illegal." Leyna said somewhat cautiously again. And as she expected, Aria fell silent hearing that.

"Mika's afraid that if you find out, we won't be able to do shows together anymore." She added as calm as she can. "But I also don't want you to get involved in this work, so we've kept it a secret from you."

Silenced for a moment, Aria almost opened her mouth to say something. But immediately her words trailed off, suddenly realizing that she couldn't say anything. Because like Leyna said, Aria didn't think she could do such a job, which was said to be illegal--equal to being dangerous.

But on the other hand, she felt like it would be unfair if she stopped them. Because it's not like she could come up with other solutions either.

"...Since when?" Aria could only ask.

"About a month ago."

"Is it dangerous?"

"Well, somewhat."

"Is that why you sprained your leg last week?"

"...More like because Arran accidentally pushed me. But, yes." Correct Leyna. "Things happened while we were doing this job."

All of them were silent for a while to let Aria ponder alone. But Mika, who couldn't stand it, finally stood up to speak again. "But you know what! Even if Aria doesn't join us with the job, I think we can still continue with the show." Mika said, although of course his three friends were all silent.

So he hesitantly added. "Or… Maybe we can stop doing the job--"

"Hey! You were the first one to ask us to come along!" Arran interrupted.

"But not so we can stop doing the shows!"

Arran was silent for a moment, but then he said again. "Me and Leyna have siblings, you know. We need the job more than the shows."

"I know! They are also my family. But… But…" But Mika was finally at a loss for words too, kinda regretting that he started all of this and ended up crushing the theater show that his mother used to like--

"I-I'm fine with it!" Suddenly Aria spoke again amidst the silence. "Although I may sound naive, as long as we're still friends..." She continued with a trembling voice.

"I know myself I couldn't… help you with that, even if I want to. But if you really have to do it, I don't think I have the right to stop you either." She said. "S-So, don't stop being friends with me." She continued to sound desperate as well.

And seeing Aria like that, of course her three friends couldn't say anything else. "What are you saying? We're the ones who should be grateful if you still want to be friends with us." Leyna said then while holding her hand again.

Aris shed a bit of tears, but she tried to talk again. "In exchange, you still have to tell me if there's anything. I will also take care of Lily, Kuvi and Mina."


"And, about the shows…" Aria continued while looking at Mika. "Maybe we should put it on hiatus for now. But if there is a chance, I promise we will do it together again." She said while holding Mika's hand as well.

Affected by Aria's sincere gaze for a moment, Mika finally could only sigh. "It's a promise then."

"And I'll make you a nice costume too." Added Aria who this time smiled at Arran. Although Arran who was a bit embarrassed could only avert his face and snorted softly.