
The love we desire

Having to experience one extremely painful heartbreak that caused you to no longer believe in "love". You convinced yourself that maybe being numb was for the best and allowed yourself to date and throw them away when you're bored. Until one day, someone changes everything you thought love was. But will you allow that? Will you open your heart again?

Crystalthebookworm · Fantasy
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1 Chs

The landlord

Love. What exactly is that?

Being a 19-year-old student trying to struggle everyday life studying, making sure your grades don't drop. Well, you were already doing badly in your grades and weren't sure studying was your 'thing'.

You couldn't decide what you wanted to do with your life. AT ALL. You just followed where life would take you to.

"Babe, wanna catch a movie after school?" Your boyfriend sat by your side as you packed her bags for the next upcoming classes.

"You know what? I think the best idea for me to do after all these classes are, to go home and nap. Now if you would excuse me, Mr. Liam Walton, I need to get going to the next class." You stood up, firm and with no regrets as to what you had just said, and walked towards the door heading for your next class.

You've been with Liam for only a few months and were already getting sick of that guy. Tall, fit with broad shoulders but with an annoying characteristic. All girls could be seen chasing him, throwing themselves onto him. He likes being a jerk and he never cares.

'I don't see a reason why we should still be together, bet he won't care either you thought.

"Janice Walsh, you're late. 1 Minute and 27 Seconds" Mrs. Pierce's voice echoed throughout the classroom as she stared at you sternly, disturbing your trace of thoughts.

"You know... you should relax. 1 Minute? Really now?" With no expression, you went to your assigned seat and dropped your bag beside your chair. You are rebellious. You are the kid everyone thought 'hopeless'.

"Okay, class. Turn to page 118 and refer to the second paragraph!" Mrs. Pierce begins her lecture and you could feel your eyelids getting heavier and the next thing you know, you're fast asleep.


"At this rate, you'll never make it for your exams." Your mom stated as she served dinner on the table.

"Dear, don't be so harsh on her. Maybe she had some other plans." Your dad defended you like how he always did.

"Janice is hopeless. She is trying to ruin her life. Why don't you go think about it huh? Why don't you for once do us proud? Without your education, you wouldn't be able to go anywhere!" She emphasized her words as you sat there expressionless eating your dinner. Hearing the same lecture every single day, you were already used to it.

"Come work with me." Your mom monotonously said.


"You have to. Tomorrow, 7 am. You have no classes anyway." It wasn't even a question anymore, she stated it loud and clear and you had to obey her. You might be rebellious but the last person you want to offend was your mother. Not because she's strict, you just didn't want the drama and she is definitely a drama queen. Your phone rang before you could even reply her.


"What is it?" You stood up and went to get some privacy.

"Babe, I feel that there's something wrong and I think we shoul-"

"Yea, there's something really wrong and that's you. It's over alright? I'm sick and tired of you." You ended the call before he could even reply. You didn't give him a chance.

7 am, you woke up due to the alarm and took a cold shower to freshen up yourself. Your mom was already waiting downstairs for you, you went to her car and went off.

At the restaurant

"Janice, come meet Mr. Gray! He's the landlord of this restaurant." Your mom introduced.

"What a beautiful young lady, how nice of you to be helping your mom!" Mr. Gray praised.

You simply smiled & nodded at his remark and thought to yourself 'well I didn't have a choice and was forced here.'

They continued chatting and you made your way to the drinks counter to clean up the area.

"Anthony!" Mr. Gray called out. You raise your head to see this tall, handsome man who seems to be around your age.

"Hey, dad!" he replied with a bright smile plastered on his face.