
The Dream

We were sitting on his couch, watching a movie. I could feel his eyes on me, but I pretended as if I didn't. I kept my eyes on the TV, paying him no mind at all. He slowly wrapped his hands around my my waist and put his hand in my stomach, right on top of my birthmark. I could feel him breathing on my neck. He got closer to my ear and whispered "Do you want to see my room?" I grabbed my phone, stood up and said yes. we went up the stairs and into his room. I sat on the bed and he sat next to me. I kept my eyes on Instagram as he put his arms around my waist. he put his lips to my neck and kissed me. We laid on the bed as he kept kissing my neck. He went lower and lower, biting me in all the right places as he went down. He got to my lower stomach and slowly unbuttoned my pants. His phone buzzed and he ignored it. But then it kept buzzing and buzzing and I told him to check who it was. It was is ex saying she wanted him back and with that I was looking at the ceiling of my room wondering what was wrong with me. lay there staring at the ceiling, wondering what's wrong with me. I look at the phone, deciding if I should answer. How do I tell him about my dream? Of course the obvious answer is don't tell him, but I have to text back or he'll think something is wring. I text back "good morning" hoping he doesn't ask me how I slept, but he still asks. I don't tell him about the beginning of the dream, just the end. So, I basically told him I had a dream that he got back together with his ex. I didn't hate his ex. At one point and time her and I were like sisters. we were best friends. she used to do this thing where she would completely stop talking to me for about three days or three weeks. Then she would start talking to me again, like nothing had happened and I went along with it. But I didn't this time. I was tired of getting treated that way. It was starting to feel like a one-sided friendship. I had lost friends while trying to be her friend and I decided that I didn't want to go through that anymore. I know what you're thinking, a real friend stays no matter what, but the last time she stopped talking to me was different. I opened up to her about the pit in my stomach I couldn't get rid of. I told her about the pain in my heart that wouldn't go away. I told her I wanted to end it all so that the pain would go away. I told her I wanted to end my life and she left.