
The Love That Wasn't To Be

Based on a true story of mine. It's not been a long life journey but Love life has been quite a thing for me to cherish. Couldn't wait bringing it up to you. Hope you guys will enjoy it throughout. Let's explore this together. So here we go.

Prajwal_Gautam · Realistic
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2 Chs

The Break-up

It's been a while now we've not met; not seen each other. I am in my hostel eagerly waiting, with a false hope for your text. A text "I miss you Prajwal, I am sorry " would have done a world of good for me. It would have lightened my mood since it has been so long ( exact 2 months ), not long though, but I miss you every minute every second. Someone put it right " The ache that would not leave…". Certainly it hasn't left me ever since we had that horrible break-up.

The break-up I never expected. I never imagined, not even in my worst dream, that we would have a break-up oneday. Every beautiful lovestory ends with a break-up. There are some exceptions though. Everytime I would tell my friends the beautiful relationship we've had over the past few months then, the break-up that I would never make possible by showering all the love and affection that could possibly exist, they would make fun of me and our relationship.

"Long distance relationships doesn't often work."

"You also will end with a break-up."

"You will get your heart broken."

" Never ever trust anyone so much."

These statements kept coming every now and then. But honestly, I literally had no such bad thoughts about my girl. I would say she was the most beautiful soul I came across, she still is.

There is a thing about me that probably went against me. I had never been in a relationship before. I have had few crushes but the lack of confidence in me kept me away from them. So probably I didn't know how to deal with the love we shared among each other. Basically I was a " little inexperienced" about those stuffs. But I gave my best, all the things I could possibly do I tried. All the love that I could possibly express either in words or through emotions I did. I once had a feeling that I was the best boyfriend in the world not because I was attractive and handsome(I am not) but because I would never feel tired speaking with her, of her and appreciate her good works, criticize the bad deeds and help her to correct it. I would share my happiness, sorrows, listen to her and could stare her eyes all day long. It was the first time for me but I was confident of the little skills I had, to be a better boyfriend. We never had such fights that could dishearten each other. I would always remain calm with her though personally I am not the calm type of guy. I was the one to step up and say sorry because I believed in saving the relationship, not ruining it.

Did I mention we were in a long distance relationship, not only because I was in hostel but also from my hometown, she was roughly 60 kms away from me. So when we were to date I would travel one hour catching a bus and take her to a beautiful peaceful place where there would be me and her staring at each other quietly at each other. Eyes speak louder than words, don't they? Wow she used to give me goosebumps in my heart. Don't know if she felt the same way but definitely she also loved me.