
chapter 1:how i met him

It was just a normal day the first day of high school to be exact. Hi I'm Anna, Anna choco to be exact my life is a mess at home but at school every boy ans girl admires me just because I'm part of the so called "cool girls squad" but to day was different because when i got ro school and put away my stuff and went to class during class the teacher had got a school phone call then he stoped the lessons and oh btw my teacher is mr.poo anyway he told some one out side the classroom door to come in even though I'm smart and so called "cool" I was still Interested so the student opedned the door and when theu came in it was a boy a cute ocean blue haired guy around 7ft he had blu9 and red eyes when mr.poo said introduce yourself he said ok he walked up to the front and said: " Hello class mates my name is Dark light as you see im from the 2nd high class wolf clan and my magic is fire,water,ice,and storm making. And the magic i use has color and it is black". and that's all he said then mr.poo said he could sit by me and then every one looked back at me and started to laugh because i was bright red. even tho everything I own is red and blue including my hair,eyes,tail,ears,and clothes by the time every one stoped laughing dark was already siting by me and then after class blue asked to be my friend in front of...THE WHOLE SCHOOL!!. Every girl in the school including my friends were looking at me and even tho I was embarrassed i said yes and we got lunch together and sat with my friends but little did i know something bad was going to happen.