
The Love Speaks!

Valentina Amore, a name expresses how her parents are in love with each other — the speaker of love, they say. The beauty of love was the monstrous feeling she could ever feel— disgusts, hatred and anger. Thus, the magic of love was felt through her bones. The five languages of love: acts of service, words of affirmation, physical touch, quality time, and receiving gifts coexisted. The soldiers of these five languages clash for the ultimatum triumph— making Valentina fall in love.

primaeliana · Teen
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6 Chs

Chapter 03

Valentina's Point of View

It was Saturday morning, and the sun's rays glanced in my window. I smiled and sat on my bed. I looked at my clock, and my eyes widened when I saw that it was already 10 a.m., and the meeting will start around lunch. I stood up and ran towards my bathroom.

"Oh, God!" I exclaimed while turning the showers on. I kept thinking about Nikki. I told her I'd pick her up around 10.30 a.m. I started putting shampoo on my hair while gritting my teeth. "Oh my, Valentina. How reckless you could be! I woke up late, and I didn't follow my schedule," I washed it up and started scrubbing my body as fast as possible. I immediately went out of the bathroom and tried to ruin my closet as soon as I finished. "What should I wear? Am I going to use a car? Or my Ducati? It is not safe for Nikki to jump in my Ducati," I entered my walk-in closet and started wrecking it.

"Hush, mom. There is a dragon in the closet," I heard Eros' voice and a few steps outside my door. I listened to the click of my doorknob and the footsteps of some people. "What are you shouting, my dear?" I looked at my mom and dad's presence outside my walk-in closet and Eros standing beside them. They both looked at each other, "Are you perhaps going on a date?" my mom shouted and jumped in my dad's arms. "She's a fine lady now, honey. Our baby Val has a boyfriend," she stated, and I saw my dad glare at me, which sent chills down my spine.

I shook my hand and looked at Dad, "Silly. I'm just going to fetch my friend, Nikkita." I muttered and looked at them, exchanging looks. "What? Dad, I would introduce it to you once I have a suitor, okay? And Nikkita is my best friend from my university," I hugged both of them and looked at Eros. "You are giving them false information, young boy," I pouted and rolled my eyes at him.

"We all hear you shouted, Freya as if you're late for a date. But it's just a friend," I turned my looks to Eros and glared at him. "She is not 'just' a friend; she's my best friend," I stated. "That is enough, both of you. What time are you going to fetch your friend, dear?" Dad looked at me, so I directed my gaze at my watch and was surprised to see that it was already 10 minutes before 10.30 a.m.

"Dad, could I borrow my Porsche?" His forehead creased, "Why are you asking me always that, my dear? It's your Porsche already. Stop asking about it from time to time. It's yours, okay?" I nodded and smiled. My mom grabbed the wrist of Eros and my Dad and sent them out of the room. "Thanks, mom." I mouthed when she was about to close the door, and she winked at me. I looked at my closet, grabbed a black razorback with minimal design and high-waist shorts, and finished my look with a leather jacket and my favorite boots.

I grabbed my car keys from my drawer and went out of my room. I quickly run down the stairs, "Mom, Dad, I'm going out now. I will eat when I get back," I shouted when I reached the door. "Sure, honey. And stop shouting, please. Take care, dear," my mom commented from the dining area. Bet she's preparing for the 'lunch meeting' later. Though it's not that formal, my mom always believes in impressions; that's why I can't blame her every time she throws something extravagant for our family.

I walked towards our garage and smiled when my Porsche was there. I excitedly ran towards my Porsche, and I couldn't contain the smile I had on my face. It was a gift from my dad when I was 16, and I was not allowed to use it until I was 18, but I did not know that he would let me use it this time. I am still 17 years old— upcoming 18 next year, February 14. I opened the car door and was excited to drive away from our house to pick up Nikkita. But before I went to fetch her, I gave her a call.

— Valentina calling Nikkita —

"Hello?" it's Nikkita on the other line.

"Hey! Sorry, I might run a little late, but I am on my way. Can you type in your address?" I asked her.

"Sure, take care, Valentina! No need to rush, alright?" Nikkita turned off the call and immediately sent me a message for her address.

— End Call —

I typed it down on my Google Maps and was shocked when it was only a 15-minute drive from our house. I turned on Aeli (the name of my Porsche) and drove down to Nikki's house. I played one of my Spotify playlists and immediately began to sing along with my new favorite song, An Art Gallery Could Never Be As Unique As You by mrld. I hummed along with the tune and played it on a loop until I reached Nikki's subdivision. I stopped in a house with big white gates and a sturdy two-sturdy residence. I beeped down my horn and went out of my car. I leaned back on my Porsche's bumper while waiting for her.

"Valentina!" she shouted while running away from their house. She immediately opened their gates and went out. "What happened to you? You look so stressed." I stated, giving her my handkerchief when I saw sweats falling down her face. "Can we go now?" I shook my head which made her eyes widen. "What's the rush? I haven't met your parents yet. Chill, we're not late." I assure her, but she keeps on insisting on ongoing.

A lady wearing a brown dress opened the gates. She looks like Nikkita; maybe it's her mom. "Oh, hello there! Are you Niknik's friend?" She immediately wiped her hands on her dress and offered it to me. I looked at Nikkita before I extended my arms to her. "Yes. Are you her mom? You both look alike," she chuckled and nodded at me. "I'm Georgie Storm, Nikkita's mom," introduced herself. "I'm Valentina Amore, Ma'am. Nice to meet you," I smiled at her while shaking her hand.

"She's so gorgeous, Niknik. Where did you find a friend like her?" I laughed when she asked Nikki the question since her face turned sour. "I found Nikki, Ma'am. She's a good friend and a good person,"

Nikkita's mom smiled at me. After several minutes, a muscular man came out of the gates, holding an Instax. He was wearing a white polo and khaki shorts, covered with an apron. "Dad! You're wearing an apron," Nikkita scolded his dad; that made me laugh. "Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot to remove it." he looked at me, so I gave him an assuring smile. "I'm Fuego Storm, Nikkita's Dad. You must be Valentina, right?" He reached out for his hand, and I extended mine. I nodded, "Yes. How did you know me, Sir?" he looked at Nikki, who looked away immediately. "Nikkita always tells us stories about how is she doing in the University, and she mentioned you most of those stories." Nikkita's cheeks turned red, and he glared at his father.

"Can we go now, Valentina?" she pleadingly looked at me. I nodded and smiled at her parents, "Wait! Can we take a photo of both of you?" Her mom smiled at me and nudged his husband beside her. "Smile!" Nikki's father positioned himself and took a photo of both of us. I quickly looked at the polaroid and smiled, "Can you take another photo of us? I'm going to put it in my room," his father clicked the Instax again and took a photo of us.

I took the polaroid when Mr. Fuego handed it to me. I looked at Nikki and smiled. "Mrs. Georgie, Mr. Fuego, we're going to go now. It's nice meeting both of you." I looked at them and smiled; they both nodded and stepped aside for us to get going. Nikki and I went inside my Porsche and bid our goodbyes. "Bye, mom, dad! Take care, okay? And tell Wyatt for me that he needed to help you out!" her parents laughed and bid us goodbye. I started my Porsche and drove away from their house.

"Who's Wyatt?" I looked at her and asked. Nikkita creased her eyebrows, "Why are you interested?" I rolled my eyes and focused my sight on the road instead. "Chill. It's my big brother. He's a 3rd year College Student, but he's not home always," I looked at Nikkita, confused. "I thought you're the only child," she immediately shook her head, "No, I have two siblings," an 'O' formed in my mouth, still curious about her family. "So, what order do you fit in?" I asked as I continued driving while entering our subdivision. "I'm the youngest," Nikkita stated.

"Oh. You're the only girl?" she nodded. "No way!" I exclaimed and was shocked by what she said. "How was it?" I asked her and looked at her. Nikkita got confused about my question, "I mean about being the only child," I explain further. "Oh, it's fine. I'm the only princess," she smiled widely, and then I pouted. "Lucky you," I sighed and stopped in front of our gate.

"We're here," I looked at Nikki and unbuckled my seat belt. Nikkita let her eyes wander out the gates. "Your gates are massive," I chuckled and pressed a button on my car. "Hayden, open the gates, please," I said and waited for the gates to be open. "Who is Hayden?" I looked at Nikkita, who was curious. "He's a computer system," I told her, and her eyes widened. "So you don't have Siri? or Alexa? or the wife of Plankton? But you have Hayden?" I nodded and laughed about the way she asked about Hayden. Hayden is the computer system that controls everything in our house, and Nikkita is right. Hayden is like just Alexa or Siri or the Plankton wife thingy.

Our gates opened, and I drove down our gates. I passed by the fountain at the center of our house. I parked my car in front of our house, where one of our butlers was waiting. A couple of maids are waiting outside, and Evelyn, the head servant in our home. I looked at Nikkita, looking at the maids waiting for us outside. "You don't want to go out?" I asked her, and she looked at me, "Is your family this rich? Are you a princess of some country?" I flicked her forehead and laughed. "No. I'm hungry. Let's go," I got out of my Porsche and walked toward Evelyn.

"Miss Freya, the guests are waiting in the dining hall," Evelyn stated and looked at Nikkita and me. "Oh, she's Nikkita, my best friend," she nodded and immediately bowed her head where the maids followed her. "Why do they call you Freya?" Nikkita whispered while we were walking towards the door of our house. "It's my first name," I told her and chuckled, "And why are you whispering?" our butler pushed the door, and I found many people inside our house. "Do you have a party here, Valentina?" I shook my head and looked at her. "There will be a meeting after lunch," I informed her and let myself lead her the way to the dining room. "So where am I going to wait for you?" she asked, "No, you're included in that meeting, Nikkita," her eyes widened, and she protested, but I just dragged her into our dining room.

"I was going to call you, Freya. Mom is worried about you," Eros exclaimed and looked at me. Nikkita nudged me out of the blue and looked at my brother. "Brother," I mouthed at her, "I talked to Nikkita's parents, that's why," I followed Eros and dragged Nikkita with me. I saw several people sitting in our dining room, Lola Beau, Aunt Agapi, Jonas Brothers, Sire Mozart, Ms. Anais, and some of their crews are here, also my mom and dad. "Oh, hello, everyone," I greeted them with a smile and slowly pushed Nikkita in front. "This is Nikkita, my best friend, and she will be helping me too," Nikkita bowed her head since I know she's timid with this kind of thing.

I went to our seat, holding Nikkita's wrist with me. I let her sit beside me, and we began eating. The maids served us the food that the chefs prepared. The dining hall was full of noises, talking about business and other things. I looked at Nikki, who was silently eating. "Does the food not to your liking?" she immediately shake her head, "I'm just shy, and I still cannot process that I am in a palace," I covered my mouth to refrain from laughing. Nikkita jokingly slapped my shoulders, "I am not joking. I thought you're just rich, but not this rich," she whispered, directly glaring at me.

"So Nikkita, right?" she seated straight when she heard mom talk. "Mom, I think she's scared of you," I looked at Nikki, continuously shaking her head, which made me chuckle. "Yes, I'm Nikkita Storm," she smiled at my mom. Mom nodded, "I did not know that my Freya has an excellent best friend. I am Imogen Amore, Freya's mother. The talkative man right there is Erasmus Valentine Amore, my husband, Freya's father," my mom giggled when she saw dad waving at her, giving her a flying kiss.

"Mom, you forgot about me," Eros bawled, making mom giggle. "My baby Eros is so adorable. He's Eros Valentin Amore, Freya's brother," Nikkita nodded and smiled at my mom. She nudged me and mumbled, "Your brother is hot, Valentina," I glared at her with disgust, "He has a girlfriend," I saw Nikkita pouted and whispered, "I just said he's hot," as she let herself enjoy the food that she has.

As we were savoring the parfait as our dessert, and others were starting to mingle with everyone, my mom stood up, "Hello everyone! Most of you are done eating already. I hope you did enjoy the lunch that we've prepared for all of you," the people smiled and cheered for my mom. I smiled, seeing my mom happy, "Now, the maids and the butlers will lead the way in the conference room, where we gonna have the meeting, that's all. Don't worry, a snack buffet is offered there too," the guests stand one by one, but Nikki and I remained seated. "You have a conference room in your house?" I nodded while finishing my parfait, "My mom and dad usually hold their meetings here; that's why they built a conference room here, too," she was dazed about what I told her, which made me chuckle.

"I'm gonna give you a tour some of these days," she looked at me with a surprised look, "Are you sure? That's amazing! I'm so excited, Valentina," she smiled while finishing her meal, "Call me Freya," I looked at her and smiled that made her cheeks turned red.

Happy April Fools Day everyone! Sorry for the short update last time. Here is it again, an update of The Love Speaks. I am thinking that I should update once a week, or twice (depending on my life). But Friday is The Love Speaks Day so don't forget to mark your calendars <3. Thank you so much for your support for LSS, Aeli's! Do add this to your collection <33333333 to support LSS!!

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