
The Love Speaks!

Valentina Amore, a name expresses how her parents are in love with each other — the speaker of love, they say. The beauty of love was the monstrous feeling she could ever feel— disgusts, hatred and anger. Thus, the magic of love was felt through her bones. The five languages of love: acts of service, words of affirmation, physical touch, quality time, and receiving gifts coexisted. The soldiers of these five languages clash for the ultimatum triumph— making Valentina fall in love.

primaeliana · Teen
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6 Chs

Chapter 01

Valentina's Point of View

I was on the verge of crying upon hearing Mr. Luxus's activity for the University's Midterms Exam. I groaned in disbelief when I remembered that I would be busy practicing the dance competition for the one-week University Week of our school. Rumors rise that each college has a 1-month preparation for the said University Week, yet today, Mr. Luxus chatted on our group chat, telling all Block B's that we have an abrupt meeting to make.

"This will be the Midterm Activity or the Midterm Examination," he introduces the PowerPoint slide in the projector. Some of us groaned, and even some of us glared at him. He moved to the next slide, "A week before the University Week, maybe at the 2nd Week of October, you must cook a 'desirable dish' applying what you have learned on Basic Nutrition. You have a week to prepare. You can come to my office for advice," he added and moved again to the next slide.

"The scores will be based on the following criteria, so do note. 40 points will be coming from me; I'll be the first to taste test it before you actually sell your own food," my classmates awed in unison.

"What? How are we gonna do that, Sir?" Kleio, one of the KKK's — the bad bitches club asked. I rolled my eyes upon hearing her voice. It's a virus in my ears anyway. Mr. Luxus sighed, "Sell Kleio, put up a mini-store inside the university," he answered, shaking his head. He moved to the next slide, "You need to find 50 seniors or university staff and give them the evaluation paper for it also serves 30 points for the examination," the KKK's chuckled and murmured at each other, gathering 50 people are easy for them.

"No evaluation buying, student! I don't tolerate those kinds of dirty moves in here. Students will be expelled if you're gonna pay someone to take an evaluation for you and make it perfect," he noted, looking at the KKK's. Kendra rolled her eyes and whispered something to Kayline. Nikkita poked my cheeks and whispered, "Aren't they too excited with this?" I shrugged on her question and looked at her, "I want to disappear. I'm busy with the dance competition," I sighed, and Nikkita patted my head.

I leaned on Nikkita's shoulders when one of my classmates raised his hand. Mr. Luxus pointed at him, "It's just over 70 points, Sir? And is that an individual activity?" Terrence asked.

"Are you nuts, Terrence? Individual? And don't just ask if it is 'just 70 points' nerd," Marlon shouted and was about to throw a notebook in Terrence's direction. Mr. Luxus glared at him, "He is just asking, Marlon. Shut up or leave," Mr. Luxus reprimanded him.

Mr. Luxus transferred to the next slide, "It's a good question. The Midterm Examination is 100 points. It's a big impact on your grades, right? Regarding the remaining 30 points, it will be based on the judges' score:" I saw some of my classmate's faces were frightened, and some of us are determined. Mr. Luxus flashes another slide with the photos of the judges, "Here are the Judges. Mrs. Primrose, I know that you know our Head Mistress," he explained.

"Mr. Clinton Avenir, one of the stockholders of the University, and Mr. Cion Querer, the Student Council President," he added. I looked at Nikkita, and she looked back at me, trying to have a telepathy conversation with me which made me roll my eyes. She gave me a malicious smile, so I stuck out my tongue and rolled my eyes, making Nikkita chuckle.

"And this is a pair activity. Choose your own pair. Dismiss," Mr. Luxus turned off the projector, so I did fix my things and placed the iPad on my bag. Nikki poked me and smiled, "Valentina," she called me out, and I rolled my eyes.

"It's Val, Nikkita. We've been friends for almost 3 months, and yes, I agree to be your pair," and gave her a thumbs up while nodding my head. Nikkita's forehead creased, "Wait, Val. We are not best friends?" Nikkita asked, and she pouted, which made me frown. Before I could react to what she said, someone called out my name from the front door of our classroom.

"Valentina! Someone wants to see you," Jolina shouted for my name, and I nodded. I finished my things quickly and looked at Nikkita. She nodded, so I walked towards the door. "Ms. Amore," Arriesa called out, the representative of Medicine and Healthcare.

"Yes, that's me. What do you need?" I asked her. Arriesa looked at me and smiled, "Mrs. Loke is looking for you. She wants to see you at her office," I looked at Nikki, and she pointed out the gazebo outside our classroom, 'I'll wait for you there,' she mouthed. I nodded at her and followed Arriesa.

We walked down the hallway and entered the elevator. Arriesa pressed the 5th floor, so we waited until we got there. As soon as we stepped out of the elevator, she nodded at me and pointed out a door. I walked by myself to the faculty of our college. As soon as I reached the faculty, I took a deep breath before turning the doorknob.

"Mrs. Loke?" I called out her name. I saw someone raising her hand in a cubicle, so I walked towards the person, raising her hand. I stood in front of her stall, and she greeted me with a big smile, 'It's suspicious,' I uttered at the back of my mind.

"Sit down for a while, Valentina," I gave her an awkward smile and followed her orders. "Why did you call for me?" I asked to break the awkward silence. Mrs. Loke smiled and clapped, "Glad you asked! You'll be representing our college for the University's Queen pageant," my eyes widened, and I muttered a no. She placed many stapled papers on her table and slid them in my direction.

"I know you will say no to this, Valentina. Here's the catch, if you'll reign as the University Queen, or even be the 1st runner up or 2nd runner up, you will be exempted for all of your midterms examinations," my heart begins thumping; it was a tempting offer. The Midterms Week is two weeks after the University Week, and I can't even think about how I could cope since I joined the dance competition.

"I have a dance competition on the third night of the University Week, Mrs." I looked at her, but her smile never faded. Mrs. Loke pointed out something on the paper, so I looked at it, "It's not a problem. The pageant is on the fourth night of University Week. Is that a yes, Valentina?" Mrs. Loke wiggled her eyebrows, so I nodded my head. I quickly covered my ears when I heard her scream at the top of her lungs.

I sighed in disbelief, another risk to take. I looked at Mrs. Loke, whistling at her office, "Mrs. Loke, I have a proposition. I will win the University Queen but make two of us be exempted in all of the exams," her smile faded away pierced her eyes at me. I gulped but tried to maintain my composure, "Sure," I awed and smiled at her.

"But please, make this a secret, Mrs. Loke. Until the pageant night comes. I don't want to come in the practices or even dance numbers, but I'll get someone to record or do it for me and teach it to me afterward. I don't want them to know, especially the university student, even in our course," I took a breath and looked at her. Mr.s Loke looked at me and simply nodded. I stood up from my seat and took the papers she handed. I bowed slightly and bid her goodbye. I walked out of the faculty and took my phone out to beep a text to my parents that I'll be joining a pageant. As I walked towards the elevator, I read what Mrs. Loke has given me.

I noticed that I was in front of the elevator, so I waited until the elevator went on the 5th floor. I continued reading the guidelines, and soon as I heard the elevator's ding, I simply entered, yet I hit a stone-alike wall that made me move backward and released the papers I'd been reading. I lifted my chin and saw a man in his black Lacoste polo shirt paired with dark blue jeans. I frowned as I massaged my forehead.

He retrieved the papers that fell out of my hand and looked at me, "Going to join the University Queen?" I glared at him and grabbed the piece in his hand. He chuckled, "Are you hurt? I'm sorry for that," I nodded and quickly entered the elevator.

"Are you a student here?" I asked him, and he immediately nodded. I sighed, "Can you not tell anybody about this?" I looked at him and saw him smile. He looked at me and nodded. It was an awkward ride with him at the elevator when he finally talked, "Why?" I rolled my eyes and replied, "Just don't. I'm not comfortable with it."

"Sure. The name is Clint. And you are?" he offered his hand, so I reached mine too, "Valentina," he awed as we shook our hands. I looked by the time on the elevator and saw that it was already past 12 pm, it was already lunchtime, and I was thinking about Nikki in the gazebo.

My stomach groaned, so I looked away, which made him chuckle, "Lunch, Val?" he asked me with a teasing tone, so I quickly shook my head, "I can't. I have practice in the Aerobic Room, dance competition," and the elevator beep which marks that we're at the first floor. When the door opened, I saw Cion standing while talking with someone. My eyes widened, and I quickly walked away, but Clint held out for my wrist before I could run fast.

"Let's have lunch. Compensation for what I did earlier," Clint muttered, so I turned my back at him and uttered a 'no' that made him frown. I saw Cion look in our direction and walk towards where we were standing. I looked away when he reached us, "Hey man! What are you doing here, Clint?" I heard his baritone voice again.

Clint didn't remove his hand holding my wrist, "Oh. Just visiting this building. This is now my favorite building," Clint jokingly said. I looked at Clint without minding Cion's existence, "I'm going now, Clint. My friend is waiting for me," and tried to release my hand from him. He quickly removed it and looked at me, "Take care, Valentina. Your secret is safe with me, and I'll drop by the Aerobic Room to bring you lunch or snack instead," I can feel Cion's eyes at me, so I just nodded and walked away from them.

I quickly walked towards the gazebo near our classroom and saw Nikki writing notes down in her notebook. I smiled, "Nikki," I shouted and ran towards the pavilion she was at. Nikki glared at me and pointed out the next gazebo using her lips. A man and a woman making out, and we can definitely hear the moans in our pavilion.

"I have something to tell you," I looked at her, still glaring at me, so I rolled my eyes. She frowns, "I will be the representative for the University Queen," I exposed and looked at her, who stopped scribbling and was really shocked at the revelation. She held both of my shoulders, "What?! Are you okay with that? How about your trauma? Why?! What's the catch? Valentina! Explain it to me!" she shouted and made me chuckle.

"Exempted for Midterm Examinations for all of the subjects. And about that, can you help me?" I looked at her, and she quickly nodded, turning her notebook back and acting like she's gonna write down the things that I needed. I smiled, "Can you record all of the practices, dance numbers, or anything related to the pageant?" I gave her a sly smile.

"In other terms, you want me to practice for you, right?" she asked what I wanted, and I nodded. I sighed, "It's okay if you don't want to. I just don't want someone to backfire me again when they know that I will be joining a pageant again," I patted her head and smiled at her for assurance.

"No, Valentina. It's fine. I'll help you," I pouted and hugged her for her determination in saying those things. I grabbed her notebook and wrote an 'I love you, Nikkita' on it. She smiled, "And I'll fetch you at your house tomorrow. It is Saturday, and I have no practice. Let's go to my house," I offered.

Nikkita's eyes widen, "At 'The Lavish,' you mean?" I nodded, which made her gasp. I softly flicked her forehead and laughed, "Stop with that face, Nikkita. I'll fetch you. Thank you for waiting for me, it's already noon, and I know you still have tutoring, right?" she nodded kept her notebook in her bag. She kissed my cheek, and she stood up whispering, 'I love you in my ears. I waited for her to walk towards the University gate and run towards the Aerobic Room since our practice will start at 1:30 pm, and it's already 1:15 pm.

I managed to reach the Aerobic Room building and come on time. I changed my outfit, wearing leggings and a fitted white halter top and my dance sneakers. As I was fixing myself in the mirror, Venice entered the restroom, "Valentina, someone is here to see you. They are outside," I nodded and was taken back by the 'they.' I quickly freshened up and left the restroom. I saw my dance mates whispering at each other while looking at me, so I walked towards the door of the aerobic room.

When I opened the door, I saw two men talking to each other. I come out and stand near the door, clearing out my throat. They turned their backs at me and saw Clint smiling at me and was shocked when I saw Cion's face. Clint walked towards me, where Cion was at his back, "Hey," Clint greeted me with a smile, handing me the paper bag.

"Lunch, Valentina," Clint uttered, so I smiled, taking the paper bag from his hands, "Thank you," I replied. I looked at the luncheon, "But I can't eat with you. We will have practice later on," I concluded, yet he shook his head, "It's okay. I already ate. Just eat your lunch, alright?" I nodded and smiled.

"You are now his dad, Clint? What an oldie," Cion commented and chuckled, looking at me. I raised my eyebrows, "Fuck off, Cion," Clint laughed and jokingly punched Cion's shoulders. Clint pointed at Cion, "This is Cion," he introduced Cion to me.

"She knows me. Right?" Cion asked, not removing his gaze at me. I shrugged, "Of course, Mr. Student Council President. Anyways, thank you for the food, Clint. You don't have to do this again," I smiled at Clint, looking curiously at Cion. I bid my goodbye and entered the Aerobic room.