
The Love of The Alpha King's Mate

Fed up with her mate's adulterous behavior,she decides to make it easier for him and give him what he always wanted,"freedom". But what will happen when her mate wants her back even though she is already married?. The drama heats up as the female lead learns the truth about her past. She is forced to choose between her spouse and her mate. Who will she choose?

Anicki_M_1440 · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter Six

In the early hours of the morning,the artistic golden sun got up like a baby and started painting the dark black sky into a bright blue sky.the bright looking milky clouds got up from sleep and started traveling around the sky visiting the wonderful environment.

As the waves crashed onto the shore, Lucas Ford and his son Noah Ford stood facing each other,their eyes glowing a deep red.Noah a tall and muscular guy lunged forward with a fierce growl,his fangs bared in a hideous snarl.Lucas evaded his attack with ease,his movements fluid and graceful.

They circled each other for a moment, their eyes locked in a deadly stare. Then, without warning,Lucas Ford attacked.he flew at Noah with blinding speed, his razor-sharp claws extending from his fingertips.Noah swung a heavy punch, but he dodged it effortlessly,his body twisting and contorting. With a swift maneuver,he launched himself at his chest, claws tearing through his skin like a hot knife through butter.

A primal scream erupted from Noah's lips as he stumbled back, clutching his chest. Blood gushed from the wound, staining his shirt red. Enraged, he launched himself at Lucas again, determination gleaming in his eyes.Lucas didn't flinch, standing his ground as he attacked once more. They clashed in a violent tangle of claws and fangs, their movements a blur of speed and precision.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Noah lay on the ground, defeated. Lucas stood over him, his eyes glowing with victory.he had won the fight again, and claimed his place as the stronger vampire again.

Lucas offered his hands to Noah, who grabbed them and got back on his feet."You won again, father," Noah murmured, wiping the blood on his mouth with his palms."You'll need to put in more effort in your training then." You have made no progress. "I despise losers, and you have always demonstrated that you are one," Lucas replied to Noah, who tightened his fists.

"I'm not a loser," Noah said, and Lucas patted him on the shoulder with such force that Noah felt pain there."Then prove yourself to me. Prove that I didn't make a mistake in acknowledging you as my son and stop embarrassing me before my men." he said to Noah.

"There's a body floating in the river," stated one of Lucas's men, attracting everyone's attention to the water.Lucas approached the river and spotted the body floating in it.He wanted to ignore it and walk away, but his curiosity won out.

"Get the body out," he ordered, and his soldiers plunged into the river, dragging the body out and placing it on the riverbank.


When I saw the motionless lady on the ground, I was taken aback.Her plain white gown was stuck to her body, and she was pale white.What drew me to her was the color of her hair, which was silver blonde and sparkled like silver.I blinked to make sure I was seeing things correctly.I proved her hair's authenticity by touching it.I immediately directed my men to assist her, and they started CPR on her, but she did not awaken.She wasn't breathing either.

"She's dead," remarked one of my men, and I shook my head."We're taking her home," I told them, and they glanced at me, shocked.

"But, father, she's already gone." "It's pointless taking her with us," Noah said to me."If she's truly dead, I can't feel this energy from her." She just needs a medical specialist to look after her and she'll be okay."

I summoned the best physician in the kingdom to attend to her, but I made sure her hair was covered to avoid drawing attention or spreading rumors about her in the kingdom. I also asked my men there when she was found to keep their mouths shut.

"How is she?"When the physician left the room, I inquired.As he wiped the sweat droplets on his brow, he removed his spectacles.

"This is the first time I've seen a case like this. In reality, she is dead, yet the energy emanating from her suggests that she is still alive somewhere. This is beyond my comprehension. I'm sorry I couldn't do anything about it"he said and I nodded.

I entered the room and looked down at the lady.If the top physician in the vampire realm couldn't save her, then there's no hope for any physician to save her.There is just one hope left, and even though it will cost me a lot, I will do it since the advantage I will receive from this lady if what I'm thinking is correct will be greater.

"Ozuna," I called out to one of my most trusted men.He was my right hand man and my soldiers' leader.

"What can I do for you,Lord Lucas?" he inquired.

"I want you to find Serefina the great witch and bring her to me," I said, and he glanced at me, shocked."Sir, I hope you are aware that bringing a witch into this Kingdom is a capital offense," Ozuna stated to me."It will only become a crime if you don't do a good job," I told him."Consider it done, sir," he said before departing.

Serefina is the only person who can assist in saving this lady.Despite the fact that vampires and witches were enemies. I hoped Serefina would agree to assist me.I'm hoping for the best.

I'll do everything I can to save this lady. I can't be wrong about her since only one family has this color of hair she has-the legendary Giacommenti royal line--a dynasty of half witch and half vampire that has ruled this vampire realm for centuries. Many thoughts, ideas, and possibilities are racing through my mind, but I won't make any decisions until she wakes up.I need to know whether she truly has the Giacommenti royal blood in her veins.

I opened the locket that was around her neck.I was startled when I noticed the ring in it with the word "GG+ESG(E2)GWG" because I had no idea what it meant."This was also no ordinary ring.I had the impression that this woman was not an ordinary woman. I need to get to the bottom of this.


The room is so quiet that the sound of a needle dropping on the floor could be clearly heard. The power emerging from Serefina, the powerful witch, is sufficient to keep anyone intending harm at bay or make them think twice. Her red long hair was flowing in the direction of the strong wind outside. Serena's presence seemed to be welcomed by nature.

Her attention was drawn to Lotus, who lay still on the bed.As her palms were put on Lotus's forehead, she was chanting a spell. Lucas stood in the corner of the room, observing what was going on.

As she chanted the spell, she was unexpectedly drawn away from Lotus by a force.She turned to face Lucas, who was observing her intently.She narrowed her eyes at him before returning her gaze to Lotus, whose eyelids remained closed.Lotus's eyes were opened by her hands, and she looked into them as if she was looking for something."Sea blue eyes," she mumbled, attempting to remove the tie that had been used to hide Lotus's hair, but Lucas stopped her hands. She stared at Lucas, puzzled. "What did you find out?"Lucas inquired, and she swatted away his hands.

She didn't respond but attempted to untie the hair tie, but Lucas stopped her again, and she frowned at him."What is wrong with you?" she inquired. "You can touch anywhere on her body but not her hair," Lucas explained. He was scared Serefina might find out something, which he dreaded because he didn't trust witches.

"Why shouldn't I touch her hair?" What are you concealing? If you didn't trust me, you shouldn't have asked for my assistance."Serefina told him.

"You were the only choice." "You are the most powerful witch and the only one qualified for the job, so please do what you came here for and stay out of my way," Lucas replied, and Serefina laughed before giving him a serious look.

"We both know that I am not the only option. Instead of disrupting my peace in order you should have called my sister Marissa," Serefina said to him. "And we both know your sister is a psycho known all over the supernatural realm for her evil." "How do you expect me to associate with her?"Lucas inquired.

"I'll do my best to deliver your message to her."Lucas grasped Serefina's hand again as she turned to Lotus to remove the hair tie."I'm not kidding. "Don't touch her hair," he warned her.

"The more you do this, the more I want to see her hair, and a witch won't stop until she satisfies her curiosity."She waved her hands at him, and he was thrown to the other side of the room.Lucas attempted to stand, but was dragged to the ground by an unknown force. When Serefina untied Lotus's hair tie, her jaw dropped open in surprise at the color of her hair.

She was correct; she was not an average individual.She was a royal vampire as well as a tribrid (half vampire, half witch, half werewolf).

"Where did you find her?" she asked, releasing Lucas, who quickly got up.

"She was floating down the river," responded Lucas."Is she still alive?"Lucas inquired.

"She is no longer alive. Serefina responded, "She is not dead either."she added, putting Lucas in total confusion.

"She is trapped between the road that leads to death and the road that leads to life, and she is getting closer to the road that leads to death, which explains why she is no longer breathing." If her spirit is strong, she will survive, but if it isn't, she will die in the process, therefore her chances of survival are 50/50."When Serefina noticed Lucas's puzzled expression, she explained.

"The spell I cast on her and the charm I placed under her pillow will aid in her rebirth." If it doesn't work out, the rest is up to her spirit."Serefina elaborated more.

"Okay," Lucas replied.

"Knowing you, I know you are a deceitful man who doesn't care about people's lives until they benefit them. A man like you will not even consider rescuing this young lady if she will not benefit you in any manner. I know what you're up to, but it's none of my business. I also care about my gain too"she said to Lucas who had no expression on his face.

"Sea blue eyes, silver blonde hair of the royal vampire family, a half witch..." she said as she walked around Lucas, who remained still."a half vampire, a half werewolf..." she paused, looking Lucas in the eyes. I believe you need my help at least in changing the color of her hair so that people won't find her out." she said.

"This should be just between us," Lucas remarked, and she nodded."Of course".

"What do you want in return?"Lucas inquired, and a smirk spread across her face."That's a good question," she remarked.

"I'll tell you what I want in exchange later." "There's something else you should know about her," Serefina continued, and Lucas looked at her with interest."What?" he inquired.

"She's pregnant," Serefina said.