
The Love of The Alpha King's Mate

Fed up with her mate's adulterous behavior,she decides to make it easier for him and give him what he always wanted,"freedom". But what will happen when her mate wants her back even though she is already married?. The drama heats up as the female lead learns the truth about her past. She is forced to choose between her spouse and her mate. Who will she choose?

Anicki_M_1440 · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter Four


I slowly opened my eyes and was met with full darkness and silence; I couldn't see anything.I was perplexed as to why there was so much darkness.I was lost in thought as I tried to recall how I got here.Everything that had transpired had flashed through my mind.I recall collapsing when Arthur took advantage of me, but what occurred afterwards, and why was my head aching so badly?

I tried to rise up but couldn't because a large arm was wrapped around me.When I realized Arthur was here with me, I was seized with wrath.After taking advantage of me, he has the audacity to sleep in my room.I'm very disgusted.Why didn't I recognize his true colors before I fell in love with him?

"Arthur, get off me," I said, but he remained motionless.I attempted to get away from him, but he was bigger and stronger than me.I decided to wait for him to wake up before telling him what was on my mind. I heard the door smash open and footsteps outside.When the light turned on, I spotted Arthur staring at me with hatred and fury, while Charlotte stood beside him, also staring with disgust.I looked around carefully to make sure it was Arthur I was seeing. Who is the person in the bed with me if Arthur is here?

I looked at myself and realized I was partly naked, and the strange man on top of me opened his eyes and raised his head up, smiling at me."You are awake, my love," he whispered, kissing my cheeks.I opened my lips to speak, but nothing came out.I was taken aback.He tried to kiss me again, but this time I slapped him and pushed him away."Who in the hell are you and what are you doing in my room?"I yelled, staring at him aggressively.

"What kind of inquiry is that?""I'm your lover," he said.I was taken aback. Is the entire world going insane?I wrapped the bed sheet around my body before pointing my fingers at him. "I don't know who you are or who sent you to do this, but I promise you that you will not get away with it."I believe….

Charlotte, who was clapping and walking towards us, interrupted my speech before I could finish."Nice acting skills you have there, but we're sick of the drama, so stop already because it's not necessary." You can't mislead Arthur any more because we both saw you sleeping with another man today who isn't him. Bravo, Lotus. "You act like a saint but you are the worst of all," she continued.

I looked at Arthur, who wasn't saying anything, and the look he gave me told me I was in big danger.I was terrified of him for the first time in six years.I didn't do it," I had to explain to him."I just awoke to see this, I didn't cheat, I don't know any man, I..."I began sobbing as tears choked me and prevented me from speaking.

"So that's why you don't want to be with me anymore." You've discovered another man. "I'm very disappointed in you," he told me. "You will pay for this," he added.

For God's sake, I should be telling him this. Why has the table turned against me? This is not at all fair."Guards, take them away," he said, as the guards stormed into my chamber. Despite my protests, they took me and the man away.


My case was heard by the council and I was guilty according to the judgment and I will be executed for my crime. My face is pallid from crying so much. My eyes had enlarged to the point where tears could no longer escape."I didn't do it," I kept telling myself over and over.The prison was extremely cold and dark.I felt so isolated and empty. The only company I had was the sound of water dripping from the roof to the ground.My legs hurt from sitting all day.I laid on the cold floor, my eyes closed, falling asleep.

When I opened my eyes, I heard keys dangling.The gate to my jail opened, and light penetrated my cell. It was my lady in waiting, not the guards.I was quite startled to see her.''Don't ask me any questions, just follow me if you really want to leave here,'' she urged, but I didn't.She gave me a Stern expression.''Do you want to die here?'' she inquired.

"I'd rather die than see something bad happen to you as a result of this." "I don't know how you do it, but please leave now while there is still time, I don't want you to be punished because of me," I told her, wiping the tears from her eyes.

"If you're executed tomorrow for something you didn't do, I'll never be at peace." "I'd rather die here with you than witness that," she replied as she sat on the ground.I rose up right away, seeing how stubborn she was, and assisted her in getting to her feet."Let's go," I told her.

We were able to sneak past the dozing guards. I'm not sure how she did it, but I'm grateful to her.We were shortly out of the castle."I'll accompany you," she added as she dragged me to the carriage she had hired."It's pointless going back to the castle because they'll find out that I was the one who helped you," she continued, and I nodded.I wasn't sure why, but I wasn't happy.I had a feeling something horrible was going to happen tonight. I didn't mind dying, but I did mind something awful occurring to my lady in waiting as a result of my actions.

When I heard the war drum, it jolted me out of my reverie. I looked at my lady in waiting, and she looked back."I think they found out I escaped," I told her as she took my hands in hers."Don't be afraid, we're going to make it out alive tonight," she assured me.When I looked behind us, I saw large wolves hunting us and soldiers on horses.My lady in waiting transformed into a wolf, and I ascended on top of her. She jumped off the carriage and dashed towards the woods.

We arrived at the end of the cliff, surrounded by gigantic wolves, after fleeing for a long.Charlotte dismounted from the horse she was riding. Arthur was not with her because I didn't see him anywhere.I looked down to see the ocean of no return,even if I jumped down from the cliff into the ocean of no return,I will not survive it. I looked at Charlotte.

"So you really believe you can avoid your punishment?" she asked, but I didn't respond."Look at you, you look pitiful. Go down on your knees and beg me to let you escape," she added evilly.

"I'd rather be executed than do that," I told her, and she pulled out a revolver, beaming as she appraised it."I'm sure you'd like to see your lady in waiting executed as well for assisting a traitor," she continued.

" Don't involve her in this; she didn't assist me," I told her."Everyone knows she did, you have a good chance of saving her right now, the ball is in your court," she told me as I went to my knees.

"Please save me," I begged, and she smiled."Say this instead; my Queen Luna Charlotte, please save me," she smirked.As I slammed my head on the ground, I bit my lower lip."Please save me, Queen Luna Charlotte," I continued saying.I'd rather be humiliated than see my woman in waiting die. She treated me like a mother. I couldn't save my mother from death, but I can save her by doing this.

"Enough drama, get up already," she urged, and I stood up, staring at her."This is it how it should have been from the start. You are too lowly for the Luna position. You are a trash which belong in the dustbin. I'm the rightful Luna"she said to me.

"I hope you keep your end of the bargain" I said to her.

"Of course, I stand by my words," she smiled."You can leave now," she said. As I led the way, I clasped my lady's hand in mine.

"Goodbye," Charlotte said aloud as I turned to find her pointing the gun at me.The next thing I knew, I was being hugged by my lady in waiting.Charlotte continued to fire the gun while my lady in waiting hugged me hard.I had no idea what was going on until she plunged off the cliff while still clutching me, but we eventually parted ways.When I was falling,I realized she had saved my life by using her body as a shield.I didn't even have the chance to thank her well for everything she did for me.

"No," I cried as everything soon turned white.