
The Love of my dreams

What happen when you have two love interests each from different worlds?

F_Maestro · Fantasy
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The weirdo and the ex friends

Ok let me ask you this question, What is a school according to how you understand it?Many of you will tell me a dictionary answer which is A school is an educational institution designed to provide space and environment for the teaching of students under the direction of teachers. Well you are not wrong but you are also not completely correct. A school is more than just space and environment for teachers to direct students. It is a hub of diverse cultures where many different characters are cultivated. School builds the characters of so many individuals and maximises there potential in society. School itself is a society.

So let me take you back to your time in school. School had many different societal groups which were influenced by the different characters each group shared. The examples of these characteristic groups are the social butterflies, the jocks, the overarchivers, the quiet ones, the class clowns, the troublemakers, the stars, the clueless, the artists, the drama queens, the natural leaders, the slackers, the bullies, the nerds, the hard workers and many more that I may not know of.

I myself am not sure where I currently lie in these characteristic groups but I have been dubbed the nickname the weirdo. Well it may be because of my queer behaviours that usually so out of the norm. This has made me a sort of social outcast and it is very hard for me to relate to anybody. If I think about it maybe there is another characteristic group which is the social outcasts or the weird ones. I think I may belong to this group. But I don't really understand what is weird about my behaviour. Apart from suffering from chronic insomnia I think am pretty normal.

Well maybe not, sometimes I see creatures that are out of this world and look like things right out of a fictional piece of work. Yeah you must be thinking right now that this kid must be crazy or schizophrenic. I beg to differ I can clearly distinguish reality from fiction. I have learn to embrace my hallucination by channelling it into my art work and my comics. I am under medication but I usually skip my doses since I like being an insomniac. Haha kidding, I just don't like going to sleep. The dreams I have are usually very vivid that sometimes I think that I go to another world when I fall asleep. This experience is usually terrifying for me.

Anyway, enough about my insomnia let's go back to school. I would like to say that I don't know anyone in my school but that is not true. I know many people in school it's just that many of them avoid me like the plague because of my current state of wellbeing. Yeah I understand, to many people I look like a drug addict whom the drugs have left the system and is struggling to find more to curb the withdrawal effects. I can't blame them my insomnia does make me look like a drug addict.

In this school I have five ex friends if I could call them that. We were very close when we were younger but now that we are in highschool all of us have grown apart and all of them are avoiding me.

The first one on the list is Chloe Victoria. She is what we call a queen bee. She is a social butterfly who has a lot of clout in terms of social media presence. Usually she has an a entourage following her every where. A very cliché niche for a queen if I do say so. Apart from her clout she comes from a wealthy background that's why she is always surrounded by her snobby entourage who come from the same affluent society. Her character has changed in that she is materialistic and very vein. She is currently a shallow person who is very narcissistic. She can't think of anybody other than herself. The level of her bitchy attitude is very alarming. I am still wondering where the sweet and caring Chloe went. The next person on the list is Jackson Monroe. He is an athletic wizard, his build and figure just tells you that from the get go. He has the looks to back up his body and is the object of desire to many girls in school. I think he is a jock but also under the stars at the same time. He excels in many sports but the one he seems to enjoy the most is swimming. I don't think his character has changed that much he is still the nice guy that I grew up with. Although he avoids me, he still seems to show some care once in a while. Currently Chloe is doing everything in her power to make Jackson her boyfriend. There is then Alison Monroe. She is Jackson's elder twin and an all round type of person. She excels in all that she does, her studies and her extra curricular activities. She is an overarchiver if I do say so myself. Although she is a proud, bold,sweet, caring and diligent in character. She doesn't have any friends in her circle. Well maybe she has but none that I know off. She is sort of like a loner like me. When we were younger she was like the overly cautious mother type. Seems like nothing has changed. All that I can say is that she is the only one who has tried to talk and converse with me. She hasn't distance herself from me and is genuinely concerned about my wellbeing. She is trying to get me to go to 'rehab' because she thinks I have a 'drug problem' thus am in need of care but I know this is not the case. Out of all my friends she is the only one that I can truly call a friend. The next one is Chad Michaelson. Well Chad is a hugely built prick who finds pleasure in the torture of wimpy people in his eyes. He is a well known school bully and everybody avoids him at any cost. He is a known trouble maker and is well known for fighting in school. He has a couple suspensions under his belt but he doesn't seem to be stopping. If he keeps up this new character he may end up being expelled. I still remember when Chad was the sweetest person on the planet. He was like a lovable bear with a big body but an even bigger heart. The care he had for his friends was profound. I don't know how and when he changed from being the sweetest thing to be the most obnoxious person in school. I just wish that he could go back to how he was in the beginning. The last but not least is the smartest girl I have ever met, Maisie Neil. Since When we were younger Maisie seemed to be a genius. She has since proven herself having scientific breakthrough after scientific breakthrough and has been awarded many prizes for her various achievements. Maisie Neil when not in class was in the lab thus doesn't have that match of a social life or that's what I thought. I came to find out that Maisie's unseen presence was not because of her work but because she had become a known junkie. She lately plays hooky and is spiralling down towards a path of a destructive nature. She keeps the wrong company and lately the award winning young scientist I thought I knew is nowhere to be found

I see that all of my friends and I have grown Pretty distant and we are pretty different to what we were initially. I just wish that everything could go back to how it was in the beginning but sadly it seems it can't.

Today I walk back to a home that I feel like a stranger in. My life right now feels so bleak and desolate. The only person who seemed to bring some sort of joy in my life is now to be put six feet under. Why did the world have to take away the only person who ever cared for me. I miss the smile on her face. The comforting songs she sang when I was distress. I miss her comforting words and hugs. I miss my mother, why did cancer have to take her away from me and live me with a deadbeat father. A father who sees me as extra baggage to his new family. A step mother who sees me as nothing other than the help and stepsiblings who have put me on a road to despair.

I entered the house as normal and what had become the norm met me straight in my face. Be fore I got to my room I had acquired even more number of markings of despair on my body. The hell that was my life was becoming to much to bare.

I jumped on my bed and looked around the small confine space that I called my room. I quietly sobbed about what my life had become and then and there I realized that the only way I could find even a slither of happiness was if I could be reunited with my mom.

The idea of committing suicide always seemed to be stupid and selfish to me but now it was feeling like the sweet release I was yearning for. So I planned to commit suicide but with my suicide had to come sweet sweet revenge to all those who had wrong me. It was set my suicide was to take place on the same day as moms funeral so that my revenge could make a statement. I will make all those that have made me suffer rue my death.

The insomnia was there as normal but this only fueled my motivation for devisation of my revenge. I call the plan the Rue of my depart.