
The Love of a Vampire Prince.

"You are lying!" she retorted, her voice ringing with a blend of indignation and despair as she surged to her feet and crossed the space to his side. Her anger struck him as somewhat bemusing, and in a different circumstance, he might have been tempted to applaud her unyielding spirit. "I am an apex predator. I am what monsters and all things wicked fear. How could you imagine I would concern myself with something as fickle as emotions, let alone for a witch?" he asserted, his words delivered without the slightest quiver of doubt. His words landed like a blow to her very core. She had never anticipated such a stinging rebuttal from him. "If you can look me in the eye and tell me you feel nothing for me, then I'll leave you alone," she challenged, her tone calm amid the raging storm of emotion that churned within her. Her words felt like a knife piercing through his cold heart, leaving Damien to grapple with the weight of her final statement. He hesitated for a few fleeting moments before lifting his gaze to meet hers. "I don't," he declared, the words slipping from his lips with austere finality. Lauren's heart sank upon hearing his response; she sensed within her that he was not speaking the truth, but what recourse did she have? Before she could utter another word, the ringing of her phone pierced the solemn air. Engaging with the call, she answered, "Hello, Director." Briefly acknowledging the conversation, she swiftly concluded, "Alright, I'll be there," before ending the call. "Thanks for the meal once again," she offered in a flat voice, devoid of any discernible emotion. Damien found himself taken aback by the sudden shift in her demeanor, feeling the impulse to say something, but before he could gather his thoughts, she had already entered the elevator. Making her way towards the exit, she soon drove off, leaving Damien to stand before the towering windows, watching her departure with a silent ache lingering within him. As she disappeared, he turned his gaze inward, pondering the emptiness that seemed to pervade his residence. Reflecting on his actions, he found himself questioning whether he had made the right choice in pushing her away, but he understood that only time held the answers. This Novel tells a story of a halfie(half vampire half human) named Damien, who was the crown prince and heir to the throne of the kingdom Brennedon, and a beautiful young lady, Special Agent Lauren who also is a powerful witch from a very powerful witch bloodline whose destinies were intertwined to save the supernatural realm. will the witches put their century year old fued and animosity against the Brennedon vampires aside to save the supernatural realm or will they allow their hate consume the whole realm? journey with me as we travel the realm of the supernatural.

Medist_Winnie7 · Fantasy
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110 Chs

Chapter 93: Enchanted

"I did ask a question," he gently reminded her. "If I were to divulge such knowledge, what would be the fun in it?" she rejoined, her voice punctuated by a sweet chuckle. Exhaling heavily, he poured himself another measure of the cocktail, quietly accepting the continuation of his exchange with this enigmatic, captivating figure.

"In truth, my smile has earned me many an admirer over the years. More than one gentleman fell under its spell, as evidenced by my three ex-husbands—each one likening me to a siren," she casually disclosed, her response seamlessly answering the unspoken question that had lingered in his thoughts. Turning gracefully to meet his gaze, she awaited his response.

"You were married?" he inquired, his interest piqued by her enigmatic past. "Indeed, one cannot traverse the tapestry of centuries unaccompanied," she chuckled softly, her laughter echoing gently through the hallowed lounge.

Nodding in a gesture of realization, he comprehended her underlying sentiment. The notion of companionship resonated deeply—he, however, seemed to be the exception. Everyone deserved a companion, a notion that felt painfully elusive to him, particularly as the impassioned bond between Lauren and Damien burgeoned. 'That bloody vampire,' he silently cursed in his mind.

Her laughter pealed throughout the room, a sweet melody that embraced his senses. "What is it that amuses you?" he inquired, intrigued by her infectious amusement.

"Well, I'd harbor similar disdain if I were to lose Lauren to Damien," she confessed, her words resonating with a keen insight that betrayed her perceptive nature, leaving him mildly perturbed by the revelation of his innermost feelings.

"Why cling to a bond with Lauren when it's evidently unreciprocated, at least from what I've observed?" she gently probed, in search of the secrets that lay veiled within the confines of his soul, her gaze inquisitive, yet filled with a tender understanding.

With a deep, contemplative sigh, he downed yet another glass, the fifth to be exact. Despite this, the potent cocktail had only managed to mildly stir his senses, a condition owed to his unique lineage and magical prowess.

"Would you have relinquished your pursuits if you were in my shoes?" he inquired solemnly, his voice scarcely rising above a whisper, eliciting a profound wave of empathy from his companion.

"Yes, I would have, and indeed, I have encountered such adversity," she responded with an air of solemnity, the gravity of her words punctuating the hushed atmosphere. As their eyes met, he observed a rare vulnerability in her countenance, a touch of melancholy inflecting her otherwise resolute demeanor.

"In times long past, I found myself enraptured by the love of a human," she began, her voice tinged with a poignant nostalgia. "My affection ran so deep that I was poised to renounce my immortal heritage and embrace mortality, all in the name of love. However, my love was met with betrayal, as he conspired with the townsfolk to orchestrate my demise—a betrayal that left my heart utterly shattered," she quietly recounted, her recollections woven with the age-old ache of a wounded spirit.

"I'm so sorry" he murmured, his words tinged with genuine compassion. Her wistful smile conveyed her understanding of his heartfelt sympathy.

"How did you manage to carry on?" he inquired simply, seeking to understand how she had navigated through the aftermath of such profound heartbreak.

"I was compelled to relinquish love for eternity. However, you, as a witch, face the profound necessity of progeny to ensure the posterity of your lineage. Unfortunately, you are bereft of the same liberty I possess," she responded with an air of nonchalance, the weight of her words underscored by their underlying significance.

"Giving up on love is not a luxury I want to experience," he responded, his voice slightly faltering as the heady cocktail began to immerse him in the comforting haze of intoxication. Reaching for the bottle, he sought to pour yet another measure, when her outstretched hand deftly intervened, gently halting his intent.

Her ethereal, ice-cold hand alighted upon his own, sending an arctic shiver rippling down his spine, a sensation that quickened his pulse as he gazed intently at her, striving to combat the insidious intoxication that softly enveloped him.

Withdrawing his hand from her grasp, he eased back into the embrace of the sofa, the soft warmth of his flushed cheeks providing a stark contrast to the cherry hue of his lips, a testament to the depth of his indulgence in the potent corktail.

"The first moment I saw Lauren, I was utterly convinced that she was the one meant for me. She personified immaculate grace and infectious mirth, her smile akin to yours—immaculately beauty" he began, his voice subdued and plaintive. "Can you pour me another glass please?" he begged Serafina, his entreaty laced with an unexpected tenderness that elicited a flutter within her heart. Without pause, she readily obliged, tacitly succumbing to the allure of his request.

This time, in measured sips, he savored the drink, allowing its furtive warmth to intertwine with his reverie. "However, it appears I was wrong. I failed to elicit her affection as I had hoped, for I firmly maintain that love should never be coerced. Therefore I hereby resolve to move on, wishing her nothing but the utmost happiness" he concluded, his demeanor steeped in calm and grace, a resplendent tranquility that captivated Serafina, compelling her to regard him with an admiring awe.

"Is something on my face?" he inquired, his hand grazing thoughtfully across his countenance. An impish smile adorned her features as she gently shook her head in response, concealing the true reasons behind her beautiful smile.

"This cocktail is truly exquisite. I may consider a return in the future," he remarked, pouring himself another measure of the drink.

"Your opinion is influenced by drink, and once sobriety befalls you, the same prejudgments of us and this establishment would likely resurface," noted Serafina with a composed air, elegantly sipping her twentieth glass.

"No, even with my preconceived notions in tow, I believe I'd return anyway, if only to see you and engage in conversation. You are an exceptional listener" he declared, offering her an endearing smile—a sight so rare, and yet so endearing, he seemed nearly transformed by the gesture.

Averting her gaze to conceal her flushed cheeks, she encouraged him, "You should smile more often. It suits you quite marvelously."

"That's strange. I cannot recall anyone saying as much," he admitted with a faint pout.

"Perhaps because they sought not to inflate your ego," she rejoined, arching an eyebrow with a quizzical charm, her eyes twinkling with mischief.

Studying her for a moment, he suddenly burst into a joyous laughter, the melodic chorus enhancing the allure of the elegantly appointed environment around them.

A beaming smile graced her countenance as she bore witness to his uninhibited unwinding, the genuine laughter echoing throughout the room, imbuing the space with an air of warmth .

"Never did I fathom that I would partake in or sit for a drink with a vampire, yet here I am. I owe you my gratitude for your stubbornness in bringing me to this place," he spoke resolutely, his words suffused with a solemn earnestness.

"It was my pleasure," she answered with a gentle grace, her eyes reflecting an understanding that transcended verbal expression.

"Please refrain from that," he implored, firmly resting his glass upon the table, prompting an inquisitive glance from her. "Refrain from what?" she queried, wondering at the cause of his request.

"This," he uttered, in a soft yet determined tone, proceeding to gently pull her cheeks to both sides with both hands. "It unsettles me... your smile," he struggled to articulate, his voice faltering slightly as his touch lingered upon her skin. This intimate gesture caught her entirely off guard, leaving her incredulous, struggling to reconcile this moment with the fiercely resolute and determined Marcel whom she had journeyed with to Iceland.

For a suspended moment, they held each other's gaze, a profound, loaded silence enveloping them. Eventually, he withdrew his hands, and an uneasy tension pervaded the room, leaving Serafina at a loss for words or actions to ease the growing unease.