
The Love of a Lycan

COMPLETED! Snippet: A year ago Raine was discharged from mental institution and had to live in the orphanage. It wasn't the best place. At least not for someone like her. Until one faithful night she met him. *** He stopped the car. The clutched on the blanket tightened as Raine wonder if she did something wrong. She could feel it when Torak reached out his hand at her. Will he hit me? Raine shivered with that thought. Torak pulled back the hoodie off her head and gently tucked her hair behind her ear. "Don't." He said firmly, "I want to see you, don't hide yourself…" ************** “The spirit of the guardian angel will breathe new life into human child. Three guardian angels will be born into terrestrial world once again and the three of you will be their protectors.” “Protectors!!?” Jedrek snapped. In the end, he stopped walking and turned his back to look at the moon goddess from far distance away, his eyes glistening red with anger. His wolf was livid. “Why do you think we will help?” Kace asked while narrowing his black obsidian eyes, his wolf took control of him. He was the youngest among the three and the less temperamental among them. The three of them were cursed by Selene because of their ferocious action to gain supreme power and authority. The moon goddess didn’t bless them with a mate as a punishment of their atrocious way and forced them to involve in this deadly war with the demons. “You will turn us into a slave for those sickly creatures!?” Torak asked incredulously. “Aren’t you afraid that we will snap them into two?” The guardian angel was so fragile and they as lycanthropes didn’t appreciate the weaknesses. “No, you will not.” Selene said patiently. “You will not be their slave nor hurt them, you will cherish them in every way possible.” Jedrek laughed menacingly upon hearing this, they didn’t care about the resurrected of the beast, once they crossed their territory, with or without the guardian angel he would tear their body apart. “I will be the last person they will see, once I find them.” He was referring to both the guardian angel and the demon. But, the next voice from Selene was laced with mirth when she spoke. “You will not hurt your mate.” ============================ Session 1 (chapter 1 - 394) : Torak Donovan - Raine (completed). Session 2 (chapter 395 - 628) : Kace Donovan - Hope (completed) Session 3 (chapter 629 - 1083) : Jedrek Donovan - Lilac (completed) Session 4 (chapter 1084 - on going) : Side Stories ============================ This is a werewolf story and of course a fantasy! Since everybody has their own version of the way supernatural life, here I am trying to write mine. If you have read other werewolf stories, you will be aware there are similarities and differences. ============================ ***Caution! English is not my first language, so there is a possibility that you will find grammatical error (I didn't do it intentionally though), if it makes you uncomfortable, please let me know so I can fix it. *You have been warned ^^ Any constructive criticisms are very welcome! .......................................................................................... ##Meet me on instragram : jikan_yo_tomare ##Cover by: @Gisel.arts Check out my other stories: **PURPLE DAWN TILL DUSK: dearest through the time **THE STORY OF DUSK

jikanyotomare · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
1200 Chs


Raine hugged her iPad close to her chest when she heard Torak's statement as her cheeks turned crimson. She lowered her head and hid it with her hair, which fell down from both side of her face. 

"Let's sleep. We will go to our home early in the morning tomorrow." Torak grabbed her hand and led her back to their huge bed.

The word 'our' didn't pass without her noticing, Raine heard it clearly as she frowned. It had been a long time since she had this some place to call'home'.

The man, who she knew only for three days, have kissed her cheek, hugged her, washed her feet, got furious for her and offered the feeling of safety that no one had ever done before. 

This feeling confused her. It felt like she had known him for long time, as if it was a normal thing to be with him. 

And also there was this spark, the tingling feeling that was hard to reject. 

With this, Luna remember the thing that she wanted to ask, but before she could write it down, Torak had sat her on the edge of the bed and lifted her feet, before covered her under the warm blanket. 

He moved swiftly and gracefully, taken her by surprised, but the thing that shocked her most was when Torak got on the bed and slid under the same blanket.

She took the iPad from the table beside her and typed.

[Are you sleeping here?]

Torak propped his left body side with his left elbow, while he tilted his head to read the word. "Of course." He raised his eyebrows with this expression that somehow saying, 'obviously' kind of look.

Raine typed again quickly, for the past two nights, whenever Torak returned from all of his business matters, Raine was always sleeping. So, she didn't have any idea that Torak and she had shared the same bed.

"We have always shared the same bed from the first day you came, my love." Torak gave her lopsided smile with amusement dancing in his eyes.

Raine turned the iPad and showed him what she had written.

[I will sleep on the sofa.]

After she had made sure that Torak had read it, she was about to get off from the bed when Torak's hand sneaked around her waist and pulled her back. 

He cradled her in his arms. 

His left hand was around her shoulder while the other was holding her down by the waist, chuckling at her futile attempt to escape from his hold. His beast and he liked it when he teased their mate. 

"I will let you go my love, only if you ask me." He smiled mischievously. "Not with this."

Torak snatched the iPad from her hands and looked deeper into her obsidian black eyes, they were the most beautiful eyes that he had ever seen, captivating all of his senses.

Raine bit down her lips, wanted to cry in frustration. Torak clearly knew that she couldn't, she wanted to talk, but somehow she just couldn't.

She strangely lost her voice because of no one believed with what she said she was seeing. It was such a deep past trauma, and losing her voice was one of the damage.

There was other living creatures that human didn't aware about their existence and thought it was only a myth mixed with imagination. But, she saw them forthe past eight years and even some of them was trying to kill her.

Raine wasn't sure what Torak was, but she knew that he was one of them. He made it clear to her that he meant no harm, but Raine still couldn't say anything. 

"So, do you want to sleep with me?" Torak asked, trapped her petite body between his strong arms, looking at how she shook her head vigorously. Ignoring the gestured, he shrugged nonchalantly. "Silence meant yes."

Raine widened her eyes in disbelief. She forgot how afraid she was to look at other people right in their eyes, out of frustration she stared at Torak, her body stiffened when he rested his forehead softly against hers, taking liberty to breath in her scent.

Their position was incredibly close until Raine could smell the scent of pine and cedar from him. 

"Relax my love, I will never do anything that can hurt you as it will hurt me as well." The beast that has known to be able to make any supernatural being trembled in fear only by his roar, talked so softly to his mate. A pair of arms that could make his enemy perished, held her carefully.

There was no way Torak would let her to sleep alone even if by miracle she could talk to him. Moreover after her encounter with Belphegor, he wouldn't let her out of his sight. 

Raine let the words sank in her mind and when Torak kissed her forehead and laid down next to her, she remembered the question that she wanted to ask.

With great effort she reached her iPad again and typed. 

[What are you?]

Realized that his mate would start asking consecutive questions, Torak leaned against the bed head, pulling Raine closed to him and rested his chin atop of her head.

"Me? I am a lycan?"

[What is that?]

With that question, Torak spent the next thirty minutes to explain about lycanthropes and their existence patiently. It was the longest monologue that he had ever done. But, he never got tired of speaking when he had got to watch his mate's reaction.

Especially when he said he could turn into a big wolf. Her lips parted in disbelief, tempted him to seal them with his.

After the shock, she typed something quickly.

[Can you show me your wolf form?]