
Chapter 1

The rain is drizzling in the Wednesday afternoon, a cool breeze brushed over the open sign outside the bakery door and rang the bells. Sitting behind the counter, Bree looked up from cash register but disappointed at the unopened door and the deserted area in front of her. Sarah, Bree's co worker on the shift walked out from the kitchen and sighed, she sat beside Bree and took a sip of water before sighing again.

" Rough business again, huh," Sarah said, looking over at Bree, who is eagerly staring out the window.

" I don't know how long this will go for, it's almost closing time and we only had 10 orders today. This is not good at all." Bree said.

"I was inside the kitchen earlier and Mrs. Juggs was talking about taking a break and closing the store soon in a few months if the business continues on like this."


Yeah, she said this bakery can't compete with the new chic cafe down the block anymore and she won't be able to pay us if the business is this low. I guess we have to start looking for a new job as soon as possible. As a matter of fact, I'm going to do that when I get home tonight."

Bree looked away from the window and back at the cash register, " I guess so."

Just then, Mrs.Juggs, the owner of the bakery, a kind woman in her 40s who started the business 5 years ago in hope to help support her family after her husband got injured in his last work, walked out of the kitchen.

"Girls, let's close early today, Bree change the sign and Sarah you can start with the cleaning. Your paychecks will be in the second drawer. Thank you girls for your work today." Mrs.Juggs announced and disappeared back to the kitchen, wiping down the countertops and putting away her baking supplies that she wished could have used more today.

After Bree and Sarah finished and closed the shop, they said their goodbyes to Mrs.Juggs and headout to the bus stop at Rutgers Street, just a few blocks down the road. "Bree, my boyfriend is picking me up today to go over to his house to have dinner." Sarah said as they approached the bus stop. " Oh no problem. Lucky you. I hope you have fun. How's Ben doing?"

" He's doing great. He got a raise at his workplace and we are talking about moving in next month."

"That's spectacular! Oh I think that's his car." Bree said as she pointed to the white van that pulled up to the bus stop.

" Goodbye Bree. I will see you tomorrow."

"Goodbye Sarah. Have a good time!"

After Sarah left, Bree waited by herself for the bus, which was already 5 minutes late. The rain has started to slow down and the wind has become more friendlier. Bree shivered as she waited, she looked at her phone to check the time, 6:52.

Just as Bree was about to consider walking to a different bus stop, a shiny black car pulled up down the street and froze. The car didn't move and the driver, a middle aged man came out, panicking. He opened the front of the car and went to car trunk to retrieve his tool box but after getting it, he had no idea what was wrong with the car and stood there, one hand on his hip as he dialed for car repair.

Bree walked up to the man and looked over at the car. " you are having oil issues. Let me take a look." Bree walked closer and examined the car. She reached into the toolbox and started working on the car. After a few moments and a dirt face later, Bree happily fixed the car and handed the toolbox back to the driver. " Wow young lady, how did you manage to do that? How can I thank you?"

" My foster parents used to run a car repair shop so I have seen all types of car problems." Bree replied, glad that she could use some skills she learned to use.

"Oh I see, thank you so much." The man reached into his pocket and took out a forty dollar bill.

" Oh no, you don't need to do that. It was simple and I am glad to help." Bree pushed the money away.

" No but you saved me, the car repair service didn't pick up and you literally saved us. Usually we would have an assistant with us but he called in sick. If you don't want the money, what can I do to repair you?"

" Well," Bree looked at the empty bus stop, the bus had left when Bree was working on the car. " You can give me a ride home, if you don't mind."

"Of course! Get in the car. I'm glad to take you."

When Bree got in the car, she noticed that there was another man in the car, a tall man dressed in black and a black mask on. He was on his phone and didn't even look up at the new passenger in his car.

"Hi, sorry if this is inconvenient for you. Thank you for the ride." Bree said as she got in, she has black marks on her face from the car smoke and her hair is a little damp from the rain earlier.

The man did not look up.

The driver, who introduced himself as Mr. Peterson, started the car and started the conversation that made the car ride a little less awkward.

" So where do you live?"

"Oh, you can just take me to Brooksville Street, there is a valley nearby. You can stop at the entrance."

"Oh, okay."

"Thank you."

" So young lady, aside from fixing cars, what else do you do?"

" I am a university student and I work at a bakery. I am looking for another side hustle. University is expensive to keep up."

" Ahh. I see." Mr.Peterson looked up at the prismatic rear-view mirror and looked at the man in black, who is still concentrated on his phone screen.

"Are you interested in being a part time maid?"

" A maid?"

"Yes, we need a maid to help out around the house, Jack is not good at cleaning and his last maid left us last week. Would you be interested? It would be 4 days a week for a few hours at a time."

Jack, the man in black looked up. He has a defining sharp jawline, even if it is covered by the black mask, and Bree noticed that he has awfully nice dark eyebrows. " I don't want her as my maid. You can't pick someone up from the street and hire them on the spot. What happened to the interview?"

Mr.Peterson looked up at the mirror briefly and started, " This young lady is responsible and very well mannered. If she agrees, I believe she would be an amazing candidate. Besides, our schedule is too packed to have interviews for maids, Jack. You have 4 shoots this week and I have meetings front and back."

At this point, Bree has figured out that Jack is probably an important man with a busy life and a rude and unfriendly personality. Mr.Peterson is probably his manager who has too much to handle and not appreciated enough by Jack.

Jack didn't say anything and just looked out the window. Mr.Peterson resumed to Bree, " Say, the pay won't disappoint and it is basic house cleaning chores and light cooking when Jack is home. We can work around your school schedule

too. What do you say?"

Bree looked at her hand, then at her purse, which contained her paycheck that is unpromosied for next month.

"Yes, I take the offer. Thank you for considering me. I really appreciate it."

Mr.Peterson smiled, he nodded and glanced at the mirror, Jack looked away and looked back at his phone.

After 20 minutes of driving, Mr.Peterson arrived at the narrow entrance of the valley. The night is already dark. " Thank you so much, Mr.Peterson. I hope you have a safe trip back home." Bree said as they came to a stop. Mr.Peterson reached into his pocket and took out his business card. "Give me a call when you are free and we can take you to the house and get things sorted out. Thank you, Bree. I hope we work well together."

Bree took the card, smiled and got out of the card. Mr.Peterson waved as he drove away. Jack did not say a word. Bree looked down at the card, it says: George Peterson, manager of Loervus Entertainment, Jack Silverberg.