
You are a Sunshine of our life

"Eomma We have dumplings also!" Kookie giggled.

"You and your dumplings! I think my Titli wanna have some spicy tteokbokki" Mrs Choi expressed her concern.

Titli nods with her tearful eyes. She missed these moments a lot.

"Titli ?" The baritone voice of Mr Choi startled the members downstairs. He was surprised to see Titli and kuk here, together.

He looked at Titli with very much adoration in his eyes. All these days he had to control himself. Titli is like his own daughter, to be honest, she is more than his daughter. Mr Choi looked at the closed door of Hye won's room; his very own one. Does she know about Titli's presence here? He wondered.

"They come with Hye Won." Mrs Choi assured her husband after understanding the worries in his eyes. Mr Choi frowned. Wasn't it her suggestion to keep kuk and Titli apart? To cut off all the relations with Titli? Yeah, he remembered what happened in the past but he never thought of sending kuk abroad or cutting off all the ties with such an innocent angel like Titli. He let out a sigh. He will never understand his daughter.

Kuk was surprised to see the smile on his dad's lips. He is happy to see Titli here! Then why all these times he remained cold for him?

Titli greeted Mr Choi with her nervous smile. She is also wondering about everything happening around her; them.

"Oh dear, please sit. Why are you all standing?" Mr Choi was controlling his emotions. Titli is now grown up and very much looks alike her father.

"You guys chat. I'm coming with some snacks." Mrs Choi excused herself.

"Mom I'm coming with you. I am hungry!" Kuk followed his mom with his bunny jump.

"Thank you." Titli was stunned by the sudden confession of Mr Choi. She looked at him with her wondering eyes.

"If you didn't come to my office just for the invitation to your school drama, I would never know the real talent of my son. Thanks to you, Kuk is now majoring in acting." Mr Choi was grateful.

"It's my pleasure uncle. I am so happy for kuk" Titli was shy.

"I still remembered that day. Everyone is showing their joy and appreciation with their standing ovation, cheering for kuk. A whole auditorium is cheering for my son. I never felt that much joy and pride in my life. And all thanks to you dear. You showed me the joy of my life." Mr Choi was sincere.

Titli remains silent with a calm smile. Mr Choi is someone who showed their emotion occasionally, precisely rarely.

"You are like sunshine in our life, like your father".

"No uncle. I just wanna be like my dad."

" Oh dear, you are becoming. Your dad must be so watching you wholeheartedly, from wherever he is."

Titli is emotional after hearing about her dad. Though there is not much memory of him in her life, she remembered her dad in the best possible way.

"He was my best friend" He continued.

"I know" Titli spoke.

"You know? How?" Mr. Choi was surprised.