
The old Album

– Do you eat well? Kookie asked.

– yep. After a long time I eat so well.

– I see. You don't have work today?

– Nope. I get a day off.

– okay so now all your time is mine so help me out.

– Nope. I'm not lazy like you , I have laundry to do.

– you have a washing machine .

– so? I prefer to do by my hands

"I prefer to do by hands" kookie mocked and spoke, "help me out here."

"wha..." ; Titli was stunned by the scene. Kookie bought a Christmas tree. Its already half decorated.

– When did you bring it here?

– in morning, when you are busy in your dreamland.

– huh...but why?

– what why? Aren't we suppose to celebrate Christmas together?

– yeah but...

– what but come.

– your dad?

– he left in morning for business trip.

– oh

– don't waste time and work. I am taking care of the tree you take care of lights

– are you even doing anything? Why whole lighting is on me?

– because you stay here. Now work.

– shut up.

– five times, learn more words.

Titli knows she can't win over him in arguments, so she starts working.

– I'm done.

– me too. Titli spoke and looked at outside, its near evening. The sun is settling.

– wow, time passed quickly.

– yeah.

– hey kook ...what about the cake?

– huh huh you think I'm lazy? I already made.

– you really made cake?

– yes, come here.

Titli was speechless to see her dining table. Its filled with cakes, sweets, Donuts, ramyeons.

– when did you order these?

– I made this.

– Really? Let me try.

Titli take a bite of the Donuts.

– ummmmm... Its amazing.

– I know..I made .

– wow...look like you become something also except thief.

– huh. Now let me take pics. You have that album right? Bring it.

Titli is kinda shocked. He really remembers everything.

– hey! What are you thinking? Say cheese!


– yaah! Why are you taking my bad pictures again!

– why are you shouting on me? Your face is like that!

– aaaaahhh...you are...

– I know I'm handsome. Go and bring that album.

Titli left for the album. This boy always takes control over her nerves. But actually she is loving it now. She missed this for so long.

– why are you taking so long...

Kookie shout.

– I'm coming.

She comes with the album. Kookie jumped over the album and snatched it from her.

– woaa woaa... Cool down.

– I'm very cool; he winked.

They sit together near the heater with the album. With every page, the old days becomes visible to them. In the very first page their is a pic of little kookie and Titli with their first school project, Christmas tree. His mom clicked it.

– Hey dumbo!

– What?

– Why you called me kookie from the first day?

– Why not? You ate 5 packets of cookies in one hour!

– so what? I was starving!

– seriously? You had dinner just one hour ago before starting the project!

– but I was awake. If I stay awake at night i feel hungry!

– but how can you eat cookies...and they are all sweet in taste!

– because I love cookies

– that's why i called you kookie.

– huh

– huh...

– lets go to the next page.

– you look like a bear here.

– huh... You are stupid bear .

– shut up...

– learn new words...

They were lost in there own world. The snow flakes start falling outside.