
She is not an Orphan

"I don't think I can do it." Kuk sighed.

"Why not? You always want to be an actor!" Titli was furious.

"Appa will never accept this" kuk left the canteen with his tearful bumpy eyes.

"Now what? He is our perfect Romeo! And Tomorrow is The Day" Ye Jun couldn't believe what just kuk said a few seconds ago. He was the most excited one about this drama and now he wants to quit. After all these restless rehearsal hours, he wants to quit! At this last moment? How can they manage everything now? It's kinda unbelievable for him and also for Titli.

Kookie was overworking only for her. He comes from a wealthy and well-known family in this city. His dad wants him to join their family business. Kookie always gets whatever he wants. He always wants to be an actor. This drama is the very first step towards his dreams. She was so happy that she will act as the main lead. Though she knows she couldn't afford the costumes still she was doing two part-time jobs together. For her, the rich kid kookie started working as a waiter in a restaurant. He even earned for her, if his dad didn't see him that day this will never happen. Kuk will act happily. It is his dream and she ruined it.

She was cursing herself. No, she can't let it happen. She clenched her fist and followed kuk.

"Kuk...Kuk...listen to me at least ..." she places her hand on his shoulder.

"What?" kuk asked.

"Let's go to rehearsal. You will act. Rest I will manage". She tried to assure him.

"But...." kuk couldn't finish his word, Titli held his hand and started pulling him to the auditorium.

After school finished, Titli took a different road than usual. Her destination is now the Choi Group of Publication. She needs to meet Mr Choi immediately. The office is situated in the college square. She stepped down from the bus and looked at the building. It is huge. She gathers her courage and went inside.

"Excuse me...can I meet with Mr Choi?" she asked politely to the receptionist.

The receptionist kinda wondered to see a schoolgirl in her uniform who wanted to meet Mr Choi at this hour.

"He is in a business meeting right now". The receptionist replied.

"It's okay. I can wait." Titli drank some water to calm herself down.

It's been two hours since she is waiting. It's a new thing for the receptionist also. She provided her with some snacks and coffee.

"Can you ask again Mr Choi? I need to meet him. Please tell Titli wants to meet." Titli pleased.

"Okay, I'm trying." The receptionist left.

The receptionist again dialled Mr Choi.

"Sir, the schoolgirl named Titli, still waiting for you."

"What? Titli? Now?"

"Yes sir!"

"Why don't you inform me earlier".

"Sir I tried but young miss tells you can't attend her now."


"Yes sir."

"Okay for now, please send Titli inside"

"yes sir."

The receptionist made a gesture to Titli and she approached Mr Choi's cabin"

"May I..." Titli's heart was racing inside.

"Oh yes..come in". Mr Choi greeted her with a smile.

"So you will attend, right? " she asked joyfully.

"But I don't receive any invitation card" Mr Choi sighed.

"Here it". She handed him the card.

"Okay miss. I will attend. Here your chocolate now goes home safely. After you reach informed me okay?" He strokes her hair.

Titli smiled and bowed to him. She leaves the building with a satisfactory smile.

But Mr Choi wasn't happy. He called his assistant.


After a while, Young miss Hye Won appeared on the doorstep.

"Appa..." she spoke in a low voice.


"W...what happens? Why are you so..." she was trembling.

" Now you ask what happened? You make that little girl wait without any cause? WHY?" Mr Choi was trying to not lose his nerve.

Hye won was shocked. "Now you are yelling at her for that orphan girl! She showed her disbelief.

"SHE IS NOT AN ORPHAN!" Mr. Choi yelled again.