
Late for work,

When i saw him, i was late for work see i was suppose to be at work at 5:00 but i had woke up at 5:36 i was so late that i had to rush out the door and run to work and thats when it happened.

i had bumped into him, "im so sorry i was just on my way to work i work at a hospital, it's called normandy Brookes hospital", i was then trying to pick up my paperwork, then he said "let me lend you a hand".

he was british had bright green eyes and gray hair, i had said "oh no im sorry i didnt mean to bump into you, thanks for the help".

so he helped me get my paperwork together and i was trying to think of a way to thank him for his help i asked "if he wanted to get coffee sometime", he said "im sorry but what is your name and yes i would love to get coffee sometime but I'm on my way to work as well at the normandy hospital".

i was so puzzled because i had never seen him before at the hospital, so then i finally spoke up and said" you work at the hospital but i had never seen you their before then he said i had just started working their today," i was like well what do you do he said" I'm a assistance nurse", well im a nurse and i do have to get to work so see you their and about the coffee, sometime later this week, yes?. "oh my name is ezra"and about the coffee that would be great with his british accent.

I have to hurry and get to work see ya ezra oh wait i just got a phone call from my friend monika " heyyy girll how u been this week oh and again your late" wassup girll i been good this week and i know that im late okay, actually i had met this guy his name is ezra he is british has gray hair and he is really nice and polite but i cant think about that i have to get to the hospital, "finally you're getting out more you haven't been out since terrance i mean he was cute handsome and nice but dangerous well at least you've met someone "hey i told you that i dont wanna talk about terrance anymore".

hey I'm sorry okay i didn't mean- " it's okay I know you didn't mean to say anything about him".

molina just hurry up and get to work okay, "yeah yeah yeah I know I'm on my way so see ya ttylr" k bye.

Now i have to get to work oh somebody just called it's.... terrance should I answer! no i cant I..i have to hurry and get to work.

hey Molina finally you made it to work, I was starting to think you weren't coming ok lets get u checked in so how u been and why are you so late?.

uhhh well what had happened was, i just had woke up late, anyways how has your morning been. "my morning was fine thank you for asking so lets get you checked in okay".

"so now that anita checked me in I'm going to start working and check on my patients so see you later," hey molina wait i have to introduce you to someone his name is ezra and he is your new assistant here he comes now.

"hi my name is ezra and- hey i know you your name is molina right. " yeah hey ezra oh and we both know each other, I had bumped into you I'm sorry about what happened before, so your gonna be my new assistant I hope that we can get to know each other".

yes i hope we get to know each other better to so now that I'm your assistant we can start working together.

" umm okay so we have to start checking on the patients i have to go I'll see you later" hey molina can we go out sometime like we can get together sometime.....

And at that moment that was the first time in a long time i had heard someone ask me out since what had happened between me and terrance.

ezra umm no i can't i think that i would rather just get some coffee sometime this week so I have to decline, I'm so sorry but maybe next weekend but just not this week okay so i have to start working.

As i walked away i saw from the corner of my eye the sad look he had with his bright green eyes as he said ok bye. i felt so bad i almost cryed but then i thought to myself i couldn't go out not after what had happened between me and terrance. so i went to see my patients and i gave them a check up. And as the day ended i still felt so bad for ezra.

then it happened again i had bumped into ezra and he was so tall with his bright green eyes and his gray hair with his british accent so again i had said sorry and i almost didn't wanna ask about the date he had planned that i declined but i had to asked i was desperate " soooo about the date you planned" umm molina i never said it was a date unless you want it to be i mean i can take you to a restaurant sometime tomorrow "oh i thought that you were asking me on a date but ok now that we were getting coffe can we go out sometime together just ask coworkers" how about we make it a date as friends okay we can go to a movie and then somewhere to eat since your interested.

then i thought to myself this is crazy i can't go on a date with him butttt he did say as friends so why not but i hope he dont turn out to be like terrance so I'll have to keep my guard up, "okay I'll go on a date with you as friends". okay molina see you tomorrow then bye, bye ezra well he was nice and he's kinda cute so now that that's settled i can go on with my evening so now i have to go home let check out, "hey girll see ya tomorrow okay and it seems like you and ezra really know each other do u likeee him!" hey stopp okay were just friends and we are going out tomorrow sometime oh hey i forgot can i leave early tomorrow cause you know i have to go somewhere with ezra.

" of course you can I mean you have to get out sometime right u haven't spoke to anyone since what had happened between you and you know who so yes, you can leave early ok but then you'll have to do double shifts on Wednesday okayy" thank you see you tomorrow and on Wednesday. hey what are you young folks going to do when yall go out, Anita I'll tell you all about it on Wednesday right now i have to go home and eat and get some rest so see you bye. bye molina ok now to get home I'm so hungry.

finally I'm home meow meow oh hey fluffy butt how u been "meow meoww meow intraslation i had horrible day where were you i was trying to find something to eat i almost ate a mouse and i was looking out the window and i almost fell i could've died better yet died of starvation next I'm coming to work with you!!! meow meowww meow". ok so you had a wonderful day, "nooo i said meow meowww meow meow intraslation i said i had a horrible day these humans dont get anything so dumb meow meow" so fluffy butt I'm going to feed you now, and get me something to eat too then I SLEEP FOREVER well i have to go to work in the morning.

"meow meow meow intraslation your gonna be late for work anyways your so slow hahaha im just kidding your the best human everrr... sometimes meow meow".

ok good night fluffy butt night night.

so now that im ready for work i have to get going bye fluffy butt see ya, finally early for work now that I'm early maybe i could just.... dang it i just ran into oh heyy monika hey molina so now that your finally early for work what you been up to?.

ok so i have to tell you something so remember ezra the British guy so i didnt tell you that yesterday we made plans to go out today and its like a friend date or something, " you are going out on a date with the British guy" yes and his name is ezra.

I have to find you something to wear how about that dress remember from our girlls night the short blue one from the bar, nooo remember thats the night i met terrance he was so pretty with his bright orange eyes and his hazzelnut brown hair he was nice but it was somethings i didn't like about him but i will get into that later right now i have to figure out wat I'm going to wear now what was it you wear saying.

"i said, molina that you maybe should then wear something hot cute and casual so u should wear a. nice blowse and some jeans with your cute necklace and the earings that come with it with a nice small purse".

ok that would be good so I'm going to wear that outfit now about work don't you have to get to work too, "yeah cause you know ya girll got a job to work at the news paper place thingy yep i got a job i got a job!!!

ok so call you later monika, "yeah molina see ya later or tomorrow"

ok now to work hey anita how you beeen and wassup girlll, "hey molina i have been good how have you been oh and lets get you checked in" I have been great i guess, just trying to find something to wear to my friend date oh and were is ezra did he check in yet" no I'm afraid not sorry if you where looking for him he didn't check in all this morning so i guess he's not coming.

oh ok well i guess I'll get started and start checking up on my patients see ya later anita bye.

a few patients later....

ok now that im done I'll get going oh. ring ring ringgg its a call from.... terrance maybe i should answer...