
I met him

I walk into the classroom, thinking... why do I feel like the world's gonna close in any moment now to claim my poor little pointless life, or so that's what I call it.

I never understood love, it just went. Now don't get me wrong I've had lots of boyfriend's. Just... never really understood the meaning of true love eigther, so I ended up dumping every single one of my boyfriends or it was reversed once in a while, maybe.

How could people claim that they love you, yet... they'd probably only just met you or they probably liked you only for your 'pretty looks.' Boys. I never truly understood them. they walk around talking of girls as if we're objects. I sit down at my shiny mahogany wood desk, and I lay my head down.

people always said I was... odd. but, aren't we all odd in our own way? but maybe I'm just mistaken, maybe I'm too young to understand life. maybe I don't even have the right to stand up for people I'm not even sure I know, and I should probably see to my mouth shut.

I always used to wonder... what is the meaning of life. the meaning of anything at all. I always used to wonder if it was all a test of some sort, or maybe a lesson of the cruel, or maybe loving person who has brought us upon this world in the first place.

My father used to tell me, "you can't pour from an empty cup, you have to fill your cup first." of course that was before he vanished. not to be seen again.

Mother was so devastated about it she'd said, "fate is a cruel thing, love.", and now she stays in bed all day. she never does anything except get up to pee or poo. before dad had died they'd wanted me to get married to some stuck up richie so the company could be noticed better.

I used to tell him he was stupid to try, and get anyone to marry me. he didn't listen... but honestly, he never listened. that was dad's problem. he didn't listen, ever. my dad was an absent-minded twerp.

My head snaps up as I feel someone tap my shoulder gently. I look up, and I see the teacher looking dreary eyed. the teacher (Mr. quinn) gives me a Stern look and says," you are dreaming again Ms. covey? or can you tell me what I had just started to teach!?"

I frown, and I start to say," it was about, um, it was about...the, uh, th- "

" it was about the Greek gods... about their foolish acts, and whatsoever." a deep voice echos from the back.

I look back and see a pale handsome man leaning against the windowpane staring out into the sun, a certain fantasy and longing of it.

I frown, and the teacher shakes his head disapproving and starts muttering nonsense. I look at the man as he had looked into the sun, I ignore everything except him, he and I were fated the moment I looked at him, and I knew it.