

MartFord21 · Urban
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3 Chs

Chapter One

Selma's POV

My name is Selma Bello, and I am a billionaire and hardworking CEO of Bello Enterprises , establishing it's headquarters at Warwick. I deal in Supply chain and Logistics. I own other businesses and established couple of them in Asia, Europe and Africa. I have worked tirelessly to achieve the success that I have today, and I take pride in the fact that I am a self-made woman. Because of my achievements and how far I have come to accomplish the success I have long for and the success of my dreams,I don't allow snobs or men to overpower me. I believe I have a reason for ignoring men who wants to cross my boundaries to mess up with me. Although I've strived to this far, success has come at a cost, and that cost is love.

I was orphaned at a young age and raised by my aunt, who was more interested in partying than taking care of me. I learned early on that love was a luxury that I could not afford. Instead, I focused all of my energy on building my empire.

Now, at the age of 35, I am at the top of my game. I have everything that money can buy, but I am still alone. I have had my fair share of relationships, but they have all ended in heartbreak. Men come falling at my feet not because of love but my money and with the mindset of wanting to get advantageous gains out of my riches. For those who I thought would have a little bit of qualities all turned out to be some kind of fallacies. They had bad personalities, all the reason why I refer to them as " snobs". Due to these headaches,I have come to the conclusion that love is nothing more than a distraction, something that I cannot afford.

But that all changed when I received an invitation to a charity event on a luxury yacht. At first, I was hesitant to attend. I didn't have time for parties, and I have never been to one let alone to a club to either have some fun per say . I certainly didn't want to be surrounded by a bunch of rich, entitled snobs.

Call me dramatic, I'll take that but not antisocial. No, that'll be an offence on my path. Yes, I may be a reserved person knowing my stands and limits but you can't describe me as cold and distant. Or .....am I?.

I decided to attend the event even though I was hesitant.

But something about the invitation intrigued me. I dressed in a V-neck long black dress with shimmering glitters all over and straps at my behind.The event was being hosted by a well-known philanthropist who had made a fortune in the tech industry. He was rumored to be single and had a reputation for being a bit of a playboy, but he was also known for his generosity.

I decided to attend the event, not because I was interested in finding love, but because I wanted to network and possibly even make a donation to the charity.

As soon as I stepped onto the yacht, I knew that I was out of my element. The boat was massive, with multiple levels and a crew of people scurrying around, making sure that everything was perfect. The guests were all dressed in their finest attire, sipping champagne and nibbling on hors d'oeuvres.

I tried to blend in, but I felt like a fish out of water. I was used to board meetings and negotiating deals, not socializing with the elite. But, I put on a brave face and made my way through the crowd, making small talk and exchanging business cards.

It wasn't until I reached the upper deck that I saw him. He was leaning against the railing, looking out at the ocean. He was tall, with dark hair and piercing blue eyes. He was dressed in a sharp suit, but he wore it with a casual ease that made him stand out from the other guests.

I tried to look away, but something about him drew me in. As if sensing my gaze, he turned to me and flashed a smile that made my heart skip a beat.

"Hello," he said, extending his hand. "I'm Alex."

At first, I pretend to ignore his attention but he spoke again making it quite obvious to the people around me that he wanted my attention.

"Hello Ms, how's your night going?...err I mean...,how are you coping with the affairs of the event?",the guy whose name was Alex or so I heard said trying to grab my attention as he drew close to me away from the railing.

I eyed him unsure if he was really attempting to grab my attention .

"That's none of your business ...",I said then he used that as a cue to introduce himself again.

"Travis, I'm Alex Travis, it's a pleasure to meet you",he said extending his hand for a handshake of which I was hesitant at first but gave in to reciprocate his offer not wanting to be rude to him.

"Likewise",I answered shortly.

"So....um may I know your name?",he asked

I introduced myself, and we started talking. I don't remember much of what we said, but I do remember feeling a connection that I had never felt before. It was as if we were the only two people on the yacht, and nothing else mattered.

As the night wore on, we continued to talk and laugh. We exchanged numbers and made plans to meet again. When the party finally ended, I left the yacht feeling like a different person.

For the first time in my life, I felt like love was a possibility. Even though, I was unsure of this feeling whether it was what others call love or just a mere feeling, I can't explain for now . And even though I tried to fight it, I knew deep down that I wanted to explore this newfound feeling.

Little did I know, my journey to navigate love on the high seas was only just beginning.