
chapter 1 of The Love Bay

and then a boy came up and tripped her she fell on her back and then a bull and then he came and tripped Chris and then that lead to them falling together and then he fell on Kelly and then they kissed and they didn't talk to each other for two days (2 days later) oh hey Chris hey Kelly what what's wrongit's just answer Chris I really didn't mean to kiss you in the bully he came up behind me tripped me and I'm sorry I really am Chris I didn't mean it please forgive me I-i-i-i I really didn't mean it shhhh Kelly listen to me it's okay the reason why I accidentally kissed you any accidentally kissed me because the bullet came up behind us and shipped us both him and his friends thought it was funny and now we got embarrassed in front of the whole school and especially since you're new well yeah I guess Christy everything that anybody will ever stop thinking about it I'm pretty sure they will don't worry I got a plan Kelly come on he dragged her to his house and then they talked about the plan you want to know what it up it was then find out in the next chapter