
Polnorim II

'This could be the end for me too like the one's in the past' Dymton thought so but he shrugged it off. He had hopes and dreams and he wouldn't let the faith control him as it destined to be.

The trap that the swordsman step on, looked like it's a normal tile but this one goes down when someone step on it. Dymton think of any solution, but the mage is already aware that nobody knows what will happen if he were to step out in the trap.

"I advise that he should just take off his foot and see what will happen" the mage suggest to Dymton. But Dymton is desperate about saving his life and not putting it at risk.

The swordsman who had stayed calmed down the whole time knows what is happening with his leader. He understands that his leader don't know this kind of trap, but despite that, he is doing his best to solve such problem.

The swordsman rethink about his life. What could be there that is waiting for his return, he doesn't have a wife, a children, a family. His all alone, this make him thinks. That it would be better just to die that suffer more.

The man is about to step his trapped left foot up. As Dymton who looked at all of this going one feels like the time had slowed down, his heart beat so fast.

'Damn it no!' Dymton shouts internally. But as the man step up his foot nothing had happened. A silence broke out, but just a few seconds, the time they closed their eyes and as they open it again, the man is gone.

Dymton couldn't react to what just happened. He's frozen. He is so disappointed to himself, he couldn't even protect one of his subordinate. He blame himself, he is angry about how weak he is, but the mage spoke up.

"We couldn't do anything in that situation, the time his foot is up the magic circle is already below him. I notice it because, I'm a mage and that magic is quite advance to be used as a trap." the old man spoke to Dymton.

"You-" Dymton want to blame the mage for not saying it more faster or he could just save the swordsman himself. He hesitated because he knows he is the one to blame too.

"You don't have to feel sorry for it" Dymton said to the mage. The mage looked at him and said "I never blame myself for that. It just that I'm quite amaze of what this dungeon could bring us" the mage smile.

The mage's not minding the situation, get on the nerves of Dymton. But Dymton couldn't scold the mage, they were the only one's left in the dungeon after all.

"Let's forget what just happened here. Let's move" Dymton commanded the mage and the mage follows him.

They again walk to this long hallway but they are more careful because there must be more traps around. The recent accident that happened is like vanished to their own memories, they have to thrive and survive this.

After a long walk, miraculously there's no trap activated in there journey. They find themselves in front of a very first turning point in this dungeon.

There is two way whether they go left or right, it's up to them.