
Chapter One

Today seemed like an ordinary day. I swiftly completed my morning routine and joined the other maids in the kitchen. Preparing a hundred eggs and a hundred slices of bacon simultaneously, I plated them for the pack. Afterward, I tended to set up tables and clean the floors.

As I wrapped up, the pack was heading to the cafeteria. My attempt to slip into the kitchen unnoticed was thwarted by Mercedes, who always seemed to make my life difficult. She tripped me, and I ended up with a bleeding nose, glaring at her as she laughed.

After some help from Mrs. Haggadah, I retreated to my room. She offered hope for my future, especially with my eighteenth birthday tomorrow, but I couldn't share her optimism. My life had been one of constant bullying and servitude since I could remember.

"Oh my god, did Mercedes do this to you?" Mrs. Haggadah exclaimed, rushing to the sink to fill a small bucket with warm water. She quickly grabbed a clean rag and approached me. Judging by the copious blood flowing from my nose, I must have looked like a character from a crime scene.

"Yes," I managed to reply through clenched teeth, my eyes brimming with tears – a common reaction when anger overwhelmed me. Mrs. Haggadah dampened the rag and began gently cleaning the blood from my face. She then dipped Q-tip ends into the warm water, carefully tending to the blood inside my nostrils. Afterward, she handed me two pieces of balled-up toilet paper, which I inserted into each nostril, tilting my head upward to stanch the bleeding.

"Rest assured, your birthday is tomorrow, perfectly timed for the gathering of all the wolf packs, including the wolf king's pack. Perhaps tomorrow, you'll discover your mate and have the chance to leave this pack for a better one," Mrs. Haggadah said, her face beaming with optimism. Her hopeful words stood in stark contrast to my own lack of faith in the future.

I've endured a lifetime of bullying and have worked as a maid since I could walk and talk. My past is a blank canvas; I can't recall the pack I belonged to before being left on the alpha's doorstep in a basket. The alpha entrusted my upbringing to Mrs. Haggadah. As she spoke of hope for my future and the possibility of finding a mate tomorrow, I offered a half-hearted smirk. The unknown terrifies me, uncertain whether my future will improve or worsen. Still, a glimmer of anticipation stirs within me for tomorrow.

"Yeah, hopefully," I reply, unable to meet Mrs. Haggadah's gaze. Her smile fades slightly as she tends to the aftermath of my nosebleed. Dizziness and an impending headache grip me, prompting me to inform Mrs. Haggadah. She agrees to let me rest for the remainder of the day.

Silently, I retraced my steps to my room, ensuring no one observed my movements. Despite my efforts to be stealthy, I never quite mastered the art of going unnoticed. My biggest shortcoming was my perpetual failure to pay sufficient attention to my surroundings. Lost in my thoughts, I collided with none other than Kyle, the future alpha of the Dark Moon Pack. My eyes widened as I recognized him, desperately wishing I could slip past him unnoticed.

"Well, well, well, look who it is, and so early in the morning," Kyle remarked, licking his lips while scrutinizing me from head to toe, as though I were a meal about to be devoured. My heart pounded within my chest, and I attempted to walk past him with my head lowered, but he stubbornly blocked my path.

"Leaving already, Millie?" Kyle chuckled, moving closer. Instinctively, I backed away from him. While Mercedes was a nuisance, Kyle presented a far more dangerous threat, especially when isolated with him. My eyes darted around for an escape route as I continued to retreat until my back met the unyielding wall. 'Damn it,' I cursed silently.

Kyle's hands enclosed my face as he drew dangerously close to my mouth. "You know, Millie, if you'd just give in instead of being so stubborn, you wouldn't regret having me in your bed," he leered, his lips moving from my ear to mine. I tried to pull away, but there was no room to escape. His hands roamed my body, fingers gripping my hips, brushing against my breasts until he took one in his firm grasp. Panic surged within me.

In an instant, Kyle crumpled to the floor, clutching his private area and groaning in pain. I seized the opportunity to sprint away, rushing to my room.

Once safely inside, I locked the door and placed a chair in front of it. My heart pounded from the frantic escape. I lay on my bed, listening intently for any approaching footsteps, making sure Kyle hadn't followed me. For an hour, I remained vigilant before succumbing to unconsciousness.


I awoke to a voice resonating within my mind. Initially, I thought it might be my own inner thoughts or perhaps even the voice of the Moon Goddess. To my surprise, it was my wolf, signaling that it was now midnight – my eighteenth birthday.

"Hello Millie, I'm Ellie, your wolf. I've been eagerly waiting for this moment to meet you," my wolf, Ellie, greeted me.

"I've been anticipating this day too," I replied, sitting up in bed, a sense of newfound connection coursing through me.

Suddenly, three knocks echoed at my door, followed by the sound of someone attempting to turn the doorknob. Mrs. Haggadah muttered an expletive. I swiftly leaped out of bed, shifted the chair barricading my door, unlocked it, and swung it open. Mrs. Haggadah stood there, one hand on her hip, wearing a pointed expression, while the other hand held a birthday cake.

"Happy birthday, Millie!" Mrs. Haggadah cheered with infectious enthusiasm. The cake before me was a petite, adorable strawberry shortcake adorned with eighteen flickering candles. I inclined my head, silently making a wish, then leaned in to extinguish each candle with a gentle puff.

"What did you wish for?" she inquired.

"You know I can't tell you; otherwise, it won't come true," I teased.

Mrs. Haggadah chuckled. "Well, then I'll share my wish with you. I wished for your enduring happiness, a fantastic birthday, the discovery of your mate, and the departure of those bullies from your life."

I raised an eyebrow, a hint of skepticism in my tone. "Are you certain those were wishes and not prayers?"

Mrs. Haggadah waved off my remark with a knowing smile.

"Does it really matter? It's all the same to me. Now, come and enjoy this cake with me," Mrs. Haggadah urged warmly.

I followed Mrs. Haggadah went to the kitchen and took a seat beside her. She handed me a small fork, and together we savored my favorite cake.

"Why was your room door locked? You know I don't like you locking it," Mrs. Haggadah inquired, concerned in her voice.

"Kyle," I replied succinctly. The mere mention of his name widened Mrs. Haggadah's eyes.

"What happened?" she pressed.

I hesitated briefly before revealing, "I was heading back to the house to rest when I ran into him. He cornered me against a wall, kissed me, and touched me inappropriately. In a panic, I kneed him, then I ran as fast as I could and locked my room door, just in case he decided in case he followed me." Mrs. Haggadah's eyebrows arched in surprise, and she burst into a fit of uncontrollable laughter.

"What's so amusing?"

"I'm sorry, dear. I just had this mental image of you kneeing him and him ending up on the ground," I chuckled in response. It was admittedly quite comical, watching him in agony on the floor after what he'd tried. However, my amusement quickly faded, replaced by a somber expression.

"What's troubling you?" Mrs. Haggadah inquired, concerned etched across her face. I shook my head and took a final bite of my birthday cake.

"It's nothing, really. I'm just feeling a bit weary. Thank you for the birthday cake. I think I'll retire to my room now."

"Goodnight, dear," she bid me farewell with a warm smile.

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