
The Lost Tomb : Tibetan Sea Flower Part 1

People from all walks of life gathered in Gila Temple. Is all this a coincidence or someone deliberately arranged it? What is the meaning of the mysterious scorpion? What exactly is "the limit of the world"? Why is Wu Xie the only one who can save the Zhang family? Are the Zhang family members of the Hong Kong faction credible, are they plotting evil or accomplishing their mission? This is a brand new journey. Wu Xie and Fatty follow the footsteps of the stuffy oil bottle into the hinterland of the Snow Mountain. This time, can Wu Xie solve all the mysteries?

LittleClouds · History
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60 Chs

Chapter 57 The situation before

  Before I could finish speaking, she suddenly moved her hand, and something slapped on my forehead instantly.

  After the pain passed, I saw that what fell to the ground was the tea cup she was drinking from.

  I got angry at once, and scolded: "Old woman, how much effort it took for me to drag you here, your mother will repay her kindness and revenge."

  "You didn't drag it in vain. I know." Zhang Haixing said.

  I poked for a day: "Who the hell wants to wipe your oil, you second-hand grandma." After speaking, I saw Fatty laughing, and I said to my heart, "Damn it, it's not Fatty who molested her when I wasn't there." Right?

  Thinking about it, although Fatty has everything to eat, drink, prostitute, and gamble, his basic moral bottom line is higher than anyone else's. Of course, his moral bottom line is his own morality - I know Fatty should not be so rude.

  The fat man looked at me and said, "We're a naive little boy who is in the wind, and the little girl has posted a lot. You belong to the zombie cow eating the tender grass."

  Looking at Zhang Haixing's dark and ugly face, I said in my heart. , Forget it, he waved his hand to tell the fat man to stop talking, and said to her: "Don't make trouble, I really didn't eat your tofu, of course you are definitely a girl who deserves tofu. But if you think, we will drag you all Back to the shore, we have to sleigh to drag you here again. I don't have time to ask and do those boring things. I don't know if Fatty told you what happened along the way. The situation here is a little delicate, we can just talk about it. Right ?"

  Zhang Haixing looked at me, her expression still unsightly, but she gradually relaxed. I touched the bag on my head, and she just laughed.

  I looked at her with a cute smile, but the fat man wanted to continue to hurt, but I waved his hand to stop him. I recounted what happened to me and the fat man along the way. After she heard it, she frowned, and I said, "What the hell did you encounter on the ice lake? You have hallucinations. Those Germans who died should be in the same situation as you."

  "It's a bell." Zhang Haixing said, "A section of the ice sheet under the ice lake is suspended, and there are bronze bells hanging underneath. These bells make sounds when we walk, but due to the barrier of the ice sheet, these sounds are very slight. I didn't pay attention at first, and I didn't realize until I found myself burning, but at that time my own mind was very unclear, the last decision I could make was to run back, I knew there must be death ahead The mechanism."

  "There should be pits ahead." Fatty said, "The Germans must have suffered the same way, but they chose to run forward and fell into the pits. They took off their clothes again and were trapped in the They were drowned under the ice cap. When you were working with the Germans, did they tell you that they once sent someone here?"

  Zhang Haixing shook her head and looked around. I told them about the situation here again, and the fat man said, "If you didn't see it alone, is this place really empty?"

  "It's been a long time since my brother came here. , there should be a lot of things happening here." I said.

  That night we rested in that room all night, it was very quiet, nothing happened, and Feng also woke up in the morning.

  Fatty let Feng have breakfast first, and when he just got better, Fatty suddenly got into trouble and lifted him up. Feng was still chewing bread in his mouth, and was frightened by Fatty, so he sprayed Fatty on his face.

  The fat man was furious, he knocked him to the ground, and he cursed, "Are you hiding something from us?"

  Feng was inexplicable, so I told the story of seeing the German's body, and Feng Cai said, "That's with us. It doesn't matter, that's another department's team."

  Fatty said, "Damn, there's another department?"

  "That was a year ago, if we didn't have this team, our company wouldn't consider it. Acquire Qiu's loss-making assets. You let me go, and I'll tell you in detail."

  Fatty let go of Feng, he twisted his arm that was hurt by Fatty and said, "You are very rude.

  " Can the stuff be eaten as food?"

  Feng Dao: "Before our company acquired Qiu's property, many people from Qiu Company had been recruited to our company. This group of people had conducted a previous inspection and was in charge of another department. The way of thinking of the head of our department was, It was necessary to cooperate with the locals, but another department was very aggressive at the time. They went into the mountains alone, and then there was no news. I hadn't joined the company yet, and I don't know how they communicated, but I know because of this The company lost a lot of money, and the insurance alone lost a lot of money, and that's why it has to acquire Qiu's information and properties."

  Fatty said, "Then how are other departments doing now, why didn't you tell us beforehand?"

  Feng said, "Then None of the group came back, we don't know what to say, we don't even know where they died." "Sophistry


  "I believe him." Zhang Haixing said, "We have investigated them, and there are Information."

  "So, that group of people came a year ago, and they died here, and no one collected the body?"

  "Did the trap in the lake exist a long time ago?" Fatty said, "Little brother It's not mentioned in his memoirs."

  "Whether it's mentioned or not, we at least know a few unreasonable places. First, the bodies of those who died here a year ago were not disposed of; second, the Lama Temple It seems that no one has been here for a long time. Today, we will go into Kangbaluo to have a look. If it is not what I expected," I said, "something may have happened here that we don't know about, and we have had a change this time. "

  We immediately set off for Kangbaluo. At that time, I had already made countless preparations in my heart, such as a completely empty village, the village disappeared, the village was full of foreigners, and any strange future, I made psychological presuppositions.

  We were speechless all the way, and the scenery along the way was speechless, just like being in a fairyland. After we went around a few hills, the village of Kangbaluo appeared in front of us.

  However, what we saw was something we didn't expect.

  In fact, we didn't see Kangbaluo, but the village did not exist. We saw the same snowfield, and we could vaguely see the tops of several ancient Tibetan-style buildings that were occasionally exposed in the snowfield.

  We couldn't move forward. The snow in the snow was deeper than anywhere else. The fat man took a few steps forward and found that the snow here couldn't carry the weight of a person. As soon as he walked, the whole piece collapsed, revealing the snow. Huge gaps and holes in the ground.

  The entire valley was frozen, and Kangbaluo was covered in ice and snow, and the sun would never see the light of day.

  We looked up at the surrounding snow-capped mountains. Feng pointed to the black rock on one side of the mountain, which was particularly exposed, and said, "It was an avalanche. There was a huge avalanche that buried the entire valley.

  " Avalanche?" I said, "It seems that the snow on the whole mountain was shaken off and spread into this valley."

  "The mountain is getting hot." Feng said, "The geological structure of that mountain must have happened. What has changed, the mountain has become hot and the snow has melted."

  We looked at the rocks in the direction Feng pointed, and the fat man picked up the binoculars and said to us, "We have to get there."


  "A lot of people's bones . On that mountain, there are bones all over the place."