
The Lost Tomb : Tibetan Sea Flower Part 1

People from all walks of life gathered in Gila Temple. Is all this a coincidence or someone deliberately arranged it? What is the meaning of the mysterious scorpion? What exactly is "the limit of the world"? Why is Wu Xie the only one who can save the Zhang family? Are the Zhang family members of the Hong Kong faction credible, are they plotting evil or accomplishing their mission? This is a brand new journey. Wu Xie and Fatty follow the footsteps of the stuffy oil bottle into the hinterland of the Snow Mountain. This time, can Wu Xie solve all the mysteries?

LittleClouds · History
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60 Chs

Chapter 12 Entering the Snow Mountain

  first day.

  The snow was getting heavier and heavier, and all the prayers before leaving went to the opposite side.

  Sure enough, no matter who it is, as long as it tries to go to that place, God will not allow it. The black bare parts of the distant mountains seemed to be invisible now, and that place, no matter what time of day, could not be easily approached. That's not the place one should go.

  Are there any living things in this snowfield? Some people seem to have said that he has seen some big birds and white-haired beasts before, but now that I think about it, it seems that they are just bragging.

  The only living thing in the world is probably the three walking people. There were originally four, but that one had already merged with the snow-capped mountain before leaving. When that person got up in the morning, he was found to be drunk and dead. On the side of the road, and the underground stone frozen into a whole.

  A porter tapped all the ice crystals that could be seen on the road ahead with an ice axe, and the sound of the taps in the wind seemed to come from a mysterious and slow musical instrument. The second person is a stuffy oil bottle. He closed his eyes and followed the sound and walked forward, fumbling with his hands. It wasn't that he didn't want to open his eyes, but he still couldn't see anything while wearing goggles. .

  "Would you like to stop and have a rest?" a porter behind him shouted, and the stuffy oil bottle looked back, it was the oldest of the two porters, Laba.

  Laba is a Tibetan in his early 40s, but he looks almost 60. His dark face is full of wrinkles carved by milling cutters. This is the result of long-term wind. His face is red and he wants to drink wine. look. He was the eldest of the original three and one of the most experienced porters.

  "Can you take a break?" asked the stuffy oil bottle.

  "If we go on like this, we will only advance ten meters when it gets dark. It's better to wait for the wind to pass. Look at the sky, the wind won't blow for much time." Laba said, "Otherwise, we will waste our energy here, and we will have nothing at all. Results."

  "Then stop." The oily bottle said.

  They stopped against the mountain wall, but they could only stand and wait slowly for the wind to stop. The other porter was obviously a little collapsed, and when he stopped, he almost slipped and was caught by La Bala, who spoke to him loudly, Take all his spirits back.

  Laba breathed a sigh of relief. He knew that it was right to continue to walk under the wind pressure just now, but to continue walking, he had to follow the wind and walk through this dangerous situation. He could not stop, and he might have to walk all night before rest. At that time, if you stop, you can do a lot of things, you can live, and you can get a good night's sleep, so this bit of hardship is worth going through. However, he was getting old and couldn't bear it, and now he would rather stand here than walk an inch.

  When he said it, he was very afraid that the remaining porter would object, but obviously their physical strength was at the limit.

  In short, the situation is still under his control. Standing here, he slowly feels that his physical strength has improved, which is better than moving forward for another night and then slipping. When I'm old, I'd rather endure than rush. Accidents always come and people are overwhelmed. At his age, it is impossible to react as quickly as before.

  The stuffy oil bottle was very obedient, which made him feel a little sorry. In fact, he was a little curious about this stuffy oil bottle. He said that it was the whole of Medog, who entered the snow-capped mountains alone, and who took such a road. is the first time. This stuffy oil bottle, depending on age and conversation, does not know what the purpose is, it really makes people feel mysterious and unpredictable.

  "You don't seem to be doing things for foreigners?" Laba rested for a while, a few people crowded together, he asked the boring oil bottle, he needed to say something, under this kind of fatigue, if he couldn't hold on, he would be very uncomfortable. May fall asleep.

  "Foreigners?" Shouyoupin shook his head slightly, "Why do you ask that?"

  "Most of the people who hired us to walk these roads were foreigners, tall and tall, with blond hair, white hair, and eyes. Some are blue, and some are green, like cat's eyes." The

  stuffy oil bottle didn't speak, and the snow foam stuck on his face, so he couldn't see his expression clearly, he seemed to be listening, and he didn't seem to want to answer him at all. After a while of silence, the oily bottle said, "Is this the same way?"

  "There are people who take any road." Rabah said, "Each road has different dangers, but there are many foreigners looking for porters, and they want to transport everything there, and they give less money, and this road is in This season, we walk less, otherwise, maybe we will meet one or two other people. But these roads are not really difficult to walk. Everything is easy to do when the snow stops, and there is no way for you to go later. It's really scary. I said it, every time you walk, I will persuade you." The

  stuffy oil bottle didn't answer, and every time he came here, he stopped talking. Laba thought to himself that it was still time to come in. Not long enough, as long as he walks slower, one day he will retreat. The environment here is not something that ordinary people can bear.

  "Then why are you here?" The stuffy oil bottle asked after a long time.

  Laba was silent for a while, he thought of the children at home, why did he agree to that lama to come here at that time, he was selfish, he didn't want to go on, but if this stuffy bottle didn't know how to turn back, then he couldn't do anything about it . He touched the hidden knife in his hand. It was so easy to kill someone that he didn't even need a knife. "I owe money," he replied briefly.

  This very small movement was immediately caught by the stuffy oil bottle, but he didn't care too much.

  "What danger will we be in?" The stuffy oil bottle didn't ask him further, but asked a more practical question.

  "Dangerous? There is nothing dangerous or not here, let me tell you, in the snowy mountains, everything is your enemy, the sun, the wind, the snow, the voice of speech, the stone, whichever one goes wild, You are dead. There is no danger here, everything is dangerous, and there are all kinds of ghosts in the snow, people who died in the snow, if they can't find a way back, they will always wander here. "

  Ghost?" The stuffy oil bottle seemed to have heard a very interesting thing, "Do you also taboo this?"

  "How can anyone not taboo?" Rabah said, "As long as it is alive, it is taboo."

  "People are scarier than ghosts ." It's too much, people can't see it through." The stuffy oil bottle said, "A living person is not as good as a ghost." After he finished speaking, he glanced at Laba's hidden knife.

  Laba was a little nervous and wondered if he had seen through something. During the hesitation, the Tibetan knife had already been drawn into the hands of the stuffy oil bottle.

  "You?" The

  stuffy oil bottle threw the Tibetan knife into the cliff below him. "It's useless, you should throw it away earlier and put it on your body. It's too heavy."

  Laba watched the Tibetan knife fall quickly and hit the ground. The stone bounced off, then disappeared into the snow, realizing that he had met a ruthless character, and turned to look, and saw that the oil bottle was also looking at him, his eyes were full of indifference, as if it was not him that happened just now Do the same.

  Well, here, the knife is not really that important, Laba thought. Moreover, there is not only one person with a knife. In the road ahead, there is always a need to help or pull, and at that time, you can start at any time.

  The wind gradually decreased, and after the wind pressure like a knife on Laba's face gradually eased, he felt a lot more comfortable. Then, at this time, he saw something familiar to him on the mountain road ahead.

  It was another team of porters, walking in front of them, at a long distance, and they couldn't see anything in the wind and snow just now, and now only the black spots are revealed.

  "It's strange, this road is so popular this winter?" he said to himself, he couldn't shout or talk here, because it would cause an avalanche. He just watched quietly, and found that none of the porters moved, no movement at all, and all the black spots remained that way.

  "They are all dead." Laba watched for a long time, and suddenly said, "Those are dead people."

  Those must be dead people, and they must have frozen to death here, they are just like them, leaning against the mountain wall. Rest, and eventually all freeze to death, being stuck to the mountain wall by the ice.

  Laba suddenly felt a chill, he immediately stood up, and said to the others: "The wind is small, let's move on. Go and see who these corpses are in front of you."