
The Lost Swordsman's Symphony

Eli was an ordinary high-schooler obsessed with manga and webnovels, due to an unfortunate incident he passed away and was reincarnated into a fantasy world. Using his previous life's knowledge he embarks on a journey to become the strongest.

FlyinDonkey · Fantasy
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2 Chs

First Day

I was never one to believe in reincarnation, it was fantasy, just like the novels I read, all of it was an escape from reality, or that's what I thought until I found myself in arms of a beautiful woman who I could only assume was my mother. Her long brown set of hair, almost blocking the view of a strong bald man located behind her, his bulging muscles looked like something straight out of a sculpted statue back on Earth.

Judging by their attire and the rooms furniture I was confident this wasn't the same planet as Earth. My mother wore a brown Dirndl like dress while my father carried a sword on his hip wearing a black sleeveless vest. It seems I still have my memories from my previous life... but why?


Both of my parents were talking to what I could assume was the doctor who delivered me, I couldn't understand what they were saying but judging by their faces they were concerned.




The obstetrician nodded and looked at me, and pointed her fingers at me. "-----"

An electrical spark came out of her finger and hit me right on my butt.

"Eugh" were the words that came out of my mouth, realizing why my parents were concerned I acted accordingly. "Waaah, Waah, Waaaaaaaah!" Peeking from my eyes I noticed my parents expression immediately turned from concern to relief, and mine went from confusion to disbelief. It took me a minute to process, but I realized this world has magic, MAGIC! Realizing I've been given another opportunity at life I vowed in my heart to not waste this life, and life my life to the fullest with no regrets.






Or so I thought,

It's been 3 years since I came to this world and I forgot the most important thing about a world that contains magic, monsters. There were monsters in this world, twisted creatures straight out of a fairy tale, and they scare the crap out of me.

Anyways, during these 3 years I learned the language, and how mana works, sadly I haven't learned reading yet, I've been making progress associating words with the characters but I am still not 100% confident in my ability to read. I've also found out that my family is a noble one, thanks to my father who accidently saved the Kings daughter who was running away and was granted nobility. My father doesn't speak much about the king so I do not know how politics work in this world and how many kingdoms there are.

Anyways my father likes to boast and brag about his power, he is a very prideful man, a total opposite of my mother who is as humble as can be.

So far from what I've gathered from my father is that there are layers to a mana core. 9 to be exact, and there is a massive power difference between the 3,6, and 9 layers, each giving a huge boost to the users power. A layer 1 and 2 core could fight and if they have similar experience and skill set, the layer 2 core would win but not by a large margin. However if a layer 2 and 3 core were to fight, no matter how much more experience the layer 2 core has they could never hope to beat the layer 3 core.

My father has a 3 layer core, while my mother has a 2 layer core. It is also the reason the King was not opposed to my father becoming a noble since people with 3 layer cores were not easy to find.

I've also learnt there are 3 types of 'Magicians' called, Mages, Berserkers and Conjurers.

Mages are just like what you would imagine, they gather magic from their core and the environment and fuse it to create long distance type of magic like fireballs, water balls, etc.

They can also make aoe type of attacks like some powerful Mages can create earthquakes and tsunamis.

Berserkers also gather magic from their core but they fuse it with their bodies instead, granting them insane strength and durability.

The one that interested me the most, which is also the type of Magician that my father is... is conjurers. They gather mana from their core and fuse it with a weapon of their choice. Knowing lot's of webnovels from my past life I could tell this was the most badass one and the one that I was going to stick with.

Getting my goals set in my mind my first step to becoming a conjurer is to create a layer within my core, creating a layer within a core takes years and with new layers it gets harder and longer to create a new core. With the consciousness of a 16 year old I had at least a 8 year head start, to get a core before my peers. As far as I know 13 years is the average a person forms their core.

So with newfound motivation I started doing any other weeb would... meditation.

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