
The Lost Summers of a Lonely God

He woke up from the trance. When was the last time he slept? It must have been a hundred years at least! This can't go on. He's a god, but he's been working like a slave. His consorts have all left him. He no longer had a life. He picked up a parchment and wrote in the cursive women used to love back in the day when he was human and living among them like any other. "Dear Minister, I know you are the only one who cares about me anymore and I shouldn't be doing this to you. But I've had enough of this life. When you'll find this letter, I'll be long gone. Don't look for me. Yours, K P. S. If you're looking for a replacement, "S" would be the best choice. "

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29 Chs

3. Partners in Crime

"So, you're telling me that my aunt wrote half of the apartment in your name, in her will? Does that even make sense? I've seen that will a hundred times, okay? She didn't even give a cent to my half brother, so who are you and why would she give you half our house?"

"Call the lawyer and confirm. As simple as that. Frankly, my dear, I don't feel like having a chit-chat right now, so will you please deal with your mess yourself?" He got up from the chair and grabbed an apple from the kitchen counter. Mira dialled the lawyer's number on her phone. Arabella Swan was a night owl so she answered immediately.

" Hey, Mira. I was going to call you regarding the acquisition soon. The paperwork is almost done. You could move into the apartment by next week, if you want."

"Bella, I needed to ask you something else. Could you check my aunt's will for me? A guy has dropped out of nowhere saying he's my aunt's co-heir along with me."

"Haha. That's impossible, we've checked it so many times. What a funny guy! Wait, I have the file here." Bella rummaged through the pages. "It's here.." to my niece Ms. Mira Kristoph...and Mr. Kris Nadet, her guardian." What the hell? How and when did you get a guardian? This was not there before."

"Are you sure it's real? It definitely wasn't there."

"Of course. Because this is a copy of the original. You can fake an original, but can you, a copy? I doubt it. This is sensational. What the hell is happening? Shall I come down?"

"No. Not now, it's too late. We could meet for breakfast. I'll open the shop late."

"Alright. I'm free in the morning tomorrow."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Mira went to her room, the door was locked.

"Open the door, I need to get a few essentials from the room." She knocked on the door. There was no response whatsoever. She knocked again, with more vigour, this time around.

"Come on.. Open the door, you ditz. If you really want, stay in aunt's room. You're her heir, not mine. Open the door, come out, you moron."

That probably worked. Kris opened the door. He stood there, stark naked.

"What do you think you are doing?! Put some clothes on, will you?!"

"Why should I? I don't care. And if I don't, why should you? Don't tell me.. Are you this fickle? Do I turn you on?" Kris leaned towards the door.

"Move. I need to get my night clothes and other essentials."

"Please.. Feel at home."

Mira wanted to give him one tight slap but she has always been very patient. She went in and gathered everything she could at one go. If only she could magically empty the room, for she didn't want her stuff to stay in the same room as this strange man. There was something not right about the guy. He definitely had a weird vibe to him.

Back in the guest room, Mira picked up her phone. There was only one person she wanted to talk to, but she didn't want to disturb. She opened the chat app and texted,

"Hello, Professor Neil. Are you awake?"

No response. She folded her phone and sighed. The phone buzzed.

"Mira! What a pleasant surprise. I'm free to talk. Should I call you?"

"No, no, sir. Texting is fine. I'm in a bit of trouble, wanted to discuss it with you. If you could provide me with some insight."

"Well, shoot. I'm ears (and eyes)."

Mira explained the situation.

"Wait, wait. So you're telling me that you're staying under the same roof with a random stranger you've never met before?"

"Well, technically, I have met him once before, earlier today, when he came to the bookshop. He vanished after I fainted."

"Plot thickens. No kidding. Okay, but you need to be very careful. If you could get someone to stay with you, it'd be great. Or else you could move somewhere else. If you want, you could come stay with us for a while."

"Oh no, no, sir. I wouldn't want to burden you. Actually, I've recently bought the apartment above our shop. I bought it thinking that'd save me the travel. I suppose that's be ready by next week. Until then, I'd manage somehow. I've asked my lawyer to drop by tomorrow morning. "

" Good thinking. But be very careful, observe his moves. He could be a thief or a scammer for all we know. From what you've told me, the chances of him being the latter is very high. You should inform the police, actually. But I know you wouldn't. Things might get worse. "

" Yes, that's why I'm in such a dilemma. Not sure how I should deal with this. "

" Let's do this. I'll drop by tomorrow evening. I'll meet this guy once. He should know that there are people looking out for you. He might feel the need to be careful, if not feeling threatened. "

" Okay, sir. I'd appreciate that. Thank you so much."

"No problem. After all, you're one of the few students I wish to teach. I really hope you'd consider joining for a Master's degree this year. I can save a slot for you."

"I'll think about it, sir. I really want to do it, but as you know... Circumstances."

"Yes, of course. But I want you to think about it. All right, then. See you tomorrow. Goodnight."

"Goodnight, sir."

She closed the phone and thanked her lucky stars for someone like him in her life. She had an interest in history and theology from childhood on. She met Prof. Neil at a lecture once during her teens. He was intrigued by her as much as she was, so he gave her his contact details; he never expected her to keep in touch, though. She used to call him regarding all sorts of interesting theories and doubts that she'd come up with herself. Later, they'd talk via mail. He'd send her his papers and she'd give her opinions which were mostly very valid too. For someone with no special qualifications, she was a prodigy. He was proud of her and wanted to show her off to the world. It was then that her world started falling apart.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

She opened her eyes. It looked like a prison. Panic-stricken, she frantically looked around, and saw few pairs of feet walking her way.

"You're awake, then. Are you in your senses now? Or are you still thinking about that 'God' of yours? Tell me when you're my wife again and I'll let you out. Why aren't you speaking, Mira? You were so full of yourself, otherwise? Few days in the prison changed you?"

" I.. I'm sorry. " Mira muttered. She didn't know the situation but she felt it was better to deal it with tact.

" What? "

" I'm really sorry. It won't happen again. I will reflect on the past. "

" Mira.., " the man had tears in his eyes, "are you serious? This is wonderful! [To his servants] You there! Prepare the princess' room. Escort her to the palace!"

In the present, Mira stirred in her sleep. A voice whispered in her ears.

"Really? Are you going back to that husband of yours after making me come all this way? I thought I was your only God. If you do this, I'll be jealous of your husband, you know?"

Mira could feel the panic in her chest. The voice continued.

"Well, doesn't matter. That's in the past. In the present, you will be mine and I, yours. Mira will be Krsna's and Krsna, Mira's."

"My lord..", she whispered as she fell deeper into sleep.