
The Lost Summers of a Lonely God

He woke up from the trance. When was the last time he slept? It must have been a hundred years at least! This can't go on. He's a god, but he's been working like a slave. His consorts have all left him. He no longer had a life. He picked up a parchment and wrote in the cursive women used to love back in the day when he was human and living among them like any other. "Dear Minister, I know you are the only one who cares about me anymore and I shouldn't be doing this to you. But I've had enough of this life. When you'll find this letter, I'll be long gone. Don't look for me. Yours, K P. S. If you're looking for a replacement, "S" would be the best choice. "

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28. Letters to S. Emanuel

Kris couldn't help feeling uneasy about it: Why on earth did Calibus approach Mira? She probably knew him for a while now. This was certainly uncanny. For a third person, Mira is another ordinary human being. Why, then?

Kris picked up his phone to call Mira. No, she must be asleep by now. He called Pama, instead.

"Hey, can you help me look up someone?"

"Sure, who's it?"

"One Mr. Adam Neil. He's a professor of History, if I'm not wrong. I met him through Mira. But surprisingly, he was there with Midrak today."

"... the hell! I'm on it. Rest assured."

"Okay. Thanks."

The line disconnected.

Kris walked around the hallway, thinking about Calibus. What exactly is his scheme, seeing that he's involving himself so much in the human realm?

* * * * * * * * *

Mira gaped at the woman sitting in the middle of the room. Her garments were tattered and bloody. She herself looked sick and injured. She was beautiful even then. Mira looked around to see if the person who assaulted her is hidden somewhere. No, nobody else. Just them.

"Hello? Miss.. Who are you?" Mira asked.

"H.. Help me..", the woman groaned.

"Wait.. I shall call the police and an ambulance."

"No.. No.. That's not the help I want.."


"Just let me stay here.. Let me escape."

"What?" Mira panicked. Was this woman a criminal?

"I am being hunted by my husband's people. Please. Help me escape?"

"Oh. But, how?"

"Just stay here with me tonight as I heal, and tomorrow, just drop me near the harbour."

"Okay." Mira uttered while questioning her own sanity in assisting an unknown woman who could potentially be dangerous.

Mira went out after locking the door and came back after grabbing the first aid kit, and few packets of chips and biscuits she had kept for Gunny.

The woman had not moved an inch from where she was sitting. Mira hesitantly moved towards her, and sat kneeling beside her. The woman flinched with pain as Mira started cleaning up the wounds. She wiped most of the exposed wounds and dressed her neatly in bandages. The woman looked like an Egyptian Mummy once Mira was done with her. Mira sighed. Who could be so cruel? Was it her husband?

She offered the chips and biscuits to the woman; she shook her heard as tears trickled down her face. She pulled out a package from a duffel bag stuffed behind where she was sitting. She handed them over to Mira, who accepted it with much confusion.

"Please do me one more favour," the woman said, "Post these letters from different locations once you leave me off. None from near the harbour. This would erase the trail. If my husband's people find me, they'd do things worse than death unto me."

Mira couldn't imagine what would be worse than death. She imagined the husband to be some sort of mafia don. She nodded in acquiescence. It was almost close to day break. She removed the jacket she was wearing and offered it to the woman, who gracefully accepted it.

"I'll repay you for your kindness, for sure", the woman said.

"Oh no, it's okay."

"No. I've wronged you, even though you didn't know it was I. But you've saved me now and I'll be indebted to you. I don't like debts. I'll keep my word. I'll save you once, remember."

Mira looked at the woman quizzically. She did not understand half the things she was spouting but decided against probing into it. The woman got up and Mira followed. The drive towards the harbour was a long one.


Upon reaching back home, Mira found Gunny and Kris having an early breakfast. They had set aside some pancakes, fruits and maple syrup for Mira too. Mira hungrily gobbled up the entire plateful and batted her eyelashes, demanding for more. Kris and Gunny couldn't help but grin at this cuteness.

Once breakfast was over, Mira gave Gunny the keys and told him that she's taking the day off today. She might drop by in the afternoon, but she needed to catch up on her sleep. Kris left before Gunny as Pama kept texting him about too many customers dropping by as it was tourist season.

Mira went to her room, locked the door and pulled out the now-open package. She had posted few of the letters on her way back. Only a couple of them remained. She planned on sleeping for an hour, and then dropping the letters at some postboxes in the far end of the city. She carefully pulled out one, and with a wet knife, opened without ruining the cover. The letter was addressed to one S. EMANUEL, who probably was the woman's husband. She pulled out the letter. It was written in an foreign language. Disappointed, Mira put the letter back and sealed it. She set her alarm for one hour and covered herself to sleep. Near her bed table, the letter emitted a kind of luminescence which Mira did not see. The clock kept ticking.

* * * * * * * * *

"Hey, is Mira here?" Bella asked as she entered the bookshop.

"Not yet, is anything the matter?" Gunny asked as he packed some books for a customer.

"I needed the keys for the apartment upstairs."

"Why don't you give her a call? She's probably at home, sleeping, though."

"I'll go find her there."

"Cool. Please send her over when you're done. I'm bored".

"Haha, sure thing, kiddo", Bella patted his head and left.

Gunny smirked, "Kid, huh?"


Bella drove back and forth, but she couldn't find the house. Was she mistaken? Did she take the wrong route? She parked the car a little away from where she thought was the house and dialled Mira's number. A sleepy Mira picked up the call.

" Hullo".

"Hey.. This might sound weird but I think I forgot the way to your house."

"Huh? After all the years? Wait.. I'll come out and wave at you when you go around in circles."

"How mean! But thanks.. I really would appreciate that."

Mira rushed out groggy with sleep. She opened the front door and dragged herself outside the gate.

Bella couldn't believe her eyes. Like magic, a house emerged out of thin air, right in front of her. Like reality was clad in an invisibility cloak. She gaped at the bed-head standing in front of the magic castle, scratching her head. Would anybody believe her?

Hell-O Godlings!

It's been a tiring week.

What do you think about this chapter? Did you like the twist in the plot?

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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