
The Lost Summers of a Lonely God

He woke up from the trance. When was the last time he slept? It must have been a hundred years at least! This can't go on. He's a god, but he's been working like a slave. His consorts have all left him. He no longer had a life. He picked up a parchment and wrote in the cursive women used to love back in the day when he was human and living among them like any other. "Dear Minister, I know you are the only one who cares about me anymore and I shouldn't be doing this to you. But I've had enough of this life. When you'll find this letter, I'll be long gone. Don't look for me. Yours, K P. S. If you're looking for a replacement, "S" would be the best choice. "

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29 Chs

20. Great, Grand, Gargantuan Anticipation

"I smell something funny." Gunny was the first to notice.

"Sh*t, look outside," Mira said.

Blue flames roared at them from outside the windows.

"Mira, go get the hosepipes." Kris distracted Mira meanwhile he went out to magically conjured the same, and quickly dousing the fire. By the time Mira came back, the charred black hedges stared guiltily at them all.

"How the hell did this happen?" Pama exhaled.

"Well, I have only one name on my tongue right now." Kris clenched his fist.

"Helen?" Pama quipped.

"Wretched Truoy biatch", Gunny channelled the common anger.

Mira stood near the door with the pipes in her hand.

"Who's Helen?"

"She.. Er..", Pama looked at Kris.

"Truly speaking, she's a nobody. None of us have ever seen her even. But she's recently started stalking us."

"You.. Kris. I think she's interested in you. Mira needs to know. She might be attacked again, and she needs to be on alarm", Pama interjected.

"Oh.." Mira walked to Kris's side and he held her hand. "Is that why...was she the assailant from the other day?"

"I think so", Kris nodded.

"Sis, don't ever go anywhere without one of us, please?" Gunny had his puppy dog expression on.

Mira laughed and reached to cup his cheeks with one hand. "No. I won't go anywhere".

As they went inside, Kris received a call from a man named Mr.Alexopoulos. He went aside to attend it.

"Good evening, sir. Sources have it that Helen was spotted near your current residence."

"Well, too late Mr.Chairman, she's been here and done what she wanted to do. She almost set this house on fire. What are you guys doing?"

"Sir, we will soon send people to fix the damages, please accept our token of apology. I called to tell you that we need to install certain wards too, else she will keep on doing this. We're going to make the place invisible to her for a while, so I advice you to make charms which will allow people living there to access the property. "

"Hmm. Whatever you're doing, do it quickly."

Kris disconnected the call.

"Who is it?" Pama asked.

Kris started explaining in a way Mira understood it too.

"This woman, Helen, works or used to, at least, in an organisation called GRCHMA*, and I had reported to them about the recent events. They just got intel about citing Helen near this house, so I told them about the fire. They've offered to fix the damage. "

"Ah, ok. But we had insurance anyways." Mira mused.

"That insurance doesn't cover damages from fire, I checked all papers when I came here", Kris quickly informed.

"Oh.. Oh, then this is good". Mira looked cheerful again.

"Why don't you stay for the night, Pama?" Gunny asked.

"Naah, it's okay. We should all get some sleep. Tomorrow's a big day."

"Ooh. Can I come? Tomorrow?" Gunny asked eagerly.

"Of course, you can, baby! " Pama rustled his hair and got up to leave.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

The dawn saw a busy household as all of the residents were on the run to get things ready for the grand opening of the cafe. Mira helped with contacting the publicists, journalists and newspapers to put in a gentle reminder. Gunny called Leibniz and asked him to bring some people so as to pump the party spirits, after which, he resumed his role as the chef. Kris was confirming all arrangements one last time. Mira and Gunny started for the bookshop as soon as the breakfast got over. They needed to get back early today. Kris waited at home for Argus Alexopoulos's people to come do the rituals and ritual treatments.

"It's been cursed, Mr. Nadet", the priest from the Council informed Kris. "It's a good thing that you informed us and did not try to touch anything."

"She is really out of her mind."

"Sir, I suggest planting basil plants around the house. She seems to have demonic tendencies. If not, she's possessed. It's better to ward her off with more than spells and charms."

This reminded Kris that he's supposed to give charms to Mira and Gunny. Kris nodded.

Once they left after camouflaging the entire area with heavy spells, Kris drove downtown to a silver jewelry maker and chose several items: an ornate lapis lazuli ring, a pair of blue sapphire and diamond studded earrings in the shape of raindrops coupled with its necklace, a pair of raw blue tourmaline stud earrings, a chalcedony locket along with a silver chain, a turquoise bracelet with heavy silver knots, and a bead bracelet made of the 7 chakra stones and angelite beads which was for himself. He got them all neatly packed with the receiver's name on each of the box after carefully placing a charm on each of the items. He wore his own instantly.

* * * * * * * * * * *

Mira drove back by 4pm, alongside Gunny. Kris was waiting outside, near his car on the driveway; as soon as they got out of the car, Kris walked up to them and held both of their hands like a dad bringing home kids after school and brought them to the door. "Go on, I need to make a call", he said. Mira stared at his weirdness but obeyed nevertheless.

Mira went to her room, got freshened up and changed into a long black dress with blue sequins at all the edges and randomly on the body as well; and which occasionally sparkled under the dim light of her room. She wore no jewelry apart from a swarovski bracelet on one hand and a silver, stone studded watch with pale blue dial on the other. She did nothing much with her long curly tresses and let them be. As she got down, she saw Gunny dressed in a off-white suit with a deep night sky blue shirt within.

"Kris changed and left already — I just called him. He asked me to find and give these to you." He handed over the boxes. "I got one too," he added excitedly. They moved to the dining table and unwrapped the presents.

Mira opened the raw blue tourmaline studs first. It was beautiful. Maybe she could wear it with the dress, she thought.

"Wooooow!" Gunny shouted. "I love it!!!"

He held up the antique looking lapis lazuli ring, which he quickly wore on his index finger. Mira felt happy for him. She undid the wrapping of the other box.

"Omg! That's gorgeous!" Gunny was high on energies. "Wear it! It would look brilliant with this dress."

Mira smiled as she kept gazing at the blue sapphire and diamond earrings and necklace set. She yearned for Kris right now. Only if he'd make her wear this like in the movies.

Gunny took the cue; he grabbed the necklace and placed it around her neck. She laughed loudly.

"May I, dear sister?"

"Yes, please", she grinned.

She put on the earrings herself and Gunny grabbed her hand to go stand in front of the large victorian mirror in the hallway. They looked like royalty from some unknown era. They two looked at each other and grinned.

[A/N: he pronounces it like Gri'hma]

BIG NEWS: We have won the Bronze Tier in WPC 138 <3 Thank you all and please keep supporting the work if you like it.

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