
The Lost Summers of a Lonely God

He woke up from the trance. When was the last time he slept? It must have been a hundred years at least! This can't go on. He's a god, but he's been working like a slave. His consorts have all left him. He no longer had a life. He picked up a parchment and wrote in the cursive women used to love back in the day when he was human and living among them like any other. "Dear Minister, I know you are the only one who cares about me anymore and I shouldn't be doing this to you. But I've had enough of this life. When you'll find this letter, I'll be long gone. Don't look for me. Yours, K P. S. If you're looking for a replacement, "S" would be the best choice. "

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29 Chs

10. Not-at-all Mother

The woman named Pootna threw her burning cigarette butt on the fairly new carpet and crushed it with her shoes. Mira frowned. The woman looked fashionable but in a witchy-witch way; had absolutely no manners, but. Without looking at the guy named Sive again, she walked out of the house. Mira stared at the open door and Sive's formidable figure from behind.

Outside, Pootna walked into a time hole and was sent back to another world. Pama watched from afar, sitting in her car, punching a text to Kris.

"She's left, where are you? Please come back."

Not delivered.

Then she had an idea. She turned on the ignition and her red Lamborghini Avendator roared across the street and towards the destination.

Inside, Sive turned to face Mira.

"Hello. I'm Kris's friend, Sive." He bowed instead of extending his hands. He looked tall and well-maintained. Must be working out every single day, Mira thought. Sive smiled and extended his hand.

"Nice to meet you."

Mira reciprocated.

"Where's Kris?", she asked.

"Pama is on her way to find him", Sive sensed the answer and responded.

"Ah.. Okay. Thanks a lot. What happened? I mean, who's that woman?"

"It's a long story", he walked to the dining table and he pulled a chair out, "but I have plenty of time today. Why don't you sit, I'll explain."

Mira complied.

"Well, you might not know, Kris was adopted at a very young age. His birth parents had passed away and his foster parents raised him in a small village in India. When he was a child, out of jealousy, this relative of his — the woman who was here earlier — tried to kill him by feeding him milk after applying poison on her bosom. The baby bit her thing off; Kris was very sensitive as a baby too. His foster parents arrived just in time to save the baby. This woman was handed over to the police. Therefore, she was here to avenge herself. Although he overcame death and other dangers, he developed a certain phobia towards this woman, and whenever she appeared before him, he tend to crumble down into an emotional mess. He must be hiding in a dark room somewhere. "

Mira thought of Kris and the image of a pathetic, whimpering boy popped up in her mind. Poor thing! He must have been scarred for a lifetime!

Only if it were a lifetime, thought Sive as he got up to leave, but Mira stopped him.

" Would you like to stay until Kris gets back? "

" Oh, I would love to..!" Sive grinned.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Leibniz was waiting outside his lab. He knew someone was going to come. He tapped his feet nervously and stood fidgeting with his phone. The red supercar squealed to a stop in front of him.

"Wow!", he exhaled.

Pama got out suavely ; nothing looked more chic than a sensuous woman driving a trendy machine, thought Leibniz. But she was here for business.

"You're here", Leibniz adjusted his glasses.

"You knew?"

"I guessed."

"Good work. Where's he?"

"He's hiding inside my ammonium chloride cabin."

"Ugh. One big baby, he is."

Pama walked in, led by Leibniz, and opened the cabin. Because of tears, his face looked blue and frozen. Must be the ionic reaction, Pama thought. With Leibniz's help, she dragged Kris out and wiped his face with some warm water. He was still nervous and crying. Fear floated in his eyes.

"Sive came down. That woman is gone."

"Pama.. What kind of a god am I? I am ashamed of myself." Kris cried even more.

"You're a "real" god. Not a fictional narrative of one, Kris. You have real emotions and you feel them all. So what? That is what makes you special. Sive is like you too. You know that! You're strong men, but that doesn't make you invincible from pain."

" Mmm.. I'm sorry for worrying you guys. "

" It's ok, now get your rear back to your place. Mira must be worried too. "

The thought of her waiting worriedly made him want to run out as quickly as possible. She must be petrified. Everything was so sudden. Kris got up and along with Pama, left for home.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

" So, you are telling me that you have a third eye? "

" Yes, do you want me to show you?"

"Yes, please."

"Naaaah.. What if you fall for me after seeing my, you know, thing??"

Mira roared with laughter upon hearing this.

Kris could hear Sive's booming voice joining with Mira's musical laughter. Kris was burning with intense emotions. How dare Sive make a pass at Mira? His Mira? He stomped his way into the house.

" What do you think you are doing here?"

"What a way to welcome a brother! Do you think I came here to have fun? I helped. Ask Mira if you don't believe me."

Kris wanted to say yes, you are having a bit too much fun, but he simply stood there, fuming with anger. Pama walked up to stand beside him,

" Ooh. What do we have here? War of the Gods? "

Mira intervened, " Kris, really. That woman was scary. Sive was such a sweetheart to have come all the way and also, to stay with me until you got back. I'm jealous of you guys. I don't have even one friend like that. You seem to have two. "

Kris calmed a bit as he saw Mira's ocean eyes getting moist. She bit down the tearfulness. Kris wanted to make her feel better. The anger washed away in waves of kindness.

" Why don't you stay for dinner? ", he asked Sive.

" I'd be delighted to dine with such great people." Sive never seemed like a flatterer before; Kris saw Sive in a new light.

"Ooh... No wonder you had such great relationships before. Such a smooth-talker, you are... dear Lord." Pama winked at him and Sive grinned happily. Mira looked at him with admiration. Kris saw only Mira's smile. That was enough for him. He smiled.

Will he ever be able to make her laugh like how Sive did a while ago?

Kris bit his own lips, trying to come to terms with his own emotions.

"Kris?" Mira called. "Want to come for a walk with me?"

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