
Prologue: 250 Years Ago

He did not remember a lot of what happened when he was young...he just remembers darkness, everyone was depressed at that time. Even nature was dark, he remembers children getting separated from their families, financial problems, war, broken souls, crimes and don't get me started with the murders that have been happening.

He recalls that when he was at the Sunshine Orphanage everyone there was so happy, he even was happy. One day before the event that would change his life forever happened. He was calmly sleeping but out of nowhere a little boy woke him up. He heard a loud alarm, screams, and a lot of crying coming from outside. He ran over to the window to see what was happening, but nothing prepared him to see what had happened.

He saw big yellow and red colored lights, they felt really warm even if they were inside the orphanage. He knew that those "lights" weren't really lights, he knew what he had seen was fire.

He quickly ran outside to see if he could help, and that was when he saw it. He still can't describe exactly what he saw but he knew it wasn't human. It was a male, he had deep dark blue eyes, he had shiny-black hair, and could fly. That man...was burning everything near him. The poor boy cried, The man got closer to him and said in a very deep voice "you should be happy, I am saving everyone." Then the man gave the boy a slight touch on the cheek and set the whole orphanage on fire.

The man disappeared without saying anymore words, like if he was a ghost. Slowly the boy started feeling weird and he realized all the background noises had banished, he looked around but everything seemed fuzzy and blurry. He felt like his head was spinning, he could still remember the man. The boy knew the man did something to him for sure. Suddenly everything turned black, he passed out.

After a few hours, the boy woke up. He soon noticed that almost the whole town was on fire, he turned to his left and saw a girl next to him. He doesn't remember everything she told him, the only thing the boy heard was her voice telling him "WATCH OUT! TAKE CARE OF-".