
The Lost Royal Bloodline of Archantia

In the realm of Thaloria, a land steeped in magic and mystery, the birth of Prince Aleric marked a new era of hope. Born to Queen Elara and King Amed, his distinctive white hair symbolized a powerful magical heritage. However, destiny had a cruel twist in store. On the way to celebrate his first birthday in a magical forest, their carriage was ambushed by bandits led by the notorious Damien, who mercilessly killed Aleric's parents before taking the young prince under his wing. Raised among bandits, Aleric's royal blood was veiled by the shadows of his upbringing, transforming him into the most skilled thief and fighter within the crew. On the eve of his 17th birthday, fate intervened once more when a lord from a distant land tasked the bandit group with a perilous mission - to infiltrate a renowned magical academy and steal a powerful and elusive magical stone. Adopting a false surname to conceal his true identity, Aleric enters the academy, a place brimming with wonders and dangers alike. As he navigates through challenges and uncovers secrets hidden within ancient halls, questions about his true family and their fate begin to surface. Will Aleric fulfill his mission and uncover the truths about his past, or will the academy reveal a destiny far greater than any heist? Embark on a journey of magic, betrayal, and discovery as Aleric confronts his heritage, challenges his allegiances, and explores the fine line between being a hero and a villain. In a world where magic intertwines with legacy, Aleric's story is a testament to the strength of spirit and the quest for identity amidst the chaos of life's battles.

ErickVazquez17 · Fantasy
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71 Chs

Veiled Premonitions

As the masked man turned to depart, his voice carried a sense of secrecy and urgency. "Here is where I leave you. They will take care of your training and escort you to the academy. I will provide transportation there, but for now, you have three weeks before you must depart."

With a solemn nod, the masked man vanished into the night, his form melding seamlessly with the shadows as he boarded his awaiting carriage. But before he disappeared entirely, he leaned in close to Aleric, his words dripping with caution. "They do not know you are a bandit. To them, you are an orphan with no past. Keep your secrets close, for their lives depend on it." And with that ominous message, he bid farewell to all with a false veneer of cheer, vanishing into the darkness beyond.

Sofia Thorne and Edmund Thorne, beaming with pride at the sight of their newfound "son," showered Aleric with warm welcomes and hospitality. They eagerly guided him through the intricacies of noble etiquette and introduced him to the customs of their land.

In the midst of their conversation, Aleric's unique appearance caught their attention. They remarked on his snow-white hair and mesmerizing eyes, unlike anything they had ever seen before. Curious, they inquired about his origins, unaware of the masked truth behind his facade.

As the evening progressed, Sofia and Edmund shared stories of the once-grand towers that had adorned their land, recounting the ancient pact forged between the former king of Regalía Lion and the legendary wizard Elrendar. This pact had given birth to the prestigious academy of magic, shaping the destiny of generations to come.

However, Aleric's focus shifted when he learned of the academy's stringent entrance requirements. To gain admission, he would need to demonstrate an average mana level of 100, a daunting task that added an additional layer of challenge to his already perilous journey.

Deep in thought, Aleric glanced at the golden ring adorning his finger, a relic bestowed upon him by the mysterious masked man. Its power, granting the user an average mana when tested, provided him with a deceptive advantage in the face of this daunting requirement. As he pondered the implications of this newfound advantage, he couldn't shake the feeling of unease that settled in the pit of his stomach.