
The Lost Royal Bloodline of Archantia

In the realm of Thaloria, a land steeped in magic and mystery, the birth of Prince Aleric marked a new era of hope. Born to Queen Elara and King Amed, his distinctive white hair symbolized a powerful magical heritage. However, destiny had a cruel twist in store. On the way to celebrate his first birthday in a magical forest, their carriage was ambushed by bandits led by the notorious Damien, who mercilessly killed Aleric's parents before taking the young prince under his wing. Raised among bandits, Aleric's royal blood was veiled by the shadows of his upbringing, transforming him into the most skilled thief and fighter within the crew. On the eve of his 17th birthday, fate intervened once more when a lord from a distant land tasked the bandit group with a perilous mission - to infiltrate a renowned magical academy and steal a powerful and elusive magical stone. Adopting a false surname to conceal his true identity, Aleric enters the academy, a place brimming with wonders and dangers alike. As he navigates through challenges and uncovers secrets hidden within ancient halls, questions about his true family and their fate begin to surface. Will Aleric fulfill his mission and uncover the truths about his past, or will the academy reveal a destiny far greater than any heist? Embark on a journey of magic, betrayal, and discovery as Aleric confronts his heritage, challenges his allegiances, and explores the fine line between being a hero and a villain. In a world where magic intertwines with legacy, Aleric's story is a testament to the strength of spirit and the quest for identity amidst the chaos of life's battles.

ErickVazquez17 · Fantasy
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71 Chs

The Fall of a King

As the clash between the royal guards and the bandits ensued, hope flickered briefly within the hearts of the king's men. Bolstered by the presence of King Amed himself, the father of young Aleric, the tide seemed to turn in their favor. The king, a seasoned warrior, fought with a ferocity that inspired his soldiers. Yet, this hope was swiftly extinguished by the arrival of the bandits' leader, a towering figure of muscle, shrouded in smoke from his cigar, his presence commanding attention. With a longsword in hand, he cut through the king's men with devastating ease, his strength seemingly inexhaustible.

This fearsome leader introduced himself through his actions, his name unspoken yet his intent clear as he summoned additional bandits to the fray. The battle intensified, the air thick with the clash of steel and the cries of the fallen. King Amed, realizing the dire situation, locked swords with the bandit leader, their blades sparking with each collision. The bandit parried and pressed the king relentlessly, leaving no room for counterattack.

Amidst the chaos, King Amed called out to his wife, Queen Elara, urging her to flee the battlefield with their son, Aleric. "Go, Elara! Take Aleric and run! I will find you, I promise!" he shouted, his voice a mix of desperation and resolve. The queen, knowing her husband never made a promise he couldn't keep, reluctantly heeded his command, escaping with their child into the safety of the surrounding forest.

As the queen vanished from sight, the battle reached its zenith. King Amed, with a heavy heart and thoughts of his beloved and their child, fought with a newfound ferocity. Yet, as he engaged the bandit leader once more, a single tear escaped him, a silent apology to his queen. "I'm sorry, my love. For the first time, I cannot keep my promise," he thought, as the bandit leader's sword found its mark, ending the king's valiant stand.

With the king fallen, the bandit leader ordered his men to pursue Queen Elara through the woods, a merciless hunt that promised further tragedy. The fate of Queen Elara and young Aleric, now in the hands of destiny, was as uncertain as the future of Thaloria itself, their once peaceful kingdom now plunged into turmoil and sorrow.